Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I've Lost My Fear Of Falling

Lay Still Like The Dead

by kirrahdiviney 2 reviews

parks, ninja-fails and truth-telling.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-09-20 - Updated: 2012-02-13 - 1522 words

Gerard’s POV
I stopped laughing and decided to follow Meg, wherever she was going. I wanted to know once and for all why she was acting like this. She walked outside and I followed her silently until she reached a park, it must have been outside the hotel but I don’t remember seeing it. She sat down on one of the swings and looked down at her feet, slowly rocking back and forth, from a distance it looked like she was crying. I hid behind a bush and trying to figure out why she was acting like this. I felt something tickling my leg and I looked down and saw a wish flower thingy. I picked it up and blew, but the wind was against me and the petals flew up my nose disturbing my wish and causing me to sneeze super-loud. Meg looked over at me and I saw the tears on her cheeks, she was about to get up and leave but I ninja flipped out of the bush and stopped her then we kissed and sparks flew...
Not really.
I attempted to ninja flip over the bush but it didn’t turn out to good and I tripped over the bush and cut my arm on the branches.
Meg, who was earlier about to leave, ran over to me with a worried look in her eye. I could tell that if she wasn’t so worried about my bleeding arm and being angry at me she would have laughed.
“Are you OK?” She asked, kneeling next to me, her hands hovering over my arm like they didn’t really know what to do.
“Yeah... I think...” I replied. Damn it hurt! I don’t think it hit a vein at all but OUCH!
“You don’t look OK...” Meg told me, she must have read my mind or something because the next thing she said was “Hospital.” And rang the guys up to grab the car.
“You know, I came here to talk to you about something... Not fail a ninja flip then need to go hospital.” I told her pointedly.
“Yeah?” She replied, trying to hide a smile from her voice.
“Yeah...” Was all that managed to come out. I was just about to open my mouth and tell her but all of a sudden a sentence flew from her mouth in a incomprehensible slur of words
“What?” I said, pulling my favourite ‘What-the-hell’ face.
“I-I’m sorry I’ve been acting so, mean and nasty lately. I-I don’t care if your g-gay. I was a bit j-jealous and angry to start with I guess but being g-gay is your decision and I shouldn’t have gotten so u-upset over it...” She told me, red flushing her face. She looked at the floor then briefly glanced at me.
I was so confused at that moment. Since when was I gay? Yeah I may of had some ‘gay’ moments with Frankie in my time but, gay-gay. No.
“Gay? Since when have I been gay?” I asked her.
“I-I....You and F-Frank...Ray...” She whispered, looking like she felt extremely stupid.
“Ray? What about Ray?” I asked, this was starting to get real confusing. In no part of my life have I ever been ‘gay’ with Ray.
“R-Ray said that you and Frank...” She trailed off, blushing.
“Were gay?” I asked and she nodded sheepishly.
Why would Ray say that? I pursed my lips in thought but no sooner than I had thought of a reasonable explanation Frank and his band of followers were worriedly streaming across the park.
“I’m fine!” I called over to them.
“Yeah, if you count bleeding all over my new jeans being fine.” She joked, winking at me. I think she was better than before.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Frank, Mikey and Kirrah reached me first, Bob and Ray were trailing behind with medical supplies.
“Gheesh Gee. We let you go out for 5 minutes and already to manage to hurt yourself.” Frank said laughing and Kirrah giggled at him. I chuckled and Mikey laughed along with me whilst Meg glared at Frank but stopped when she noticed I was looking at her and blushed.
“Well, You know me.” I said, winking over at Meg.
Frank chuckled. “True that. Can you walk?”
“No Frank. My arm hurts that much it stopped my leg from working.” I replied sarcastically. “I think you’ll need to carry me to the car Frankie.” I added, in a baby voice.
“Aww, sure thing sugar-dumpling.” Frank replied giggling and picked me up.
I giggled and looked over at Meg who was not very happy with me being carried as she was glaring at Frank.

Meg’s POV
“I’m fine!” Gerard called over to Kirrah, Frank, Mikey, Bob and Ray; interrupting my thoughts.
“Yeah, if you count bleeding all over my new jeans being fine.” I joked, winking at Gerard. I was feeling alot better now that Gerard had reassured me he wasn’t ~~~.
Gerard rolled his eyes and chuckled. Frank, Mikey and Kirrah reached him first and Bob and Ray were trailing behind with medical supplies.
“Gheesh Gee. We let you go out for 5 minutes and already to manage to hurt yourself.” Frank said laughing and Kirrah giggled at him. Gerard and Mikey chuckled and then I immediately regretted thinking that there wasn’t anything going on between Frank and Gerard, I glared over in Frank’s direction but stopped and started blushing when I noticed Gerard looking over at me.
“Well, You know me.” Gerard said, winking over at me and I hid a smile. I was in a bad mood.
Frank chuckled. “True that. Can you walk?”
“No Frank. My arm hurts that much it stopped my leg from working.” Gerard replied sarcastically. And I stifled a giggle. “I think you’ll need to carry me to the car Frankie.” Gerard added, in a baby voice and you know that giggle that I was trying not to do? Yeah, it’s gone.
“Aww, sure thing sugar-dumpling.” Frank replied giggling and picked Gerard up.
I know I shouldn’t be angry at Frank for being gay with Gerard but I can’t help feel he set me up! He told me that Gerard likes me and now he’s kissing Gerard and carrying him places! I sighed and placed my head in my hands; tears escaping my eyes before I even had a chance to stop them.
I felt arms around my shoulders and I half-expected them to belong to Ray but when I looked up it was Kirrah’s face I saw.
“Kirrah...” I mumbled, hugging her back. It seemed like forever since we spoke and I felt so bad. I came over to hang with her and we had both been too caught up in our own personal drama’s to remember about each other. “I’m sorry.” I told her and she laughed.
“What for?”
“For being a rubbish best friend.” I replied which caused her to laugh.
“Well, we’re here together now and that’s all that matters. Now. Why are you crying?” She asked me.
“Gerard’s gay, and I think Frank is plotting against me.” I told her then had to laugh at how paranoid I sounded, Kirrah laughed along with me.
“What makes you say that?” She asked, hopefully she wasn’t angry at me saying her boyfriend was plotting against me.
“Well,” I started. “Ray told me the other day that Gerard likes Frank, so Gerard’s gay.” ‘Duh!’ I mentally told myself, wondering why I just stated the obvious. “Anyway, Frank has been telling me that Gerard does like me,”
“He does! Kirrah interrupted and I shot her a look that I was hoping said: ‘ahem-not-quite-finished’
“Sorry..” she said and I laughed.
“Well, carrying on, Frank’s telling me Gerard likes me but Ray told me he does and that Gerard likes Frank. And Gerard’s kissed Frank on this tour and carried him to a car.” I finished.
“You’re crazy.” Kirrah told me.
“I’m sure Frank likes you!” I said, hoping in my accusation of Gerard being gay I hadn’t accidentally said that Frank doesn’t like her. “I just think Gerard’s gay.”
“Have you ever thought that maybe Ray likes you and he said that so you didn’t go out with Gerard?” Kirrah asked.
“No, never entered my head.” I told her, shrugging at the thought of Ray liking me.
She sighed. “I think he likes you.” She said.
“Nah, he’s just stopping me from going after Gerard and breaking my heart.” I assured her, but I was starting to wonder if maybe what she thought was correct.
“OK hun, whatever you say.” She said and pulled me into another hug, leaving me to think about what she had just said...

wow, the updates have been very frequent! hope you guys have liked them :3 this was Meg's one, hence the great-ness of it :) i'm working on the next one now!
- kirrah xx
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