Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip Into The Tragedy


by Burnie 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Mikey Way,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-27 - Updated: 2011-09-28 - 745 words

I drove until Gerard said we were safe, surprised that the Trans Am had enough gas. As soon as the car made a complete stop Gerard was out the door, pacing around, looking very stressed. I sighed, and went out to him.
“It was there, it was right there…” He said, while running his fingers through his red hair repeatedly. I was really starting to worry about him. “What exactly… is it you feel, Gee?” I asked him.
He shrugged, “I don’t know… but it’s bad, really bad… and it wants us.” I stared at him, my question answered before I had time to open my mouth and ask it. “I don’t know why it wants us, maybe because I’m a bloodsucker and you have that… purple eye… thing.”
“So… we’re unique to them?” He shrugged. “I guess.” We stayed silent for a little while, and then he walked back to the Trans Am.
He came back out and gave me the old helmet while he took the white gun and tapped the barrel. I gulped. “Is this potentially dangerous?” I asked him as he was walking back in the direction we just came from. He laughed, “Obviously,” he said, “We’re gonna kill that fucker.”
He looked into the distance, as I caught up with him. His nose was twitching wildly, using his excellent sense of smell to find the thing. I used my most useful sense too, and listened to see if I could find anything.
It was silent for a while, and Gerard and I just stood there, waiting for a sign. Gerard then walked into an area surrounded by tall, pointy bushes. I followed him carefully, listening for any strange sounds.
When I turned the corner Gerard went around, he wasn’t there anymore. I stopped where I was and listened for any sign of him, and while there was no familiar sound of him, there was something else.
A deep purring sound, coming from close by. I stayed still, thinking that, it might want me, or Gerard. I searched my eyes around rapidly, still not moving my body, to see if I could spot Gerard anywhere. The bushes didn’t help me with my search for Gerard, but I’d say they helped my find the source of the purring, or, what was most likely to be the purring.
A pair of bright, shiny yellow eyes were staring right at me. My heart was thumping rapidly, but I didn’t move my position. My instincts told me to run away from it, but, I believed running would make things worse.
The eyes looked human, other than the colour. I have never seen a human with that colour eyes. Then again, you didn’t find too many purple eyed humans either. Maybe the… thing… was good, maybe it was like me. If so… then maybe I could talk to it.
“…Hello?” I said quietly to the pair of eyes. The whole face area was shadowed, the eyes shined so brightly. The gold coins went wide when I spoke, as if curious, and shocked. The figure slid a bit closer, as I stood my ground, and as it was about to emerge from the bushes, a red-headed figure jumped in from above, its hair still shining through the shaded plants.
They both came roughly out of the bushes, making me jump back to avoid the wrestling match taking place. Gerard was much taller than the other, who appeared to be a young man, maybe younger than me. He had long black hair that was in front of his face as he wrestled against Gee, while his green vest, black and yellow shirt, and black pants got covered in the desert sand. Gee was getting dusty too, as the other guy pinned him once or twice for a couple of seconds.
I was wondering if I should help or not. But then again, Gerard was now what felt like one hundred times stronger than me, and if the stranger was giving him a hard time, the most I would do is get in the way.
Gerard pulled out the gun when he was firmly straddled on the smaller man. He took the colourless weapon and pointed it directly at the younger one’s chest. He stopped fighting against Gerard, and lied in the dirt, panting, while looking Gerard right in the eyes.
“Found you.” Gerard said in accomplishment.
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