Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I fell for my best friend's boyfriend

a wonderful breakfast

by mcraddikt 0 reviews

brendon and violet go out for breakfast, but who will they run into.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-07-19 - Updated: 2011-07-19 - 1110 words

For the rest of the night Frank glared at Breandon then at me, but
mostly Brendon. By then end of the party it was only Frank, Alexis,
Brendon, Alicia, Lindsey, Gerard, Mikey, and me. When Alexis decided
to leave Brendond and I led them to the door, but before they left
Frank went over to Alexis and kissed her full on. I knew what he was
doing and two could play at this game. Before they left I kissed
Brendon too. Brendon was confused, but responded.
" You guys are so cute." Alexis said.
" Thank you too bad other don't think the same." I said glaring at
Frank. Frank grabbed Alexis's arm so that they could go.
" Come on Alexis let's go." Alexis hesitated at first but then
followed him. When I closed the door and faced Brendon he had the
look that read " WTF?"
" It's complicated." I said as I walked over to my room.
" No way you like Frank don't you?!" He asked.
" Do not!" I yelled.
" Yes you do. " He said smirking.
" Okay maybe I do, so what?!" I took out my PJs as I spoke.
" So what?! He's you best friend's boy friend!" He stated the obvious.
Our whole conversation went on like this for the whole night. Brendon
ended up staying the night, not that I minded. I like having him stay
'cause of the company. We laid on me bed and I snuggled closer to him
as I drifted off into my deep sleep.
• next morning •
I woke up to a bright light hitting my face. I slowly opened my eyes
letting them adjust to the light. I stretch before turning around to
face brendon. He was sound asleep facing me. He was so cute when he
slept. I lightly placed a quick kiss on his lips trying to wake him
up. He gently opened his eyes and then smiled at me. I took off the
covers that laid on me and got up.
" Come on I want breakfest and i don't want to pay. " I complained.
Brendon came from a rich family so when I didn't want to pay he would.
" But I'm lazy. " He said buried his head into the pillow.
" Get up now or I'll pour cold water on your face. " I thretened. I
was nice, but when I wanted something I would get it one way or another.
" Yeah right. " He said.
" Oh really?" I walked over to my bathroom grabbed a cup, poured water
in it. He heard the water and jumped straight onto his feet. I laughed
to myself and then dumped the water down the drain.
" Not funny!" Brendon yelled at me.
" Yeah it was now get changed I'm hungry. " I complianed
" Im coming, I'm coming. " He said. I ran downstairs to go tell Gerard
where I was going since I was I his reponsibilty. I opened the door to
his room and found him and Lindsey asleep. I slowly crept over to
where they where and poked him in the cheek. He groaned and turned the
other way around. I decided that he wasn't going to wake up so I poked
Linsey she was like my sister.
" Lindsey?" I whispered. She wiggeled around and then opened her eyes.
She smiled and then spoke.
" What do you need V?" She asked.
" Could you tell G when he wakes up that Brendon and I are going to go
out for breakfest. " She nodded and went back to sleep.
I went upstairs to find Brendon waiting in the car. I ran to to get my
jacket and then raced to the car.
" Hey ready to go?" He asked and I nodded and got into the car.
" So where are we going?" I asked.
" I don't know you're the one that woke me up to eat. " I giggled.
" Where ever you want to go. " I offered. He thought about it and then
looked over to me.
" I think there's a new place open. " I nodded and stared outside the
window. It was august and very hot.
" We're here!" Brendon disturbed my thoughts. I got out of the car and
rushed over to Brendon's side. Right as we were waiting for our table Alexis and Frank walked into the restaurant. I stared at Frank and then I saw him smirk before he walked over to say how any people would be at their table. Alexis looked over to where I was sitting and waved.
" Violet! What are you doing here?" She asked.
" I could ask you the same thing."
" Why don't you guys join us?" She asked. this time Frank was stepping closer to us.
" Yeah why don't you guys join us?" Frank smirked as he said this.
" Sure. Why not." I said as the waiter showed us to our table. We followed and then sat down. I sat down directly in front of Frank and Brendon was at my side.
" What have you guys been up to?" Alexis asked Brendon and me.
" Sleeping in." Brendon answered.
" Well that's...... interesting." Alexis replied. Brendon and Alexis continued on with their conversation while Frank and I stared intensely at each other. We continued like this until our
food came.
" So how are you?" Frank asked.
" Well as far as I know the guy that stole my heart is now going out with my best friend and I can't do anything." I whispered quietly enough for Alexis not to hear me, but loud enough for Frank to hear me.
" Well if I recall you could have been the one i'm sitting next to and calling my girl friend, but you ran off that day without even telling me you number or how I could contact you. And besides that you didn't even tell me why you left." He responded as he took the first bite of his pancake.
" Fine you wanna know why I ran off that day? Fine because I was going to get in trouble if I didn't get home, because i'm failing science. But for the rest of the week I never stopped thinking of you. And then I find out that you were going out with Alexis. If you honestly really liked me then you would have never asked her out!" I growled.
" What was I suppose to do?! Waited to see if I would ever meet you again? What if we never saw each to other?! I would have ended up all alone and you would have probably found some other guy." When he said this something in me just snapped. I got up and started to walk off but right before I did i said.
" Fuck you." towards Frank.
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