Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1.The Only Hope For Me Is You

Party Poison: Chapter 24

by EmilehFace 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-08-12 - Updated: 2011-08-12 - 1139 words - Complete

When I next open my eyes, I'm shocked to find myself laying Gerard's bed. Why am I lying on my side, facing the wall? I never sleep like this. As I try to turn over my head pains massively. Ahh fuck.
It takes me about ten minutes just so I can lie on my back. I notice there's a heavy weight round my abdomen-It's gee's arm. I can't even remember what our fight was about. But I fell down stairs...I think. I look at Gee, his cheeks are tear stained and he looks sad even though he's sleeping.
"Gee?" I whisper.
All of a sudden he jolts awake, shaking the bed. The movement hurts my head.
"Oh my God! Frankie! I'm so sorry. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Do you need anything? Do you want me to get you something? Do you want a smoke? You probably shouldn't have a smoke though. Frankie!?" Gerard seems to say all of this in one breath; I don't think I've ever seen him so worried.
"I need you to shut up. My head is fucking killing me. Why am I not in a hospital? Please, do give me a cigarette." I reply.
Gerard carefully hops off the bed to find his packet of cigarettes.
"Well if you haven't gathered, Mum's a nurse. She said you were okay and to wait until you woke up to see if we should take you to the hospital."

"Well I guess that clarifies why I'm not in hospital. Now, why were we fighting?" I ask.
Gee lights the cigarette for me and hands me it. As the swirls of smoke enter my lungs, I am calmed.
"It doesn't matter. It just matters that you're okay" Gerard says, coming to sit next to me.
"You know what? It doesn't matter." I sigh, "Gee I can't even remember what it was about, but I'm sorry."
"Don't be" Is all he says.

Except the thing is, I do remember. I hate lying, but I just want to keep the peace so badly right now. I put out my cigarette in the ash tray.
Gerard is still just sitting next to me.
"You can lay down you know" I smile.
But then he stands up instead and walks over to his TV. He puts in a DVD, lights about seven candles and then comes and lies behind me.
"You know, it hurts my head to move it, so I can't really face you" I say.
"I know. I'm behind you for a reason"
Worry fills me.
"Fuck!" Gerard laughs, "That sounded totally wrong." He pauses and then says "I'm lying behind you so I can cuddle you Frankie."
I smile, even though he can't see it.
"What movie is it?" I ask.
"Edward Scissor-hands, duh!" Gerard giggles. I'm so glad he's happy again.

It's mid-movie. I usually would have been asleep by now. But it hard to sleep when the most gorgeous person ever can't keep his hands to himself. Not that I have an issue with this.
Gerard can't seem to keep the arm that is around my waist on top of my tshirt. Instead, his arm is under my tshirt and his cool, soft fingertips are tracing the fine hairs between my bellybutton and the top of my jeans. It makes me shiver ever so often.
"gee, if you don't stop that, I will not be responsible for my actions." I laugh.
I turn to face him and am happily surprised when it doesn't pain my head.
He looks at me, one corner of his mouth curved upwards. He stops for a few seconds, but then begins again.
Within a matter of seconds, I've flipped him onto his back and I'm sitting on his abdomen.
I grab his wrist and hold them above his head, so he's pinned to the bed.
I get really close to his face and whisper "You have no idea how powerful the touch of even your fingertips are"
"Imagine how powerful the rest of me could be" He says seductively.
I instantly form goose bumps on my arms.
I release his wrists and his hands go directly to my hips. He tries to lean up, trying to kiss me, I lean towards him, just milometers from his lips, but I pull away rapidly, teasing him.
"Why are you teasing me, Frankie?" Gerard asks me.
I don't reply; I just smile.
I can tell he likes me taking control for once.
I think i like it too.
It's as if, when I'm in control, none of it seems nearly as scary.
Still on top of Gerard, I practically rip off my shirt.
I look down at him and bite my lip.
I force my lips onto his and my tongue begs for entry to his mouth. Now he's teasing me.
He finally gives in and we kiss passionately. It's a beautiful concoction of emotions.
I eventually pull away from the kiss. I pull off Gerard's shirt.
My hands and tongue trace all of his body until I reach his belt buckle. I look at him, his eyes shining, and he giggles.
I undo his belt incredibly slowly. I can tell it's killing him. It's as if he's a bird in a cage that's sole purpose in life is to break free and fly all over the country.
I'm quite enjoying teasing him though, I find it amusing and it makes it more fun. Though if he were doing it to me, I'm not sure what I'd do.
I can tell we're both hardened now and I try to condense a smile.
After undoing Gerard's belt, I start on my journey of undoing the fly on his almost too tight black skinny jeans. They're too tight in all the right places.
I bite my lip again.
"Fuck, Frankie!" gee moans.
I pull down his jeans, unable to tease him -and myself-any longer.
I stare at his naked body in awe for a few moments. He is simply a specimen of gorgeousness.
Just as I'm about the take him in my eager mouth, the door swings open.
"Oh my God! What the fuck? Holy shit!" Is what Mikey says as he sees us.
He stares at us wide eyed for about five seconds and then gee realized that he should probably cover himself.
"Great fucking timing Mikey" I laugh.
Gerard glares at him, "What do you want?" He asks.
"It’s about dad." Mikey says quietly.
"Dad's dead, Mikey." Gerard says, looking confused.
"Oh really?" Is all Mikey says and then he closes the door and we hear him run down the stairs.
"Well, that was awkward" Gerard says, stating the obvious.
"Do you think he's scarred for life?" I joke.
Gee doesn't reply with words, instead he pulls his arm around my shoulders and kisses me.
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