Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

Chapter Five: This is the Best Day Ever! (Part 1)

by ZombieSlayer13x 0 reviews

NEW CHAPTER! The killjoys last day in paradise. :'(

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2011-08-01 - Updated: 2013-07-03 - 2031 words

*A/N: I feel like this may be a lot to ask, mostly because you only get like 6 rating points a week, but if you could rate this story (or any of my others) it would mean the world to me. It's fine if ya don't though. THANKS!

This chapter starts off really slow. It speeds up eventually though.


On with the show! dramatic hand sweep

Chapter Five: This is the Best Day Ever! (Part 1):

The next morning Cyanide, Toxic, and Corpse all woke up with stiff backs and numb limbs.v“Last time I sleep outside in the cold,” announced Toxic as she walked into the diner.

Everyone else was already up. Well, almost everyone.

Who’s missing so far from this little pow-wow?” asked Cyanide as he looked around.

Elder and Cigarette Kiss where nowhere to be found. Neither was Sonic.

Someone was missing from Cigarette Kiss’s team too, but Cyanide couldn’t remember her name.

“Sonic went downstairs with Lady Madness. She wanted to know the secret of how we get electricity in here,” said Kemical Killer with a smirk.

“Ah,” said Corpse, “That would explain it.”

“There’s some food in the pantry. You can help yourself,” said Vengeful Scout.

All three of them walked into the kitchen of the diner.

“So...” said Toxic trying to make conversation, “Today’s our last day together. After tomorrow some of us may not come back."

“Or all of us,” added Corpse.

“Happy thoughts,” said Cyanide as he rooted through the pantry.

“Then let’s make today the best day ever!” exclaimed Toxic as she gave a little jump.

They laughed.

When they got back into the diner they sat in a little booth and just…..talked.

A few minutes later laughter could be heard getting closer and closer to the diner door.

It burst open. To everyone’s surprise Elder and Cigarette Kiss walked in, laughing and carrying on like they were old friends.

“You know big guy, I like you,” said Cigarette Kiss still laughing.

Elder furiously wrote something down. The diner was silent for a moment while Cigarette Kiss read it. Then he burst into laughter again.

“Not like that,” he said playfully hitting him.

“So much for Mr. Mysterious,” Toxic rolling her eyes.

“Don’t you start that!” said Corpse to Toxic, “Cyanide rolls his eyes enough for all six of us.”

“Where’ve you guys been?” asked Vengeful Scout.

“Our paths happened to intertwine this morning and we stopped to have a little chat,” said Cigarette Kiss.

Cyanide raised an eyebrow.

“I genuinely like this guy!” exclaimed Cigarette Kiss, “He doesn’t say much, but when he does he’s a riot!”

They went over to a table and continued their conversation.

“Ok…” said Sunny.

They all stayed in the diner for a while longer. Then Toxic spoke up. "Maybe we should do something fun today. I mean, who knows. This could be the last time we're together. We should make the best of it."

They nodded in agreement.

"Sooooo........what do you wanna do?" asked Sunny.

"We could play a game?" offered Kemical Killer.

"A drinking one?" Cigarette Kiss asked with a smirk.

"Oh please, you're the only one who's 21," Toxic shot back.

"Really?" Cigarette Kiss gave her a look that clearly said: bitch, please, "Age doesn't matter in the zones."

"Hide and seek," offered Cyanide with a chuckle.

"YES!!" shouted Sonic who had just come back to the diner with Lady Madness.

Everyone looked at her.

"Today's the last day we get to be kids, why not?" said Corpse from behind.

So ten minutes later, against six people's wills, the ten of them were playing hide and seek. Poor Elder kept being it because of his height, one could easily spot him from miles away. After an hour they decided to stop. They all piled back in the diner, laughing their heads off.

"Okay, now what?" asked Cigarette Kiss as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead.

"Uh...we could go downstairs in the nice cold basement?" offered Lady Madness.

"I second that motion!" exclaimed Sunny as she picked her head up off of the table.

The rest of them agreed and down they went. On their way out the diner door Kemical Killer stopped to look at the thermometer. "110! I think that's definitely a notable number," she said.

They all groaned.

Once in the basement there were many sighs of relief. You could live in the zones all your life and still not adjust to the extreme heat.

"Sooo..." said Sonic trying to make conversation, "today has been fun so far."

"And far from over," added Corpse.

They made small talk and planned their next game.

"Elder," said Cigarette Kiss quietly as he beckoned for Elder Soul. Elder walked over to him with a questioning look. "Can you join me upstairs for a moment?" Cigarette Kiss asked softly.

Elder Soul nodded.

"Hey guys," Cigarette Kiss hollered over his shoulder, "We're going upstairs for a few," he ushered Elder upstairs.

Once outside, he dragged Elder into the diner and sat him down at a nearby booth. “Relax, I’m not going to kill you,” Cigarette Kiss said with a chuckle.

Elder relaxed.

“Look, I really like you Elder...I feel like I’ve known you forever and it’s only been a day! Let’s face it, we probably won’t come out of this mission alive and there are some things I’ve never told anyone. There are some things is do not intend to take on my grave,” Cigarette Kiss said, looking at Elder.

Elder nodded, encouraging him to go on.

Cigarette Kiss sighed then slid into the booth across from Elder. “If I tell you something, will you promise to never tell a soul?”

Elder imitated a zipper being pulled across his mouth.

Cigarette Kiss laughed, “Thanks buddy. What I’m about to tell you is my past. Before and after BL/ind took over.”

Elder looked at him impatiently, wishing he would move along.

“I used to live in Nevada,” Elder broke out into a grin. Cigarette Kiss guessed what he was thinking. “No, not Sin City,” he said with a laugh, “I lived in a rural town on the outskirts of Nevada with my parents and younger brother. He was two years younger than me. His name was Jimmy...”

Cigarette Kiss had that thousand yard stare. Elder knew this was gonna be a long one.


“I can’t remember much of my childhood. What I can remember seems like the good life. My parents used to spoil us. We were their pride and joy. My younger brother was a pain a lot, but in the long run, I loved him. He used to follow me around all the time. He looked up to me,” Cigarette Kiss bowed his head and discreetly wiped his eyes, “Ahem, anyways, we seemed like the ideal family. Then that fateful day happened. Now, I may jump around or skip parts, only because my memory’s going a little,” he said with a chuckle.

Elder Soul laughed a little too.

“We had just gone to the park. It was something we did every weekend. We got ice cream when we got there. We stayed at the park for a long time. We didn’t come home until the sun was pretty low in the sky. On the drive home it was dark. We were driving through a wooded area and didn’t see the other driver until they were on top of us, literally. I think my dad spun the car around next...yes, I felt dizzy, he must have. The next thing I remember was being upside down. He must’ve hit the rear of our car and made us overturn. I looked in front of me and saw blood. It was everywhere."

"I cried for my mom and dad. I got no answer. I looked over and saw my window had been broken. I undid my seat belt - thank God my parents never invested in a second child seat for me, they passed mine on to Jimmy - and undid the seat belt. I fell against the roof and landed on some glass. I got pretty cut up, but kept crawling. I made my way out of the broken window and stumbled to the front of the car. It was wrapped around a tree. I looked into the front seat to see if my parents were ok. Oh God...I will never get that sight out of my head.”

Cigarette Kiss stopped and put his head in his hands. Elder Soul reached out and put his hand on Cigarette Kiss’s shoulder as a comforting gesture.

Cigarette Kiss inhaled deeply, and continued:

“I was still dazed. I knew they were badly wounded, but at five I didn’t know what dead was. All I knew was that I had to get Jimmy. I stumbled over to the other side of the car and dropped to my hands and knees. I saw jimmy. His window was broken too. I fumbled with his child seat and finally got him out. He fell onto the roof. I tried to break his fall but only cushioned it a little. I dragged Jimmy through the broken window. He was cut up real bad. His head was bleeding badly too. I tried to stop it but I couldn’t.” Cigarette Kiss choked back a sob, “Oh God..”

Elder let him have as long as he needed to compose himself.

“I tried to drag him onto my lap. It was hard for me being 5 and all, he always was a chubby kid too. I somehow managed though. I tried to wipe some of the blood off of his face, but more came in its place. Head wounds are always the nastiest. I looked around. I think I started screaming like mad, begging for anyone to save us. Heaven help us now. I think I told Jimmy it would be ok. I just kept saying, ‘I love you’, over and over again."

"He opened his eyes and looked right at me. He couldn’t really talk all that well. But on his death bed, he managed to say, ‘wuv ou’, and then he died. My three year old brother died in my arms."

Cigarette Kiss looked at Elder. His eyes were glassy with tears. A single tear drop made its way down Cigarette Kiss’s face. He showed no sign of noticing it though and continued.

“When help finally came an eternity later, to me at least, they dragged me away.

The next day I was told my whole family was dead and since I had no immediate family I was going to be a foster child. I was bounced from home to home until I was about 10. A nice lady and her husband adopted me. Or so I thought.

They were in their early 30's and had four other kids already, all younger than me. My “parents” went out partying almost every night. It turns out they only adopted me to babysit for them. I put up with this lifestyle for three years. Three whole years until I finally got sick and tired of it and ran away.

I roamed the streets for a while. I stayed with a friend of mine until I was fifteen. His parents were cool, they didn’t mind. I got a job and moved out. Another friend of mine and I rented a small apartment together. We could barely afford it. Then I was introduced to the lifestyle I currently live. That’s what got me here,” Cigarette Kiss gestured around the diner.

Elder sat back and let out a long whistle. He grabbed his pad and pen and furiously started writing.

*A/N: I'm murdering ficwad. Sorry guys but this chapter has to be split into two parts.

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