Categories > Cartoons > G.I. Joe > Haven

Third Strike

by Nickelina 1 review

Haven n- A place of refuge or rest, a sanctuary

Category: G.I. Joe - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Lady Jaye - Published: 2006-06-05 - Updated: 2006-06-06 - 3043 words

Disclaimer: Characters in this work (GI Joe/ Cobra) are the property of Marvel Comics, Hasbro
and Devil's Due Publishing, Inc., and are being used without permission. No profit is gained from the use of these characters.

By Nickelina

Third Strike

Alison woke up more groggy than usual. When she opened her eyes she as startled to see something other than her hospital room. She closed her eyes and re-opened them. She was somewhere else. Her room was large, and ornately decorated. There was a large bureau, and antique furniture thought the room. She got out of the large bed, and walked to the window. She thought that if she looked out into the parking lot it would snap her back into reality. When she pulled back the drapes, she saw a well taken care of lawn that went for quite a ways before it ended at a line of trees that turned into woodland.
She had been moved again. She looked out the window again trying to look for something that looked familiar, but she saw nothing. There was a knock at the door and Alison turned to see who it was. A small woman with striking auburn hair entered. She nodded at Alison and walked closer to her.
"Did you have a nice rest?" She asked.
"It was fine." Alison answered. She closed her eyes trying to get rid of the dizziness that was coming over her. She obviously had gotten up to soon. The woman noticed and grabbed onto her, wrapping her arms around Alison.
"Come, let's get you back in bed."
Alison walked slowly back to her bed and crawled back in.
"Alison is it?"
"Yeah." Alison said. The room began to spin. Once it stopped she took a deep breath. "Jaye, Sarah, I think I was called Miriam for a while."
The woman laughed. "Well, which do you prefer?"
"Alison. Ali, my husband calls me Al," she paused. "Called me."
"My name is Erin. I'm your nurse." She pulled the blankets around Alison. "If you need anything you just call for me. Do you think you would like some tea?"
"Where are you from?" Alison asked.
Alison smiled. "I know the accent." She couldn't figure out what it was, but the woman put her at ease. "How old are you?"
Erin laughed. "Not old enough to be your mother. Your sister, perhaps."
"You don't even know who old I am."
"Ah, I do. I know a lot about you. Your medical records were quite complete."
The feeling of being at ease was starting to fade..
"Where am I? How did I get here?"
"You are in Paris. Your friend Conrad sent you to our facility."
"I'm in France?" Alison asked, shocked.
"Yes, you are in France."
"Why didn't anyone tell me?"
"You were not to know. The less people know the better. Our facility is really quite exclusive. For personal and safety reasons.
"Does Conrad know I'm here?"
"Here, but not your exact location."
"No, I'm sorry."
Alison closed her eyes. She was alone again.
"I'm sure you are not all with us due to the medication they gave you. Tea is next to you. I'll be downstairs if you need anything else."
Erin left the room and closed the door behind her. Alison turned on her side. It was painful, but she didn't care. She pulled her legs under her as best she could and curled herself in to a fetal position. She didn't care how strong she promised Conrad she would be; she needed to cry. The tears came to her eyes and rolled onto the pillow. She began to sob loudly and terrible thoughts came to her mind. What if she would have died in that accident? What if she would have let that intruder kill her? Would she be any better off than she was right now? She was alone, with no support. No one to be with her, no one to tell her she was going to be alright. What if she were to take a whole bottle of her pain pills? Would she drift off to join Dash, or would it put her into the same hell she was in now?
Erin heard her cry from the hallway. She walked back to the door and opened it enough to see Alison curled up in the bed. She waited a few moments to see if she would settle down and when Alison didn't she walked to her bedside and sat down. She ran her fingers through Alison's hair and wiped the tears off of her cheeks.
"There, there now. It's all going to be okay. You can rest now." Erin told her.
Alison began to quiet down.
"Shhh. I know you're scared, but I'm here for you. You have nothing to worry about. We'll take good care of you."

Her next days at her new home meant figuring out her new surroundings. She was not at a hospital, but at a private château outside of Paris. She had a full medical staff at her disposal any time day or night. She had noticed guards posted inside the home and outside. Not that she had ventured out just yet. The home was obviously a vacation home, and it did not lack any amenities.
She stepped onto the back porch and found a chair to sit in. Erin had brought her a cup of tea and had set it on the small table next to a local paper. Alison picked it up and briefly read through it. She had no interest in the happening of Paris, or France for that matter; but it did occupy her time. While she was turning the page she noticed one of the guards from the house wearing plain clothes was in the yard with a dog. He was shouting commands and the dog was following them. The guard pointed at Alison and the dog ran at her at full speed. She caught her breath, not knowing exactly what to do. The large German Sheppard stopped in front of her and stared. The man ran up to it and commanded him to sit.
"Good morning, ma'am." He said. He voice was thick with a Scottish accent.
"Good morning." Alison replied, somewhat wearily.
"This is Wallace." He extended his hand towards to dog. "My name is Callum."
"Nice to meet you, Callum." Alison did not take her eyes off the dog.
Callum laughed. "Down, Wallace." The dog complied. "I'm your bodyguard."
"I have a bodyguard?" Alison laughed dryly. "This is getting good. Kevin Costner you certainly are not."
"Hopefully you won't need my services. If you go out, we'll be with you."
"You and Wallace?"
"Yes, me and the ol' boy. He's a good dog. Seems like he took a liking to you too." Callum gestured to Wallace who was curled up at Alison's feet.
"How can you tell?" she asked.
"If he didn't he would have you by your neck on the ground. He's a trained killer."
Alison put her paper down and looked at Callum. He was tall and slender but had well defined muscles. His broad shoulders and short black hair reminded her of Dash. But his brown eyes set him apart. She noticed that instead of Dash's square jaw and chiseled features, Callum had a round face and goatee. She shook her head in disbelief and reached down and began to pet Wallace. Wallace in turn sat up, wagged his tail and put his head on Alison's lap and let her continue petting him.
"Killer dog, hey? You're not a killer dog." She cooed to Wallace.
"If you want, we can go over your security detail now." Callum told her.
"Sure." Alison said.
"Needless to say that Wallace and I will be following you wherever you go. If you're familiar with bodyguards, I'll either be one step ahead of you, or one behind."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"There are also guards posted at the entrance to the house. No one can enter unless they are properly identified."
Alison looked over at Callum and knew that she was not in any ordinary facility as Erin had led her to believe. He leaned back in his chair and pulled a small grey clip from his pocket. He slid it across the table to her. Alison reached over and picked it up, turning it in her hands. It was no larger than a credit card with a small button on either side.
"You wear that at all times when you are away from the house. It's a transmitter. Let's me know where you are and if you are in trouble." He tried to take it out of her hands.
"I know how it works." She told him, not letting him take it away from her. "You press the buttons together."
"Right." Callum stood up and Wallace followed him. "I'll leave you to your paper."
Alison watched him walk away. She stood up and put the clip in pocket of her shirt and went back to her room.

General Rey slammed the drawer to Duke's desk shut. He had broken into duke's personal residence looking for any information Duke had about the exact whereabouts of Alison. Rey had gotten a hold of Duke's friend Zach and even though it took a strong arm to do it, Zach gave him what he needed to know. She was in France. Rey had left Zach with a parting gift of a few broken ribs, and a broken jaw for not telling everything he knew.
He heard the door open and he pulled himself closer to the wall to avoid being seen. A tall figure stumbled in and flopped himself on the couch. Rey looked around the corner into the living room and saw Flint passed out on the couch. He chuckled to himself. What a waste Flint had become. He walked into the living room and began to look through the bookcase. In a row of DVDs he found a copy of My Fair Lady. He opened the case, and instead of the DVD he found a blank disk. He knew it was what he was looking for.
Flint stirred in his drunken slumber. He opened his eyes and sat up.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I was just picking something up. What's the matter with you Flint? Chasing the ghost of your wife again?" Rey laughed and walked towards the door. "Keep trying son, maybe one day you'll catch her."
Rey sat in her car and took the disk out of its case and turned it over and over in his hand. "I'm gonna find out everything on this disk and then I'm coming for you Lady Jaye." He threw the disk and the case on the passenger seat and drove himself back to headquarters.

Every afternoon was filled with exercise, treadmills and weightlifting. She hated her physical therapists. Moreover, the nutritionist, and the doctor who came to see her daily were not very high on her list either. Erin tended to her personal needs and was a constant companion. Anything she needed from a bath drawn to a snack in the middle of the night and Erin was there for her. One night, after a rather hard day at therapy, Erin came to room to check on her. Alison was sleepy but watching her television and Erin sat on the edge of her bed and brushed her hair for her.
"You know what we should do?" Erin told her. "We should go shopping."
"No we shouldn't."
"Come on Ali. I bet it would do you good. A nice day in the city, we could take Wallace to the park."
"You can't stay cooped up here. Besides, you could use some new clothes."
"Erin, I don't have any money."
Erin began to braid Alison's hair. "You don't need any. Your sponsor took care of all that."
"If you be quiet, I'll say yes. I'm trying to watch this soap opera."
Erin laughed. "We'll go tomorrow afternoon. I'll talk to Callum and get everything set up. You're going to have good day, I promise."

Alison must have looked a sight walking into the boutiques in Paris dressed in a sweat suit. Her hair was pulled into a sloppy bun in the back of her head. She took her time in the shops, picking out enough clothing to last her for quite a while. She was having a good time with Erin, finally being able to talk and laugh like she had not in months. Every so often, she would look over her shoulder and see Callum standing near the doorway; his eyes never left her. Before they left the city, Callum wanted to let Wallace out in the park. The sun was shining and there was a warm breeze blowing. Erin stopped at a sidewalk vendor and picked up a small basket of fruit and fresh cheese. She joined Callum and Alison near the river. They ate a light lunch and Alison wanted to walk along the river with Wallace. Callum agreed to let her and he stood up, waiting for them to return, and never taking her out of his eyesight. He saw Alison sit near the bank and Wallace sit next to her. She became partially obscured by a bush. He only took a few steps toward her when he heard Erin yell. He turned around and saw two men grab Erin by her arm and jerk her up off the ground. She tried to reach for her sidearm that was hidden under her waist band but the man grabbed it first. Callum ran over to her, and tried to tackle the man. He was thrown to the ground. In the melee, he didn't see General Rey approach Alison on the river bank.
Wallace, who was sitting calmly on the river bank, perked up his ears and turned his head. When he saw the man approach he stood up and growled. Alison turned her head to see what he was growling at and her breath caught in her throat when she saw General Ray walking towards her. She slowly got up off the ground.
"Hello, Lady Jaye." Rey said. "What a gorgeous day."
Alison looked nervously to where Callum was, but she did not see him.
"What do you want?" She asked him. She reached to her side and firmly pressed her panic alarm.
"Wallace!" She commanded.
"Tell him to halt." Rey told her as he drew his gun. "I'll kill him."
Alison called Wallace back to her. He stopped, but kept his stance.
"Lady Jaye, why can't you just go away?"
"What are you talking about? Why am I a threat to you?"
"Because you know too much. You can get in the way of our plans. Those plans can not be stopped. The military tried to get in the way, and we took care of the jugglers. GI Joe tried to get in the way, and I shut them down. The Speaker of the House was getting nosy, so we took care of him too. Good thing we put one of our own in his place."
Alison stood horrified. She really had figured out his plan.
"You can thank your friend Zach. He's the one who told me where you were." Rey cocked his head to the side. "Oh I'm sorry, you can't. He's dead."
"Come with me."
"No! She screamed. Wallace took a few steps closer to Rey.
"What did I tell you about that dog?" Rey spat.
"Wallace..." she warned.
Rey reached out and grabbed Alison by her arm. "I said come with me." He pulled her up the bank towards a waiting car. She struggled with him trying desperately to get of his grasp.
He did the only thing he knew would incapacitate her. He made a fist and lodged it into her abdomen. She gasped, having the wind knocked out of her. Rey pulled her close to him so he could wrap his arm around her and pick her up off the ground. "I can't wait to see the look on Flint's face when I bring you back to Washington."
"What!" She said as she struggled against him.
"Hopefully he will be sober enough to realize it's you. God, what a bum he turned out to be."
Alison slammed her heel into Ray's foot causing him to stumble and loosen his grip on her.
"Callum!" She screamed. She heard shots fired in the distance.
Rey laughed. "I guess he is preoccupied."
He picked her back up and she took a deep breath and whistled for Wallace who was just a few feet away from them. He lunged at Rey latching onto his leg with his teeth. Rey screamed out in pain and let Alison go. She fell to the ground and crawled away from Rey.
Rey pointed his gun down at Wallace but before he could fire, he was shot in the shoulder. He fell backwards and Wallace released his grip on his leg and became attached to his arm. Alison looked to where she heard the shot and saw Erin standing yards away, her gun still in her hand. Callum came running from behind her, gun in hand and fired a shot at Rey.
Rey managed to fire a shot and he nicked Wallace in the leg. Wallace released his grip on Rey and sat on the ground. Rey got up, his gun now pointed at Alison. "I'd kill you, Lady Jaye, but I need you alive."
"Callum!" Erin yelled. She had Rey in her aim. "Get her out of here!"
Callum ran up behind Alison and scooped her up, tossing her over his shoulder in a firemen's carry. He ran with her to their vehicle. The driver had the door open and Callum put Alison in the backseat and jumped in after her.
"Go!" he told the driver.
"What about Erin?" Alison asked.
"She can take care of herself. Back up is already there." Callum said. He punched the back of the seat in front of him. "Damn it!"
"Where are we going?" Alison said, her hand resting on her abdomen.
"The airport. We're leaving France."
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