Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "The Aftermath is Secondary" Prologue & Chapter 1

Chapter 4

by midnight_star22 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-23 - Updated: 2011-07-24 - 515 words

I paced back and forth, back and forth like a tiger in a cage. We all took shifts so we could all get sleep..Dr. D fixed Gee up nice and tight around his ribs and gave him a pretty awesome cast [It was yellow, with Party Poison in blue and red]. The second afternoon, we all sat down together and talked. "You know this means we have to move. BL/ind knows where we are now and we're in danger. Its a dumb idea to stay and be sitting ducks." Frank said.
"You have a good point Frank. But where would we go? And with Gee in the shape he's in, it would be hard and painful for him if we moved." Ray pointed out.
"Well, you're both right. If we stay, we're screwed--but Gee can't be moved right now....So how about we lay low for a few days, and try to find somewhere else to stay while he recovers?" Mikey suggested.
"Sounds good to me." came Rays reply.
"Ditto." Frank answered.
They all looked at me, waiting for my answer, but my mind was up the stairs and down the hall in Gee's room.
I could see Dr. D flitting around and working his magic whenever I woke up a little bit. Then I would succumb to the pain sides burned, and my arm throbbed with mind numbing pain. Where was everyone?
"Earth to lover girl. I repeat Earth to lover girl. STAR!!" Frank shouted.
"Huh? Wha- oh yeah, I agree. Sorry!" I answered absent-mindedly.
"Geeze pay attention! Just kidding, just kidding. Don't give me that look!" Frank said in reply to my death stare.
"Well, its official. Ray and I will find us a new place to live. Frank? Star? You two be on high alert for more Dracs. Got it?" Mikey asked.
"Got it!" we all replied.
After our discussion, I headed back to Gee's room for my shift. I heard him murmur my name faintly. "Star..?"
"I'm here. Everythings gonna be okay I promise." I soothed him.
"Come here please. Lay with me and let me hold you..please?" he asked
So I gently crawled into the bed with him, and after a bit of arranging, he held me with his good arm.As I drifted off to sleep, I heard him whisper "I love you."
"I love you too." I whispered back.
I heard Star come in...I knew it was her because of her light footsteps and because she doesn't stomp like the guys. In my drugged and hazy state, she was what I needed. She is my light-my..beacon of hope that shines through the darkness. I just wanted to hold her, to feel close to her. When she layed down with me, I could smell her hair..I inhaled as deep as I could without it hurting..berries, her signature scent. Before we drifted off to sleep, I whispered in her ear "I love you.", and when she said "I love you too", my heart sang with joy.
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