Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mikey Isn't Okay

Something was wrong...

by paintmylife 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-29 - Updated: 2011-07-29 - 239 words - Complete

It's Sunday, the day we order pizza. It's become some sort of ritual since the Revenge days, we first had it when Frank joined the band and it's continued to this day.
We saw Ray's Mom on Friday, and she seems to have had an impact on us all. Gerard is insisting to be neater around the tourbus whilst Frank has decided to buy antique china to place on shelves. It's kind of annoying, but Ray and myself have our own bunk so we don't have to live with it twenty-four-seven.

"And then..." Gerard snorts with laughter, his red hair flicking past his eyes in a way that Frank would describe as 'sexy'. I tune out of his joke, staring at Ray. He hasn't talked all evening, strange for him considering he's the one that usually forms the conversation.

"What's up?" I mouth at Ray, who has matched my worried stare. He shrugs at me and averts his gaze back to his pizza.
Somethings up with him, and I have to find out what.

The care in his eyes is lost, I am lost without them.

A/N- Hey people. I'm sorry, I don't normally do A/N's anymore, they get kinda boring. But this is important, I'm super sorry for not updating in ages. And it probably won't be updated in ages again! I will continue this story, I apologize for the shitty short chapter. Love you guys!
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