Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > freedom comes at a price.

'from the hospital bed.'

by headintheclouds 0 reviews

an old friend returns

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-09-01 - Updated: 2011-09-01 - 368 words

Frank came to visit me every day while I was in the hospital. He stayed the whole day on the Friday I was taken in, as did my mom, mikey and Katherine. Mikey sat in the far corner with Katherine’s head in his lap. My mom sat on my left, both her hands resting on the bar of the metal bed that I had my back pressed against so that there was room for frank could lie on the bed with me. When mikey and Katherine left on Saturday morning to go out for a bit and grab supplies, my mom told me what the doctors had said. ‘they think they should keep you in, just to check the wounds heal properly and make sure you don’t have any internal bleeding. They think about a week.’ She sighed as she stroked my hair, absentmindedly. Mikey came back alone at 3.30, he tossed me a bag of clothes. On top was something wrapped in plastic? I gave it to frank to open it for me.
‘You bought me a maiden shirt? Thank you!’ I opened my arms, gesturing for mikey to give me a hug. At 10pm everyone left except frank. We both just lay there looking at each other. He shuffled closer and put his arms around me, kissing me softly. We fell asleep in each others arms, and for the first time in years, I felt safe.
An angry rush of whispers woke me the next morning, I didn’t open my eyes, and I just listened.
‘Please let me wake him, he’ll be so happy to see you…’ franks voice pleaded.
‘Let him sleep, I’ll still be here when he wakes up.’ A girl’s voice replied.
‘I like watching him sleep,’ I grinned at franks words, ‘busted.’ He whispered in my ear. I sat up in the bed, my eyes linked with his. I turned to see a tall girl stood at the end of my bed, her bright red bangs blinding in the morning light.
‘Emily.’ I breathed; she threw her arms around me and grinned, frank mouthed ‘I told you.’ To her before leaving us alone.

R+R please:D
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