Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Babe I'll Be Your Outcast

When all the pieces start to fall

by SimplexMinded 1 review

Mikey bit his lip, not sure what the doctor was going to say.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-25 - Updated: 2011-07-26 - 1130 words - Complete

Riley screamed the lyrics back at Gerard, smiling when he reached out and grabbed her hand. Frank started to thrash around the stage, like he always did but this time, something went wrong. Gerard was focused on singing to the crowd and Frank was to much in a fit of guitar notes to notice where he was headed. Riley could only watch in horror and the two collided, Frank’s guitar smashing into Gerard’s head, blood instantly spewing across the stage. He hit the ground face first, slamming his left arm on the corner of a stage prop, slicing it open. The entire stage went quiet as Frank ran over to Gerard, Mikey and Ray not far behind. Bob stood up from behind the drum set, looking out over to watch, knowing he couldn’t do anything to help. Riley screamed, clawing her way over the barricade but the bouncers pulled her back before she could get on stage. She screamed for Frank, thrashing in the bouncers arms. With some force, she escaped his grip and clawed her way on stage to Gerard’s side. He was out cold, blood covering his arms and face.

“Gerard, oh god! Somebody help!!!” Riley screamed, bouncers right behind her, pulling her from him but Frank stopped them.

“Back the fuck off!” He screamed at the bouncers, glaring at them with the scariest look Riley had ever seen. His eyes were glazed over and he didn’t have any sign of the Frank she knew. He scared her.

The bouncers let go, slightly scared before turning their attention to Gerard, Frank and Riley doing the same. She knelt down to grab his hand, tears falling down her face. A medic rushed over, pushing her out of the way to get Gerard on a stretcher and carry him to the hospital. Frank watched as his best friend was carried away, covered in blood because of him. Mikey ran right beside Gerard and disappeared off stage to ride with his brother to the hospital. Riley looked up at Frank and did the only thing she could. She wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered in his ear.

“Its ok. He’ll be fine”

Frank hugged her back, forgetting they were still on stage and not really caring. Ray had ran off to find Brian, Bob left the stage to help Mikey. The crowd was silent, in shock at what had just happened. Some where in tears, others just looked terrified.

“I’m sorry…I..I..I didn’t…didn’t” Frank buried his face in Riley’s neck, crying. She held him close, whispering soft condolences in his ear. Brian appeared on the sage, bringing them out of their momentary mental solitude.

“I’m so sorry to report that the show will be canceled. The band will reschedule as soon as possible and an announcement will be made about a refund or reuse of tickets.”

The crowed groaned. What did they expect?

Brian walked over to Riley and Frank, pulling them off stage to talk to them,

“Look, Mikey just left to go with Gerard to the hospital. Ray is in the car with Bob waiting for yall. I’ll meet you there, I’ve got some things to sort our here. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Brian spoke quickly, urging them to get to the car waiting outside. They threw themselves in and the car drove off. The ride was silent, not even the radio was playing. Riley sat with Frank in her arms, Ray was looking down at the floor, twirling a guitar pick in his dirty fingers and Bob was looking out the window watching the buildings pass by. They all could only pray that Gerard would be ok. All Riley could think about was how much blood was on the stage and how much of it was on Gerard. She looked down at her hands to find it was on her too. She must have knelt in it when she picked up his hand. He knees was soaked and her hands were slightly pink with thick red dots splattered in random places.

She felt the car stop, Frank coming alive and being the first to climb out. He was followed by Riley, Ray and Bob. They ran into the lobby to be stopped by a lady with long brown hair and blue scrubs.

“Hey! Please calm down!”

Frank almost shouted at her but Riley stopped him, knowing that screaming would get them nowhere.

“Frank! Please!”

He looked down at her and frowned. “I’m sorry…”

Ray spoke up, his voice calm but quiet. “Gerard Way. Where is he?”

The lady looked at him with slight recognition before responding. “Let me look”

She walked behind the desk and then looked back up. “He is in critical care. No visitors right now.”

Right as she said that, Mikey came walking around the corner with his head down and his arms hugging himself. Riley ran over to him, pulling him into a hug and making him jump.


He relaxed when he realized it was Riley and hugged her back, not saying a word. She held him close, walking over to a chair and sitting down with him next to her. He buried his face in her neck, tears soaking her shirt as he cried. The rest of the band walked over and sat around them, all watching Mikey and Riley. She rubbed his back, trying to calm him down but no doing much good.

Several hours later, a doctor came in the room, his eyes scanning around before he spoke.

“Gerard Way”

Everyone looked up, Mikey was the first over to the doctor, wanting to know the status of his brother.

“I’m his brother. Is he going to be ok?”

Mikey bit his lip, not sure what the doctor was going to say. Riley stood next to him, holding his hand for support. The doctor paused, looking at both of them before speaking.

“Your brother is stable. We did 5 stitches on his head and 3 on his arm. The wound on his arm was the worst because it was so deep but we want to keep him over night to make sure he doesn’t have a concussion.”

Mikey relaxed when he knew his brother was going to be ok.

“Can I see him?”

The doctor nodded and motioned for Mikey to follow him down the hall. The place smelt of bleach, the walls were white and the doors were all closed. When they got to Gerard’s room the doctor turned to Mikey and noticed the rest of the band had followed.

“Family only please....”

Mikey glared at the doctor “We are his family”
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