Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

Chapter Four: The Sharpest Lives

by ZombieSlayer13x 3 reviews

Now the whole plan is revealed. You know what will happen in the next chapters. Or do you?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-07-29 - Updated: 2011-11-29 - 3151 words

*A/N: Ack...I’m currently drenched from head to toe. I take night classes at my high school for Chinese and tonight was my last class. I had to walk from the building all the way to the parking lot on the other side of the campus. At least I had some friends to talk to. Somehow I was the only girl in the class.

So……who knows, maybe I’ll make it rain in the desert with our heroes and heroines ;) Also, if you’ve noticed, MCR’s song names are perfect for chapter titles.

I’m trying to make this story as short as possible without rushing it and drawing topics out too long. This could easily be 20 chapters or more. I Intend to make it only in the teens or shorter. Because it's me, nothing will go as planned but....we'll see

Chapter Four: The Sharpest Lives

Chemical explained their idea to Cigarette Kiss. The rest of the team just walked around examining things, looking at documents, picking up strange objects, etc. Occasionally they’d chime in if Corpse missed something.

Cigarette’s team was sitting calmly in the corner, chatting among themselves.

Corpse and Cigarette Kiss were in the middle of a heated debate when they heard a crash. Everyone turned towards the noise. Cigarette Kiss looked down at the broken glass. He was absolutely outraged, that is until he looked up to see who dropped it. When he saw it was Toxic who had accidentally knocked it over his eyes softened.

“Sorry...” she said timidly.

“No problem,” he said walking over. He picked up the broken glass and threw it out.

Cigarette Kiss returned to the round table. He sorted through a couple blueprints until he found the right one.

“Ah ha!” he said triumphantly as he unraveled it fully. He beckoned the others. They all crowded around the table, occasionally elbowing each other, “It’s the least a two and a half/three day ride from here to Battery City, then another day or two inside the city itself to plan and rest, correct?”

Corpse and her team nodded in agreement.

“Then we need to account for the mission itself. Getting in the city is the easiest part, it’s getting out that will be the hardest," Cigarette Kiss said.

“Why are we planning our escape already?” asked Sonic.

“My dear, so many things could go wrong it’s not even funny. We are not the first ones to try this. Even THE Killjoys didn't succeed the first time. We need as many escape routes as we can think of.”

Sonic nodded.

“Now, the first thing we need to establish is who exactly is going on this mission?”

Everyone looked around.

“He’s right,” Cyanide said, “We can’t all go. If the mission fails that’ll be ten killjoys dead.”

“I’ll leave my team behind then. Sorry ladies, nothing personal,” Cigarette Kiss said turning to his team members. They nodded solemnly.

“Who wants to sit this one out?” Corpse asked, addressing her team. No one spoke up, “We need Sunny for her skills with technology, Elder for his strength, Cyanide for his brains and familiarity with this mission, and I’m the leader so...”

“Why don’t you, Toxic, and Sonic sit out then?” Cyanide offered, addressing Corpse.

“No. I am not sitting this out. I’m the team leader,” Corpse said defensively.

“Yes, but love, we don’t need you,” he countered, “Like you said, you’re the leader.”

“Then if she stays can I go?” asked Toxic.

“No, you’re staying because I’m going,” said Corpse defiantly.

“Well, I’m not staying here!” Sonic cried

“You’re too young Sonic!” Toxic barked at her.

“Well, you can’t all go,” Cigarette Kiss chimed in.

STAY OUT OF IT!” All six killjoys shouted back at him.

“Ok, ok!” He said, raising his hands in defeat, “Let’s go ladies,” He beckoned to his group. They walked up the basement steps.

Before he closed the door Cigarette Kiss turned around.

“If you need us we’ll be upstairs,” he said quickly before slamming the doors.

“Well, we sure know how to empty a room!” said Sunny, trying to lighten the mood.

Everyone looked at her.

“Ok, so we know Sunny and I need to go, so...we’ll just be over here.” Cyanide said as he dragged Sunny over to the chairs recently vacated by Cigarette Kiss’s team.

“Ok,” said Corpse taking a deep breath, “Elder’s going too. He’s the best fighter we have. He has a high pain tolerance as well,” Corpse said through gritted teeth as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Elder nodded and wandered over to Cyanide and Sunny.

“That leaves us,” said Toxic, looking at Corpse and Sonic.

While they bickered some more, the rest of the team became lost in their own thoughts. Rusty Sunshine thought about her past.

When she was little, before BL/ind ruined the world, she used to work with her uncle who worked on computers. He could fix any electronic, but personally liked computers. To Sunny, he was her second father.

From a very young age Sunny was always interested in technology. When she turned eight she started asking her uncle to show her how things worked every time he visited. When she grew a little older he started showing her how to fix her toys and things. He taught her the ropes, everything she needed. From then on it all just came naturally to her.

Then BL/ind took over. They hauled her uncle away to work in their own private labs. Sunny was heartbroken. They let her parents live with her, but later even they were taken away. Not physically, but mentally. All because of those stupid pills. She tried to live her life as normally as she could, to just accept things as they were, but in the back of her mind she knew that would never be an option. At the age of thirteen she ran away from Battery City. She’s been a killjoy ever since. A sudden shout jolted her out of her thoughts.

I have a right to go! I’m the leader! ” shouted Corpse.

“Please, we can be just as good as you,” snapped Toxic.

“Which is exactly why you’re staying behind. If I’d die, I know I can trust you to be a good leader. A better me,” said Corpse.

“Helllloooo! I’m still here!” said Sonic, getting frustrated.

They all were. How would you feel if you were an outlaw stuck in the desert carrying the fate of the world on your shoulders? Oh yeah, and on top of all this you’re still a teenager.

“Sonic, maybe you should stay here. You’re the youngest. You don’t want to waste your life on us. Also you’re wounded.” Toxic pointed out.

“But if you guys succeed, you’d be famous and I wouldn’t be there to share it!” Sonic whined.

“You’re hurt though,” said Corpse.

Sonic opened her mouth to protest, but saw it was the truth. She had trouble using her injured arm. Her injured arm also happened to be her right arm, which was the arm she used her gun with.

“So it’s settled then. Sonic will stay behind,” said Corpse as she walked away from the table.

Sonic looked so crestfallen, but she couldn’t disagree with Corpse or Toxic at all.

“Well,” said Cyanide clapping his hands together, “Now that that’s settled we can go upstairs and continue plotting!”

He got up and led the way up the dark staircase, “Last one up turns out the lights!” He shouted.


A couple hours later all ten of them were seated upstairs in the diner eating stale bread and some Power Pup.

No one particularly liked the meal, but it was better than starving. They had just finished making their master plan.

“So, we set out in two days?” Cigarette Kiss asked.

Everyone nodded.

“Good, I’m going to bed,” Cigarette Kiss got up and walked out of the diner.

“Where do you sleep?” Sonic asked Lady Madness.

“There’s a little hidden room in the back of the basement,” she replied.

The rest of the killjoys made small talk for a little while until the rest of Cigarette Kiss’s team decided to turn in as well.

“You can sleep here if you want,” said Kemical Killer on her way out, “Just don’t forget to lock the doors and pull the shades down. If something would happen and we get ambushed, there’s a small garbage chute in the kitchen. It’s a tight squeeze, but it’s a way out.”

She turned and left.

Once they were gone Chemical Corpse got up and ushered her team into a booth in the back corner.

“Do you want to go over the plan once more?” Cyanide asked.

She nodded.

“Ok,” he said.

He pushed unnecessary things off the table and spread the map of Battery City out on it.

“First we sneak into the city. There is a small entrance on the northwest side, here,” He pointed to it, “It’s not guarded very heavily because the dump is located there. No one in their right minds would enter that way. The smell is enough to kill someone.”

“So...why are we entering that way??” asked Sunny.

“Because, sunshine, it’s not guarded that well. Sure there’s a little pass code thingy, but you could crack that like an egg,” Cyanide answered.


“Once we get through the dump and into the city, well, that’s where the fun begins. We have to stay hidden until dark. Our clothes are too noticeable. If we’re lucky, we should be able to “borrow” some clothes here,” he pointed to a small clothing store on a street corner, “then sneak into a safe house until morning.”

“Where is this “safe house”?” Toxic asked.

“It’s in a place...” Cyanide replied.

“That’s comforting. You don’t even know where it is. How do we know it’s “safe”?”

“I DO know where it is as a matter of fact. I know it’s safe because a good friend of mine owns it. Remember the girl I was talking about? Apocalyto? Well, she and The Fabulous Killjoys built it a couple years ago. They visit from time to time, but very rarely. Apocalyto owns it now,” said Cyanide.

Corpse snorted. “Exactly how “good” of a friend is she?” Corpse asked, staring at Cyanide intently from across the booth.

He looked at her, raising an eyebrow, “She’s not, and never was, my girlfriend if that’s what you were thinking.”

Corpse made a noise of approval.

“Ok, so what happens after we get to this safe house?” Toxic asked.

“Oh yeah,” said Cyanide getting back on track, “We stay the night. Rest, eat, etc. Then the next day we set off. The safe house is located at almost the heart of the city. We just have to make it to BL/ind HQ before we get caught.”

“And if you get caught?” Sonic asked.

“We’ll deal with that when we get there.” Cyanide said, dismissing it with a wave of the hand.

Anyways, when we finally reach BL/ind sometime at night, well, that’s when the real task starts. There’s a secret entrance into the place. It’s the way Cig and the rest of our old team used to get in the first time. I doubt even BL/ind knows about it.

When they were building BL/ind HQ they never even knew some of the workers were in the resistance, a.k.a. the modern day killjoys, they worked in secret day and night to make this tunnel. They hoped that one day some crazy people like us would put it to good use. As far as Cig and I know, no one in BL/ind knows about it. The men and women who made it were smart. It’s concealed to the highest degree. Only a handful of people know and I intend to keep it that way, so don’t go running your mouths!”

“It can’t be that secret, every killjoy probably knows about it. BL/ind too,” Sonic said.

Elder shoved his notepad under Cyanide's nose: She’s right. Something like that can’t go unnoticed.

“ALRIGHT!” Cyanide shouted, “Can you PLEASE let me finish telling you the plan? Do I constantly have to be interrupted?? Oh god, kill me now!” he said, looking up at the sky.

“He just might inside the city,” Sunny said quietly.

He shot her a glare of pure venom.

She shut up.

“Can I continue now?” he asked impatiently.

Everyone nodded.

“Good. After we get into the building this is what we have to do:

First, we need to split up. Sunny and Elder, you two will stay in the tunnel, hack into the system, and disarm the alarms that stand in our way. Try to take out the security cameras too. "

"How do we know where the alarms are?" Sunny asked.

"I highlighted the route the 4 of us will be taking. Memorize it. You too Elder," said Cyanide, "If anyone finds you, take them out quickly and quietly. We'll meet you back at the tunnel when we're done."

What if the mission’s compromised? Elder wrote.

"Run. Crawl through the tunnel as fast as you possibly can. Once you're outside get back to the safe house. From there Apocalyto will send an encrypted message to Doctor D. telling him we failed. Then you'll come back here to the remaining killjoys."

"What about you guys?" Sunny asked.

"By that time there will be no hope for us," Corpse said bluntly.

A silence hung in the air.

Cyanide cleared his throat.

"Moving on, while you two do that Corpse and I are going for the formula. I know where the lab is and where the documents are, that is unless BL/ind moved them, but for now we'll assume they're still where we left them.

Cigarette Kiss called dibs on taking down Korse, and since Toxic is the only one left; she is to....escort him."

Toxic looked on in disdain. "How this happened, I do not know," she said.

"Well love, you did tell us you didn't care what role you played," said Cyanide.

"Yeah, come on Tox, don't be uptight about it. He is pretty cute after all," said Sonic with a wink.

"Ew! He's like five years older than you! He's practically a pedophile!" said Toxic.

Cyanide, who had been drinking when Toxic said that, proceeded to spit out all the water in his mouth.

"Age doesn't matter in the zones, remember?" said Sonic in a sing-song voice.

Toxic rolled her eyes, "Back to the plan, how exactly do we kill Korse? How will we get him alone?"

Corpse shrugged, "Do what that drac did to Sunny. Catch him in the bathroom..."

Everyone stared at Corpse.

"What??\ It's a good idea. Sure it may not be very dignified, but that man has to die," she said.

They all looked at one another.

That may not be a bad idea. Elder wrote.

"Yes, but love, maybe we should think of something else..." said Cyanide as he put his hand over Corpse's. She shot him a look and he quickly retracted it.

"What if we just went in and killed everyone in our way?" offered Toxic.

"That could work if we got in and out quick enough," said Sunny.

And while they do that it would give Corpse and Cyanide more time to get the formula. Wrote Elder.

"Yes, but they can't cause a scene until there's literally only one door between them and Korse," said Cyanide, "It's also not as messy and less innocent people that have to die. Also, it is one of the most heavily protected buildings in the city. We go in guns blazing, we're dead before we can reach the lobby."

"No one working for BL/ind is innocent," said Sonic.

"I vote no. We stick to the original plan," said Corpse. "We only silence the ones we have to."

They all thought about it.

"Should we wake up Cigarette Kiss and tell him the plan?" Toxic asked.

"No need my dear," a voice said behind them, making them all jump.

They all turned towards the voice. A figure seemed to materialize from the wall. In the dark Cigarette Kiss had blended in.

"You always were a sneaky little devil," said Cyanide.

"I wasn't intentionally eavesdropping. I just left something up here and came up to retrieve it. I heard you talking and decided to stay a while."

"What did you leave behind?" asked Sonic.

"My heart," said Cigarette Kiss dramatically. They all rolled their eyes.

"Oh come on Cig, I know you don't fall in love," said Cyanide.

"You're wrong about that," Cigarette Kiss said quietly bowing his head slightly. Suddenly he looked up, "Well goodnight," he said curtly, "Good plan by the way. Love it." Then just like that, he was out the door.

"Did I imagine that?" asked Sonic, looking confused.

"I have no idea..." said Toxic. "He never did say what he came up here for did he?"

They all shook their heads.

"Well, that's enough scheming for one night. I'm going to bed," said Corpse.

She was met with a chorus of, "me too's".

"I CALL THE BACK SEATS!" Sonic yelled as she ran to the hummer.

"I'm sleeping outside tonight," said Cyanide.

"Same," said Corpse and Toxic.

Outside Corpse, Toxic, and Cyanide grabbed a couple blankets from the back of the hummer. They walked around for a bit until found a nice secluded place to sleep for the night.

They took off their jackets to use as pillows.

“I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back,” said Toxic.

Corpse and Cyanide lay down and stared up at the stars. It was an exceptionally nice night. They star gazed for a little while longer until Cyanide looked over at Corpse.

She was asleep already.

“Goodnight, love,” he said softly.

He then closed his eyes too. He drifted off to sleep to the sound of Toxic’s sneakers on the ground as she returned.

*A/N: I was originally going to post this last night, but I never got around to it. Then this morning I re-read it and decided to add onto it. I was seriously busy today and only now had time to post it. So yeah...all of the authors note's except for the last one and this one were written yesterday. Next chapter should be up anytime from Sunday and Tuesday. Sorry for the long long wait.

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