Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Everybody Wants To Change The World

Chapter Fifteen - Gotta Shout This Out So Everybody Knows!

by Nightstars 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-29 - Updated: 2011-08-30 - 945 words

I'm sorry that this is short but I'm really trying my hardest to get chapters out. But between school, homework, and a crapload of other things I'm kinda struggling to put out more chapters...I refuse to give up on this though. I write this chapter a few days ago just didn't have a chance to post it. Working on chapter sixteen right now though, might be up later or tomorrow...

Chapter Fifteen - Gotta Shout This Out So Everybody Knows!

He was on his feet. Immediately one hand pulled his goggles onto his eyes and the other grabbed a flare and stricking it across the ground.
The sound of the others jumping to their feet sounded behind him but he didn't glance back. His bright hazel eyes, hidden behind the black lenses of the goggles, scanned across the dark terrain. He studied the green static and searched for any sign of any black masses. Then passed through the terrain as he held the flare before him like a flashlight, casting shadows across the ground.
Suddenly his eyes snapped back, his bottom lip dropped the slightest bit and a small intake of breath entered his lungs. He could see the white of the BL/ind jumpsuit and then the blood-red lips thatt were placed upon the mask. Then it was gone again.
Frantically, he motioned his friends closer to him and scanned the clearing again. He probed the darkness for any sign of the white suit or the red lips but it was just the dark terrain again.
Then it hit him. The Draculoids wouldn't just be out here for no reason. While the Draculoid seemed to have noticed him it didn't attack as if it were looking for them. That could only mean they were looking for...
"Missile," Party Poison breathed.
"What?" Fun Ghoul asked, his eyes suddenly moving faster along the desert night. "Where!"
Party Poison whirled around, not taking the time to answer the question. He tossed the flare to the ground, letting it brighten the camp they had set up and began to shove all the stuff they had unpacked back into the bag.
"Party Poison what is it?"
"They're looking for Missile!" He exclaimed, shoving the map back into his back pocket and then reached to push the CB back into the pack. "That's why the Dracs are out right now, she got away and now they're... " He trailed off, the realization hitting him again. "Oh!"
"POISON!" Fun Ghoul snapped, his anxiety putting him further on edge then before. "Just tell us already!"
Bright hazel eyes snapped up again, meeting the harsh amber that shimmered in the firelight.
"She's out there somewhere, and we have no idea where she's at. Dracs are looking for her and she doesn't have a raygun..."
They all stopped, their eyes shimmering, this time not from the light but from the tears that flooded them.

"Zany? Suicide?"
Moonlit Suicide jolted from her post. Her hand automatically slid to the handle of her sword and then fell when she spotted the source of the noise. The CB radio sat on the rock beside her, the static being cut off when the words slipped through it again.
"Guys are you there?"
Quickly she grabbed the radio and flipped the switch and speaking into the mic.
"Hey Jet, it's Moonlit. What's up I thought we were only gonna make transmissions to share info?"
She waited, her hand slipping off the switch and staring intently at the speaker, waiting for Jet Star to speak again. More static slipped through it and then it was cut off.
"Missile got away from the Dracs, we don't know where she's at but we gotta find her. Can you wake up the others and go searching?"
Moolit Suicide stared at the CB and her hand twitched to her sword again. Anger and fear flooded her veins at the thought of Missile Kid out there all by herself.
"We're on it."
Her voice was spoken through gritten teeth as she switched off the radio and whirled around, her eyes blazing with something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Missile Kid huddled against the mailbox, her eyes slowly starting to drift close before she would snap them open again.
"They're gonna come get me," she chanted, her voice slightly hoarse from the number of times she had spoken in the past few minutes. "They're gonna come get me.." Her voice was slowly started to thicken with sleep as she let her eyes fall shut. "They promised."
Gently she pulled the robot closer to her chest and then her breathing deepened. Soon her breaths were in soft and even gusts as sleep floated through her mind. The darkness clouded her, letting her remain in her makeshift resting place while the Draculoids searched to no avail.
In this place, where she had come so many times to send her hopes and dreams to a person she didn't even know was still alive, she felt safe. This place where she had sent off her love to a person that may have died so many years sgo was her haven. Her haven where she could remain and be safe.

Party Poison could feel the night around him but still he marched, one hand holding onto his bright yellow raygun and the other holding the bright blue mouse head. His eyes skimmed through what little he could see before him as his friends stayed behind him, each looking off to a different side.
'We'll find her.' he murmured to himself as he took another step and looked off to the side again. "We'll find you Missile. I promise."
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