Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save me from myself

Expect the Unexpected

by EverMore 2 reviews

Who doesn't like the fight about the plural of moose?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-07-19 - Updated: 2012-08-10 - 687 words


"Well?" she sturnly asked while still looking at the note. The vulture put her hands on her bony hips and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for one of us to answer. My mind was racing, I needed to think of something fast so she wouldn't find the real reason behind Frankie's sudden outburst. Her eyes bore into mine with such intensity that I thought I could feel my brain melting. I couldn't take it anymore so I just yelled the first thing that came to my mind which was oh, so stupid.

"Uh... um... er... Moose!" I nervously yelled which rewarded me with an up roar of laughter from my fellow classmates. Starvin' Marvin just looked at me with an expression of what I would call 'you're fucking nuts' and 'I can see right through your lies, dumbshit'. I glanced over at Frank to see him giving me a quick nob telling me to expand on what I had just said. Although his eyes told me to do so wisely. "Yeah... I was just telling Frank about my brother and how he and I always fight about what the plural of moose is! Mikey thinks that the plural is moosi, but I keep telling him that the plural for moose is definitely meese," I babbled on nodding my head and smirking nerviously. I am once again greeted by silence. I look around the room at everyone as they stared back. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and fixed my eyes on the top of my graffitied desk. I just wanted the floor to just swallow me whole.

"Actually, I think the plural of moose is mooses," a classmate of mine spoke up. I looked up in surprise.

"No, it has to be moosi! No one says 'look at those mooses!' It just sounds weird..." Another student chimed in.

"You are all so stupid, Gerard is right, it is totally meese," one said as more nodded their heads in agreement. Soon the room was filled with a heavy debate of what the real plural of moose was. A huge grin spread across my face and I looked over to see Frank wearing one exactly like mine plastered on his gorgeous face. Mrs. Marvin stood there with a blank expression for a moment. She was no longer looking at Frank and I, her eyes stared into emptiness while deep in thought. A small smile tugged at the edges of her aged lips. She chuckled quietly. I looked up at her in astonishment... I've never seen her crack a smile, let alone giggle. Her eyes that were usually like hard, icy blue marbles were now melting like ice cream on a warm summer's day. Who knew a moose could melt a vulture's heart?

Suddenly the bell rang. Everyone snapped out of the vortex of stupidity to gather their things and bolt for the door. Frank and I stayed put for a moment to let them clear out before we even moved. This had to be the best school day of my life and it had only been half a period. Once the crowd was mostly gone, I slowly stood up, started packing up my belongings, and stood awkwardly waiting while Frankie gathered his. It was still a bit strange to be with Frank... I've just met the guy and it seems we have known each other forever, yet we still are strangers. Even though I break into a nervious sweat everytime I come in close proximity with him, talking just seems to come naturally. I hoped I wasn't annoying him by following him around so much... although he didn't seem to mind at all, he seemed almost as grateful as I was to have a friend. We were just about to step outside the door as I heard a voice call back to us.

"See you guys next class." It was Mrs. Marvin. She smiled at us and waved. We waved back, returning the smile, as we stepped out into the crowded hall to make our way to the lunchroom.

Silly chapter, but whatever...
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