Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1.The Only Hope For Me Is You

The Kids From Yesterday: Chapter 12

by EmilehFace 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-07-24 - Updated: 2011-07-24 - 586 words - Complete

Wake up to light streaming into Gerard's bedroom, he's till lying next to.
"Why are you staring at me?" I ask groggily.
He looks away momentarily but doesn't reply.
"It's sort of creepy." I joke.
He leans down and kisses me on the lips. I can't explain how even the lightest kiss from Gerard can make me feel so many things at once. I don't know how I can feel so much emotion from such a small thing. Happiness, excitement, gleefulness, every positive feeling out there. When we youch it feels like all of these emotions are trying to get out of me at once and I don't know how to control them.
I sit up in bed, and realize it's Saturday, therefore we don't have to be awake this early.
"I have to get rid of that." I say, motioning towards the bong.
"I will." He smiles.
"Why are you so happy this morning?" I ask him inquisitively.
My thoughts shoot back to last night. He said he might be in love with me or was that just a dream? Is that why he seems so happy, because he's in love with me? I'm not actually sure that Gerard could have the same feelings towards me as I do towards him. It just doesn't seem realistic.
I notice he hasn't replied to my question and is still just grinning at me.
I need to know if what he said to me last night was real or if it even happened.
"Gerard, I heard you last night, I was awake." I say quickly so my thoughts don't allow me to feel embarrassment while asking the question I need answered.
He looks at me, then turns his head rapidly. He's doing an incredibly bad job of trying to hide his blush with his hair. I giggle because of it.
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." He says plainly.
"I feel the same way." I say.
He instantly turns around at my words and smiles widely. We stare at one another and just smiles for a few moments before falling back onto the bad, our lips attached passionately.
When we separate, Gerard lays on his back, and I lie on my side, facing him.
He glances at me.
"Do you think we should go to the next level?" He asks to the ceiling he's looking so interested in. I know he's just pretending to be bewildered by his roof to try to avoid any awkwardness from the question.
I contemplate his words in silence for a couple of minute. I'm still looking at him, he's still staring at the ceiling. He looks incredibly nervous.

When I first met Gerard, I thought he was tough. Just some random tough kid who smoked and ditched class on the first day who just so happened to become my friend. But then I got to know him. I think the toughness and anger is just a cover up of who he truly is. Because deep down he's just as emotional and soft as myself, he just hides it a lot better. But he doesn't hide himself from me. We're actually quite honest with each other. He knows more about me than even my parents.

"Yes." I say, smiling.
"Really?" He sounds shocked.

I must confess, I'm not actually sure what the next level is. But if I'm going to do anything, I want it to be with Gerard.
I can feel him smiling as I kiss him in response.
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