Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Mulan: Vampire Style

A woman!

by Brideofbillie 0 reviews

They learn the truth about poor Mickey

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Parody - Characters: Darren Shan - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-05 - 499 words

(The doctor emerges from his tent and says something to Vanez, who looks disturbed and rushes inside. He looks at Vanez, who sits up in bed, her side bandaged. Vanez stares at her, recognizing her as a girl. Mickey realizes her mistake and pulls the blanket back on.)

I can explain!

So it's true!


[yanking Mickey out of the tent and pulling her hair out of a bun]
I knew there was something wrong with you! A woman! Treacherous snake!

My name is Mickey. I did it to save my brother!

High treason!

I didn't mean for it to go this far!

Ultimate dishonor!

It was the only way! Please, believe me!


(Vanez walks over to Khan and takes out Micket's sword. The
Gang of Three start to rush over to her, but Arrow stops them.)

[to the soldiers holding Khan]
Restrain him.
[to the Gang of Three]
You know the law.

(Vanez walks over to Mickey and throws the sword in the snow in front of her.)

A life for a life. My debt is repaid.
[to the soldiers]
Move out!

But you can't just ...

[to Arrow]
I said, 'Move out.'

(The Vampire Army sadly walks away, leaving Mickey, Ric, and Khan in the snow.)

I was this close. This close! To impressing the ancestors,
getting the top shelf, in entourage ... man. All my fine work.
[He uses the tip of an arrow to roast a piece of food over a tiny fire.]

I should never have left home.

Hey C'mon. You wanted to save your brother's life. Who knew you'd end up shaming him, disgracing your ancestors and losing all your friends. Y'know, you just gotta ... just gotta learn to let these things go.

Maybe I didn't go for my brother. Maybe what I really wanted was to prove that I could do things right. So that when I looked in the mirror
(she picks up her helmet to see her reflection)
I'd see someone worthwhile. But I was wrong. I see nothing.

Hey, that's just cause this needs a little spit, that's all.
[He spits on the helmet.]
Let me shine this up for you. I can see you, lookit you, you look so pretty! The truth is, we're both frauds. Your ancestors didn't send me; they don't even like me. I mean, you risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions.

(Cri-kee starts to cry)

What do you mean, you're not lucky! You ... lied to me?
[Cri-kee nods. Ric turns to Khan.]
And what are you, a sheep?

I'll have to face my brother sooner or later. Let's go home

Yeah. This ain't gonna be pretty. But don't you worry, okay? Things will work out. We started this thing together and that's how we'll finish it. I promise.
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