Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If I Let You Love Me, Be The One Adored

Chapter Five

by i-stole-the-cookies 4 reviews

This is where things get complicated.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-08-24 - Updated: 2011-08-24 - 1032 words

Olivia woke up on the strange couch and took in her surroundings. Her head was killing her and her stomach felt awful. She sat up right and saw Gerard asleep in the arm chair. She smiled but she felt kind of worried. She couldn't remember coming into the strange apartment. Frank walked into the room, with wet hair from his shower and a towel wrapped around his hips, exposing his tattooed chest.

"Morning," Frank said. Olivia jumped and gave out a small scream. She turned around and gawked at him. "How are you feeling?" Frank asked.

"I um...don't remember much about last night." Olivia admitted.

"Oh, I'm Frank Iero." Frank held out his hand and Olivia shook it, hesitantly. "We met in a bar last night." Olivia thought for a minute and then it came back to her.

"Oh yeah! Frank!" She exclaimed. Gerard groaned in his sleep. "I remember you, you're in Gerard and Mikey's band."

"Yeah," Frank replied. "I'm gonna go get some clothes on and then I'll make us some breakfast." Frank said. "Do you want to take a shower?" He asked before he left the room.

"Actually, that would be great." Olivia replied, flashing him a smile. "Where's my bag?" She asked, looking around the floor.

"Oh! Its by the door, I'll get it." Frank disappeared and came back seconds later with her rucksack. "I'll show you the bathroom." Frank said. Olivia stood up and wobbled a bit. "You alright there?"

"I'm fine," She assured him. "Just learning how to walk again." Frank laughed and took her to the bathroom. He watched her for a moment, thinking he had met her somewhere before. But where? He couldn't figure that out.

"Have we met before?" Frank asked her, as she sorted herself some clean clothes.

"I don't think so," Olivia replied. "I think last night was the first time I've ever spoken to you."

"Hmm..." Frank mused for a minute. His towel began to slip so he adjusted it a little. "I just feel like I know you from somewhere. Maybe we met at a meet and greet." Frank turned to leave.

"Not possible, I don't listen to you guys. I'm from Pittsburgh so I don't come from Jersey." Olivia said, thinking Frank was getting a little weird. Frank shrugged and left her to shower. As she stepped into the shower, she thought about Frank's question. Had they met before? There was certainly something familiar about him. After she showered, she dried herself off with the towel that Frank had given her and then brushed her teeth. She pulled on a clean pair of panties and a bra. It was Frank's eyes and the shape of his face that made her think of someone else, but who? She pulled on her clean jeans and t-shirt and then packed up her old clothes in her rucksack. As she packed her toothbrush, she wondered if Frank would be kind enough take her in for a few days until she got herself sorted. She was homeless right now, she couldn't quite comprehend it.

She slung her rucksack over her one shoulder and went back into the sitting room. She set the rucksack by the coffee table and watched Gerard sleep for a minute. He looked incredibly uncomfortable so she decided to be nice and wake him up.

"Gerard," She said softly as she went over to him. She shook his shoulder gently and he jerked back into reality. "Good morning."

"Hey..." Gerard muttered. He took in his surrounding and then mumbled something incoherent. "When is Frank going to get a spare bed?" He asked no one, as he rolled his neck. His neck made an uncomfortable cracking sound. "How are you?"

"My head feels like its going to split in two but other than that, I'm good." She held out her hand for Gerard to take and she pulled him up. He didn't let go of her hand straight away.

"Mom sent me to find you and to bring you back home." Gerard told her. "I told her the truth about the shit that was in your room and she wants you to come back."

"Gerard, you shouldn't have done that." Olivia said, with tears in her eyes. "Its gonna kill her."

"She'll be mad at me for a while but she'll get over it." Gerard replied. "I couldn't let you take the fall for me, I made the choice, its my responsibility to take the heat."

"But what about..."

"I don't want to hear another word about it." Gerard said firmly. "Are you coming home or what?"

"Yeah are you going home?" Frank asked behind the pair. "I know I said you could stay here but I don't have any room." Olivia smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll go home with you Gerard." Olivia replied. "Thank you for offering Frank. And thank you for looking after me last night. I know how easy it would have been for any old creep to just take advantage of me."

"I'm the knight in shining armour, you were the damsel in distress. I couldn't not look after you, it was my pleasure." Frank smiled and turned to go back into his kitchen. Olivia stared at the space that Frank had occupied. The smile was so familiar and not just because she had seen it last night in her drunken state. "Breakfast is on the table by the way." He called. Gerard smiled at Olivia and led her through to the kitchen.


As Gerard and Olivia left the car to go into the house, a man sitting in a black car watched them. He was a tall thin man, with round glass on his face. He spotted Olivia and a creepy smile appeared on his face.

"Found ya." He whispered. "And now I'm gonna kill ya." He reached into the glove box of the car and pulled out a bottle of pills. He popped three in his mouth and swallowed them dry. He started the car and speeded down the road to set up his little playground.


This is where things get a bit complicated, it will all make sense soon. Don't forget to reveiw!!
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