Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "The Aftermath is Secondary" Prologue & Chapter 1

Chapter 5

by midnight_star22 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-23 - Updated: 2011-07-24 - 577 words

Ch. 5
These last few days have been pretty chaotic. We all saw the kiss coming..I mean the chemistry is undeniable. One day, I'll meet a girl, and it'll be my turn. But right now, I need to focus on the mission at hand: find a new place to live, then back to the MAIN mission. Ray and I drove around for a while, and eventually wound up in the desert. What we found was pretty interesting: an abandoned hotel. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for us. So we got out and began to explore it...
When Mikey and I found the hotel, I was like "Jackpot baby!"
"SHHHH! What if Dracs are here? Or worse-Korse?!?!" Mikey hissed
" bad." came my meek reply.
We went through all of the rooms on both floors and found everything to be in decent shape. We just needed to somehow turn on the electricity. So, we went into the lobby...where we walked right into a band of Dracs!! "Shit! Shit! Shit! FML!" I screamed
While Gee & Star slept, I kept watch in the suveillance room. "This wasn't a good time to get hurt Gee! Dammit!" I said to myself..but I immediately felt bad..the poor guy didn't ask for this. Before too much longer, my stomach started to growl, so I headed into the kitchen. I opened the cabinet door and looking me in the face was a HUGE spider!! I did what any self respecting 29 year old man would do: screamed like a little girl and ran out. Dr. D came flying down the stairs in a flash. "Whats wrong Frank?!?! More Dracs?!"
"S-S-S-SP-SPIDERR!!!" I squealed.
"Really? Seriously?" he rolled his eyes. He walked to the kitchen, grabbed a flyflap, and with one loud SMACK, the spider was dead.
"Thanks Dr. D.." I said grinning sheepishly.
I reached for my ray gun, fired once, then nothing but misfires!! "Dammit!" I screamed as they slowly advanced on us. I did a roundhouse kick to the first one's throat, and on my way down, I gave the last one a good uppercut square on the chin. "Catch Mikey!!" Ray shouted as he tossed me his spare gun. "Thanks!" I grinned back at him. And together, we shot the last three.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard Mikey's gun misfire, but he went on and kicked some Drac ASS! Then I rememberd my spare gun, and when there was an oppurtunity, I threw him the gun. Together, we shot the last three and high-fived each other. Then we sobered up and tried to find the electricity source. As long as the sun was up, we had light but it was sinking over the horizon pretty fast and then we would have to give up.

I didn't wanna give up...this was perfect! Killjoys that needed a home or just a place to crash for the night had somewhere to stay too! Then it hit me! "Duh! We can use the headlights on the camaro for light! I'll be right back Ray!" I shouted over my shoulder. I got in the car, cranked it up and drove near the door. Voila! It was perfect. When I looked behind the desk, there was the electricity switch. I left it off for now so no more Dracs would flock to it. I couldn't wait to get home and tell the others!
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