Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If it looks like I'm laughing, I'm really just asking to leave...

Chapter 6: Collision and Finding the Hypotenuse

by TheatreGeek 1 review

Frank really doesn't think he can stand a week at school until he crashes into someone, who actually seems nice. He also realises that he's tired of pretending to be okay.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-08-28 - Updated: 2011-08-28 - 1010 words - Complete

"aagh, jesus, it's not coming out..." I mutter as I scrub furiously at the stain on my pants. My soup had tasted really nice, but I really didn't want to wear it. I decide it's pointless trying to clean myself up any more and I look at my reflection in the dirty mirror. I look like my normal self, I'm so used to putting on a brave face for everyone I've even started trying to kid myself. I look at myself properly and I see the cracks in my bravado. My face is pale, I look really tired and I seem deflated. I stand hunched over and tense, as if waiting for the next insult to hit me, like when Owen Bridges threw a rock at me when I was eight. The bell rings loudly and I sniff back the tears that threaten to start falling and hurry back to my locker.

There's a five minute gap between the bell ringing and the lesson starting, so I don't rush. I wander over to see my locker has a huge dent in it. Thank you whoever did that. I unlock it and my heart sinks. All my photos and cut outs of my favourite bands are gone and in their place is many pictures of shirtless men. Fuck you, shitty school lock system. I don't need to guess who did this. Aiden's kindly left a post-it note stuck inside " Thought's you'd love these Frankie. Make sure you wait until you're alone to start licking them though! You're welcome!" A group of orange girls scuttle past, squealing with laughter as I stand there, completely speechless. I grab my books and slam my locker shut, banging my fist against it, adding another dent to my collection. I shake my head and look at the floor as I make my way to next lesson, maths. And I thought this day couldn't get any worse.
My intense staring contest with the floor results in me walking straight into someone.The someone squeals and I jump back. " Ohshitsorry" I gabble, looking down at the pile on the floor. I brace myself for a spiteful remark, a kick or a shove, anything, but none came. " It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either." the pile says, hastily getting up and dusting herself down. The girl looks to be about my age, her honey-brown hair hanging down her back in a ponytail, a side fringe obscuring part of her face. " I'm really sorry." She says, smiling shyly and biting her lip. "No problem. I'm okay" I flash a quick smile," I'm sorry too." She adjusts the strap of her bag on her shoulder and continues on her way again, " See you around!" She calls, then turns away, leaving me stood like an idiot in the nearly empty hallway, as people start to head for their next lesson.

"So to find the hypotenuse we square the lengths of the two sides, add them together and then square root the answer..." ohhh....this is torture....I try desperately to concentrate at what's on the board, but it's kind of hard when you have someone repeatedly kicking your chair. " Mr Iero, would you like to do this example for me?" Mr Williams asks, " Erm, sure..." I squint at the problem, the kicks getting harder now. " Is it...erm..." I stutter, I can do this, I'd have explained it by now if my spine wasn't being gradually kicked to death. " Come on Frankie, you can do it!" Josh calls, nodding his head over-enthusiastically, clapping his hands. " need to..." I can see sir getting more and more agitated. " You need to square the sides and then.."
" Get on with it you gayboy! It's not that hard. Are you retarded?" Noah whispers in my ear, a little too loudly. " Mr Creed! Don't be so rude! That language is not acceptable here young man! You answer the question for me." Mr Williams looks at me sympathetically, " I'll come and explain it to you in a minute Frank. Come on then Noah! Tell me how to do the problem." I once again get a sharp kick in the small of my back, jolting me forward. The lessons drags on. Who knew fifty minutes could feel so freaking long? I get on with my work silently, not drawing attention to myself. When the final bell rings, I get up slowly from my desk, packing away my books and pens quietly. The longer I wait, the less people will be about when I have to put my books away. As he leaves, Noah passes my desk "I'll get you for that little stunt you pulled back there. Watch it!" he hisses. I pretend to ignore him, but the threat sends shivers up my spine, makes the hairs on my neck stand up and my stomach drop about ten foot through the floor.

When I eventually leave the classroom and reach my dented locker, I open it and rip all the topless posters down, tearing them up and screwing the pieces into a ball before throwing them in the trash can. How can I stand another four days of this? I push open the double doors and jam in my headphones. The bus is pulled up outside the school gates, Aiden and his gang are sprawled across the back seat, a gaggle of girls around them. They spot me as I cross the road, greeting me with a show of middle fingers. I put my head down. I reach the other side of the road when I hear a knocking noise. I look up, wondering who's about to flip me off now, and see the girl I flattened in the hallway earlier. She gives me a quick wave, smiling. I smile a little back and raise my hand in a wave too. The engine roars and the bus sets off, leaving me standing alone on the pavement. I turn the volume up louder and shove my hands in my pockets, continuing on my way home.
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