Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Half a Goddess 2: The Secrets Behind Her Smile


by Elsask 2 reviews

The Titans arrive on the scene did they arrive in time or they here just to observe the past?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-06 - Updated: 2006-06-07 - 1484 words

Here is another chapter i don't know if you guys liked what happened to Helen since i didn't get too much input on the last chapter, sorry if you didn't like it, but i am going to type my heart out anyways! :D

The Titans got out of the red truck.

"This is the spot." Called out Odie. "Ooo, but it looks pretty harsh."

Herry was the first to advance towards the door. There the door laid on one of its hinges with a deep claw mark, that never was a good sign. Herry touched it and it fell to the ground. All of then in unison jumped back. After the thick dust had settled they all leaned in.

"Whoa." All of them called out as they looked at the interior of what remained of the home. Slowly and cautiously the gang gingerly walked into the bungalow. There was china and glass scattered and broken all over the floor. Boxes had tumbled over revealing its contents. In the narrow hallway deep gouges and slashes marked up the walls. The living room was probably worse than the small foyer. The Titans shivered from the creepy, leering feeling the house gave off.

"It looked like this house went through an earthquake." Commented Neil, "and then a stampede."

"And giants." Added Jay pointed at the large hole in the wall.

"Actually it wasn't giants." A voiced clearly spoke through the debris and rubble.

The group of them eyes' darted to the source of the sound to see Hermes slowly wobbling getting up from a pile of debris, rubbing his head. "It was Helen."

Hermes was totaled head to toe, it looked almost as if a cat had attacked him, and not the domestic kind either. His 'dress' was tattered along the edges and Hermes face was almost unrecognizable with all the soot that covered him.

"What?!" They called out at different times.

"Helen would never do something like this." Defended Herry, he knew something wasn't right but he still had to believe Helen was still all right.

"No not on her free will, but Cronos controls her now." Hermes replied sadly.

"What happened here anyways Herms?" questioned Odie he picked up an delicately hand-painted plate but his butter fingers wouldn't stand for it as they the plate fell to the floor in a deafening crash. He turned around with a child's grin.


Before Helen struck at her parents, Hermes in a flash appeared stopping the blow with his caduceus.

Helen turned around to her new opposer angrily. "How dare you." She hissed.

Hermes had to stop her and this insanity. She defended the blows meant to knock her out unconscious. Every time he struck, the rage built up more and more inside the female. Helen was quicker than the messenger of the gods as she knocked him over with a quick swipe to the legs with agility. Helen raised her lethal step her eyes filled that Menacing Joy just as she was to give him his deathly blow, Eve had gotten to her feet from where Eve and Andrew had been cornered like a mouse, she came from behind and knocked the weapon from Helen's grip with a elegant swish. The bladed weapon fell to the floor with a clang and dissipated into the darkness. Helen unheeded the setback, in her palm she started to create the form of two metal claws similar to the ones Odie had made but if anything more dangerous and deadly. They become solid, cold steel weapons.

She gave the smirk that nourished at the sounds of painful or fearful screams.

She started to walk towards her foes with feline grace unhurriedly.

All of them were awestruck by her newfound powers; people weren't meant to make weapons out of thin air. Also another thing she was more agile, sleek and had faster reflexes then before if that was even possible. The way of the dark side.

Helen threw herself at her enemies, she was very talented by now from experience at attacking more than one enemy and repel them. The scene had moved to the spacious living room, Helen picked them off one by one. With slashing like that of a cat, Eve was the first to go, then Andrew and alas Hermes. Helen pushed the three of them into a pile she smirked at the triple.
"Pathetic." She spat out. "Now who is the powerful one, oh mighty god of the Greeks?" With that she was gone before their eyes.

"Oh no." Eve whispered. "Holi."

Helen leaned over the small dainty bed with a scythe ready to let her younger sibling into the slumber you do not awake from. She hissed with triumph as she hunched over the sleeping child. She stealthy took a step closer. She raised the scythe; it glinted in the vague light. The moment of triumph was to come.

Hermes grabbed the stem of the scythe, pulling it back with much force it slipped out of Helen's hands and into Hermes it went where he fell onto the floor. The scythe burned in his hands as it became one with the air. Hermes let out a yelp.

"You still think you can defeat me old man?" She teased coldly.

Hermes sighed. 'I wish I had the old Helen back, this one is such a nuisance.'

Helen was gone once again in a flash, now after her parents. Eve didn't see her as she stalked her from behind. Eve was rapidly dialing on the phone. She held the phone to her ear, there was no dial tone.

In the darkness Helen stalked her prey like a cat, watching, waiting, teasing and playing with her catch or should she say catches. This whole thing was child's play.

"Damn it." She slammed the phone against the wall. Eve turned around.

"Hello, there...Eve." Helen smirked, she struck the blunt end of her weapon on Eve's head before Eve collapsed on the floor she let out an alarming scream.

"Eve!!" Andy called out from the living room still.

Neither Hermes nor Andrew were able to arrive at the scene, Helen stopped them.
Helen appeared before them like a ghost, she held out her hand for them to stop. They halted in their tracks.
Helen winded up and spinning around twice in a row she hit the two with incredible force they soared into the wall in the living room. They slid down the wall both knocked unconscious.
Helen walked up to the two as she picked up Andrew and threw him over his shoulders she whispered into Hermes' ear. "Since I am such a nice person...You can keep the child, aging elder."

"Oh that is terrible." Theresa replied to the tragic story with her gentle hands to her mouth. Jay came up behind her, may it was to comfort her.

"Man that girl can pack a punch." Smirked Archie. Everyone gave him a cold glare. "I am just trying to lighten the mood."

Atlanta punched him on the shoulder. "Can you ever keep your mouth shut?"

"So where is Helen's family?" questioned Jay with his arm around Theresa's waist which he had done very slyly.

"Helen must have taken them but she didn't take Holi by the sounds of it." Hermes quickly disappeared into the corridor at the holler of a young child's cry.

He returned quickly with a young six year old girl sleeping on his back. Her lustrous wavy orange hair rested on Hermes back like waves on the water. A glistening tear gem was still fresh on her cheek. On her face was a smile knowing she was safe once again.

"I am deeply regretful I couldn't save Eve and Andy." He looked at the remains of the house and then his eyes return to the charming little Holi.

"If I were there, none if this would have happened, Helen wouldn't have been able to lay a hand on me." Neil sticked out his chest.

Herry leaned over Neil's shoulder. "Boo."

Neil sprung into the air almost seeming to hit the roof, the gang would have laughed but now wasn't the moment.

The Titans gang separated to see the disaster that befell upon the home. As Theresa walked into the kitchen she picked up the remains of a coffee cup shattered on the floor. A vision came to her.

There was a terrifying scream and the horror of somebody's face. Then, the coffee cup was dropped onto the floor and shattered into a million pieces spilling the brown liquid all over the kitchen tile.
Theresa winced. If this place was ever happy before, it wasn't now.

I typed this fast and it didn't turn out quit like i wanted it. Well there you go but i won't write for awhile since the school is in 'final exam mode' and baseball is in 'playoffs' mode.

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