Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Did you hear that?THUMP!
Did you hear that?THUMP!
5 reviewsNever say you can live on your own when you read this in the dark. Let's just say someone you cared about just died and you loved them but what if you forget them when you live in a new house. Audi...
Did you hear that?THUMP!
(#) Gerardwayiscute 2011-09-19
I'm auditioning to be Frank's girlfriend. Name-Jasmine Price. Gender-female. Age-whatever you need. Personality-nice, shy when you first meet her but won't shut the fuck up once she gets to know you better, smart, gives good advice to people, loves to sneak up on people also, has a sense of humor, laughs at anything random, sometimes when shes bored she sings a creepy toddler song, hyper as fuck if you give her soda, and a party animal. Why you wanna be in this-well mostly its because the genre is horror and I love horror stories. And because I love Frank also. Looks-long straight dark brown hair with purple highlights, dark brown eyes that always show emotion, pale skin that tans easily, has cuts on wrists and scar on neck, 5'4 and really skinny. Wears a small amount of makeup, and always wearing her silver heart shaped necklace and silver skull earrings. Thank you for considering me!Did you hear that?THUMP!
(#) twilightluver6 2011-09-19
Can I be Frank's dead girlfriend? Name-Sally Jones. Gender-female. Age-whatever suits you. Personality-nice, lady like, is your typical girly girl, jumpy, has good manners, never says bad words and when she does she slaps herself, likes to tell people what to do, always does things right and is a spoiled girl. Why you wanna be in this-well... I don't know why. Oh I know. Stories that are horror are always interesting and fun to read. Looks-long platinum blonde hair that has pink underneath and some pink on her bangs which go across her forehead, light blue eyes, tanish like skin, has long fingers and long finger nails that are painted pink, pouty lips, is 5'2 and very thin and curvey. And she wears pink lip gloss, a little bit of blusher and some eye shadow. People call her Barbie because she looks like a Barbie doll. Thank you for considering me.Did you hear that?THUMP!
(#) Frankie1 2011-09-20
I want to be franks gf
Looks:Sholder leghth brown hair with blueish blondish under neath. A little bit of freckles. Big brown eyes always wears short shorts and band tees.
Personality:hyper funny romantic strange
Why I auditioned:I want to be in this story because I like auditioning to be in scary stories. So what do ya say.
Gender:FemaleDid you hear that?THUMP!
(#) IloveMCRmy 2011-10-06
I would loooove to be Frank's undead girlfriend. Haha.
Name: Bianca.
Age: 18
Looks: Medium length auburn hair. 5'6. Big brown eyes, with a green freckle in the right one.
Personality: Just overall caring about the ones I love,(ah I am so bad at talking about myself.) I am just really friendly. But I can be a huge bitch if someone hurts me or my friends. I am so nervous around boys when I first meet them, but I after a little I calm down. I laugh at a lot of things. The little things make me happy. When someone I care about is upset, I am sad for them. But I will do anything to cheer them up. I always try and give the best advice I can to my friends. I'm funny, but most of the time I don't mean to be. I also say whatever comes in my head. (Uhhh I just kinda rambled. But I hope it was detailed enough for you (: )
Why I Auditioned: 1) Because this is the only way I will get to date Frank. Haha. 2) I have never auditioned for a story, so I wanted to try it.
Gender: I am a laaady.Did you hear that?THUMP!
(#) Bad_Romance 2011-10-06
Auditioning for franks current girlfriend or gerards :)
Name. Kat Welsh.
Age. 21
Personality. Happy person. Knows how to cheer people up. Doesn't get down a lot, but when does drinks heavily to cover it up. Had issues with drugs.
Why you wanna be in this. Sounds like it will be a really good story.
And looks. Long cherry coloured red hair. Defined cheeks, full lips. Curvy but slim. Grey coloured eyes with dark but not heavy make up.
Also gender. Female
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