Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Fate and Destiny: Why Me


by Dessmonda 8 reviews

The seven heroes have defeated Cronus, grown up, married and had children. However Cronus has escaped again and this time has teamed up with sevral difrent creatures. Can the children accept fate a...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 1546 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Class of the Titans, or mythology but I do own my own characters (James, Taylor, Athena, Alana, and Andrea in this chapter.)

Author's Notes: In this story Atlanta is a descendant ofAtalanta and Archie has natrual red hair. Sorry if this is confusing, I kind of hinted at things that happen in a story that I hope to finish writing the first chapter tonight. It is about the seven heroes, it will be the prequel to this story. So if you like this read that one too!

Chapter One: Contemplations

James sat on the sand at the beach, staring at the ocean as it sparkled in the light of the hot sun. He had found a letter that morning and was now wishing that his curiosity hadn't gotten the better of him. He had read the letter, and at first he didn't believe it but he had done the research and found out the letter was true. Sure it did explain some things, but part of him had wanted to believe that there was another logical explanation. His brain couldn't come up with one.

Almost out of the blue his younger brother Taylor appeared, looking excited about something. "Mom and Dad are home and they want to talk to us. "James got up and followed his brother back to their house the letter he had been contemplating was clutched in his left hand.

As the two boys entered the house their mother greeted them with hugs. "Hi mom, were fine really," James reassured his mom. She was worried that they wouldn't be okay for three days, but he didn't mind his mom loved them and she didn't want anything to happen to them. "Where's dad?" James asked his mom as she stopped hugging him.

"I think he's in our bedroom unpacking," Theresa replied. James nodded his head and ran upstairs quickly.

"Dad?" James asked as he entered his parents' bedroom, "can we talk about something." Jay nodded his head and James closed the door behind him. "I...I want to talk about this," He said quietly as he held up the letter.

Jay paled at the sight of the letter. "Where did you find that?" he half asked/half demanded. "It came in the mail on Friday...after you left" came the reply. Jay sighed, "You want to know if it's true or not," James nodded his head, "well it is," Jay continued, "every last detail."

Now it was James' turn to pale. He reread the letter once more, it was written in his father's own penmanship.

Descendants Jay-Jason Atlanta-Atalanta Herry-Hercules Archie-Achilles Odie-Odysseus Theresa-Theseus Neil-Narcissus

Mentors Jay-Hera Atlanta-Artemis Herry-Hercules Archie-Ares Odie-Hermes Theresa-Persephone Neil-Aphrodite

Finally James found his voice, "I'm...I' I really a descendant of Jason and Theseus?" Jay nodded, and James continued, "I thought so, I just wanted to make who are the others?" Jay motioned for James to sit down and he did. Jay began telling James who the other people were.

Athena stood at her bedroom window looking out onto the large backyard. She was so lost in thought she didn't even here Alana enter and stand beside her. Alana was Athena's older sister...older by three minutes and twenty-two seconds to be exact. Athena was the middle child in her family and often felt left out and the fact that her younger sister was only five minutes and forty-three seconds younger didn't help matters. Yes she was a triplet and the three of them looked so much alike people had trouble telling them apart, and she had grown tired of it.
"You know mom and dad are likely to kill you for what you did today right?" Alana asked her sister speaking for the first time since entering the room, snapping Athena out of her thoughts.

Athena just nodded her head, knowing that her sister was talking about what she had done earlier today. She had grown so tired of people not being able to tell her and her two sisters apart she had done two things. The first thing her mom knew about and had signed the permission form so Athena could get her nose priced, in fact all three of them had there noses pierced. And that was what made Athena do the second thing, which was she had went and had the tips of her red hair died bright purple. Her parents were going to be so made but some how the fifteen year old didn't care.

Andrea chose that moment to enter Athena's bedroom. "What are you two talking about?" She asked as she sat crossed legged on Athena's bed. "What you did to your hair or the crazy things that have been happening?"

Alana answered Andrea's question, "What Athena did to her hair," she offered a weak smile, "I'm sure will be twins after mom and dad get home." The three of them laughed and Athena and Alana sat down next to Andrea. "I think we should talk about know...stuff that's been happening lately." Alana whispered to her sisters. "I wasn't really worried when it was just me, but now that it's happening to Athena, maybe something is wrong."

"I'm sure it's nothing hereditary or else I would have gotten it to," Andrea said trying to make her sisters feel better, though she didn't believe what she said.

"I'm not sure it could have skipped you..." Athena replied just before the sound of the front door opening could be heard. Their parents must be back from vacation. Athena sighed as they heard their mother's voice calling them to come down stairs. The three girls smiled at each other and walked down the stairs with Alana in the lead, Andrea right behind her and Athena bringing up the rear.

Atlanta and Archie stood in the entrance hall, they had just gotten back from visiting friends and despite their age both were very fit. And Atlanta could still out run Archie easily. Archie was warring his ankle brace over his right ankle to protect it, though his pants covered it from sight. As expected Atlanta got really mad at Athena when she saw her hair.

"What did you do!" She screamed, not bothering to give her daughter any chance to explain. "We go away for one weekend and this is what you do! ATHENA ARTEMIS, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Atlanta was pissed, she rarely called the girls by their middle name, thought they were used to the yelling.

Athena bit her lip; she knew her mom would be mad, but mad enough to use her middle name? She never thought her mom would be that mad. "I...I...I..." She stuttered before muttering something incomprehensible. Atlanta just glared. Athena swallowed her salvia before trying again. "I wanted to be different...nobody bothers to tell us apart." She whispered, but because the house was dead silent Atlanta heard her clearly.

But before Atlanta could respond, Archie stepped in. "You could have at least told us first," he pointed out and Athena shock her head and mumbled something that sounded like 'you wouldn't have let me'. Which Archie couldn't argue with because she was right.

Atlanta glared one more time at Athena, before she ordered the three girls to take the two suit cases upstairs and get ready for dinner, which would be ready in about five-five minutes. Athena and Andrea grabbed a suitcase and Alana followed them upstairs limping slightly.

Archie watched the three girls walk up the stairs or in Alana's case limp. One thought came to his mind, he turned to tell Atlanta but she seemed to have gone in the kitchen already. "Alana can you come here please?"

"Sure," Alana replied, already limping down the stairs. She stopped in front of her dad and smiled, "Ya?"

"Why are you limping?" Archie asked not beating around the bush. 'You already know why...' his brain reminded him, 'but there could be another explanation.'

"Well, I'm not sure yesterday it felt funny, and this morning I hit my right ankle on the door frame to my bedroom. And it hurt like hell." Alana explained, but I'm sure it's fine.

Archie nodded his head. "Do you know the story about Achilles?" He asked and Alana nodded her head, the other two girls were now sitting on the stair steps. They too nodded their heads. "Have any of you two felt the same way about your ankle?" Andrea shook her head while Athena nodded hers. He sighed and then called for Atlanta, she entered the room and gave him a questioning look.

Archie turned to Atlanta, "I think we should contact Hera," he told her.

"Why?" she countered back.

"Because...think about it Alana and Athena have never been sick." Archie knew he didn't have to explain Atlanta knew.

"Who's Hera?" Andrea asked, she was confused and by the looks of her sisters they were too. "And why do you have to contact her?"

"Because," Atlanta replied calmly, "you're related to Achilles and Atalanta." Her three children stared at her unable to say a word.

A/N: Next chapter the children (James, Taylor, Athena, Alana, and Andrea)meet Heraand the children related to Herry, Odie and Neil.Please read and Review!
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