Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > People Aren't Always who They Appear to Be

Chapter 4

by BlackThorn 0 reviews

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-07-31 - Updated: 2011-07-31 - 447 words

Shannon handed the taxi driver a ten dollar bill as him and Jade squeezed out the taxi door. They walked up to the large, fancy Hilton hotel that they were both staying at for the weekend. Hilton hotels always made him think of the time Jared got together with Paris Hilton. Shannon never did like Paris. He used to think she played dumb just for publicity. That was up until he met her. Then he realised she was just plain stupid. Not to mention annoying.
They entered the revolving door, spinning it round twice as fast as they could like two small children. They staggered dizzly into the lobby giggling. Some people gave them strange looks like they were crazy or something, but they didn’t really mind.
“Hey, Shannon!” Tomo called from across the lobby, waving franticlly.
Shannon waved back and walked over to him and Jared.
“Hey guys, this is Jade,” Shannon said pointing at Jade.
“Hiya,” She said waving.
“Hi, I’m Jared and this is Tomo.” Jared said.
“Yeah, I know. I’m a big fan of your music. I went to one of your concerts the other day.”
“Oh nice! Have fun?” Tomo asked.
“Yea, it was awesome!”
“So should we go get some food?” asked Shannon.
“Sure, where do you wanna go?” Jared asked.
“I don’t mind. Should we just go to the hotel restaurant?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Tomo licking his lips.
They all headed out towards the restaurant. Shannon held Jade’s hand and he rubbed his thumb up and down the back of her hand comfortingly.
“Table for 4?” Jared requested from the young woman working in the restaurant.
“Yes, right this way.” She said as she grabbed 4 menus.
They all followed her and sat around the table. Shannon’s phone let out a loud Bing! He reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone.
“Oh! Antoine just text me saying there’s gonna be an awesome party near here tonight. You guys feel like going?”
“Yeah, let’s do it!” Tomo said excitedly.
“No, thanks. I’m tired.” Jared said as he eyed up the waitress. When he caught her eye he winked at her. The waitress’ cheeks turned a light shade of red.
“Okay, what about you Jade?” Shannon asked.
“Nah, I’m still shattered from last night,” She said and gave Shannon a wink.
“Oh, okay." Shannon blushed at the reference to last night at the motel.
“How about we just chill out and head to the bar while they go to the party?” Jade asked Jared.
“Yeah, alright. Sounds good.” Jared said.
"So what can I get ya?" Interuptted the waitress.
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