Categories > Original > Romance > Dancing with Death

Chapter 16

by Vampirechick1159 17 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-04 - Updated: 2011-10-04 - 1145 words - Complete

“Taking other peoples’ life force gives me the life force I need to keep on living. And the one time I stopped, Lucifer told me there would be serious consequences if I didn’t pick up the slack right then and there. Scared the crap outta me. I decided I wouldn’t do it again after that.”
“What kind of consequences?”
“Do you really need me to answer that?” he asked, glancing up at me from beneath his thick hair.
Horrible scenarios began to run through my head. “Okay, new topic. What was Lucifer talking about when he said you needed to ‘stay away from this’?”
He sighed heavily. “I’m not supposed to be in a romantic relationship with a mortal.”
“Why not?”
“If I knew that I wouldn’t dare break the rules. But Satan is cold and unforgiving. Not a good leader. I feel no obligation to obey him anymore.”
“And what could happen…”
“If we continued this?” He smiled. “Who cares? He can’t hurt you. Not unless you let him. That’s where his power falters. He can do anything to you, no matter how painful or terrible—if you let him. You have to give in, or he has no hold on you. So it’s simple, really. Don’t listen to that mean little voice in your head convincing you to do whatever bad thing you’re tempted to do, and neither of us will deal with any kind of punishment.”
“Really really.”
“So does this mean there’s a god?”
“I think there is. But I’ve never really studied up on it.”
The waitress brought the food then. I stuffed my mouth full so I couldn’t ask the questions burning in my mind—like what it was like to kill people, what he did when he was alone, etc. I was afraid of the answers. He was eating much more slowly, not to mention politely. In fact, I was finished before he was even halfway done. I didn’t let that bother me, though. I always ate a little faster than everyone else. Besides, I wasn’t slow and deliberate in anything. I let my eyes drift to the table cloth, noticing the little white flowers embroidered into the immaculately clean fabric. I wondered what Selena must have looked like. I pictured blonde hair and shining blue eyes. Then her hair turned black. Then I changed it to brown.
“Are you finished, sweetheart?”
The waitress’s voice jolted me out of my thoughts. I sat back and let her take our plates away. Gerard paid the bill and we left the restaurant. We went to a little ice cream shop downtown, got some vanilla cones, and headed off down the sidewalk, holding hands, not yet willing to climb into the car and end the evening. I guess I felt a little stupid, since the whole scene ensuing was totally corny, the kind of thing I constantly avoided in movies.
“So...” he said, sitting on a bench, pulling me down next to him. “You know my deepest, darkest secrets. Let’s hear your life’s story.”
“Um, I was born in this small town, I’ve never had a real shocking or interesting event happen to me, and my life is lived in between school days.”
He smiled. “But that, in itself, is interesting. So tell me about it.”
“I wake up in the morning. I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock five times before finally getting up. I eat breakfast. I leave the house, already late to school. I go to class, try not to fall asleep, unless I should decide to cut class. After school I go home, rot away in front of the computer, and go to sleep at night. And there’s my day.”
He laughed. “That sounds awesome.”
“It gets old after a while,” I muttered.
“Could be worse,” he said, and I heard the extra meaning behind his words.
I squeezed his hand. “What’s your favorite movie?”
“I don’t really like movies. Now music, on the other hand…”
I grinned, happy to have something new to talk about, and we began discussing our favorite bands—from Asking Alexandria to My Chemical Romance--who is, I’m afraid, the best band ever and thus no more comments can be made about them. As we talked, we got up and started, slowly, back to the car.
The start of the ride was silent. Until I had to ask.
“What did Selena look like?”
He didn’t look mad. But he turned into a vacant parking lot and turned to face me, his eyes dark as the sea at night. My curiosity crumbled.
“Forget I asked,” I muttered, turning away.
He gently reached over and, using one hand, turned me back around to face him. “Does it matter?” he whispered. “I can promise you that you’re more beautiful than any girl I’ve ever seen before. Even her. And the truth is, she was nothing to me, not really. It was all in my head.”
He smiled sadly. “Nothing compared to what I already feel for you.”
I don’t know what I was about to do—whether I was about to laugh at the corniness of what he just said or swoon at it. My phone rang, splitting the silence. I grabbed it.
“Hello?” I asked breathlessly.
“Dude. What are you doing right now?”
I almost laughed. “I’m busy, Sarah.”
“No! Put down the homework and watch this video!”
“I’m not doing homework.”
“Then get on the freakin’ computer!”
Gerard laughed. “Your phone interrupts at the worst times.”
I met his eyes then, and I shut the phone without realizing I’d done it. His arms were around my waist, his lips on mine, my fingers in his hair before I’d realized we’d gotten close. And then his lips were on my neck, slowly making their way down my skin. “I’ve waited many years for someone like you to come along,” he murmured.
I kissed him, pushing him against the car door on his side, intoxicated by the warmth radiating from his lips.
We broke apart when the car alarm went off.

Hehehe, another stupid author's note.
So I've been in a writing slump lately. I really haven't done anything and I've ditched a lot of old stories that hold a piece of my heart simply because I don't know where to go with them. I'm really just out of it and caught up in school and friends and Facebook and...ugh. Just...don't give up on me, 'kay? And if there's a story you don't think I'm updating enough or something you wanna hear from again, lemme know, please! I feel a little unloved. :c Thanks again for reading!
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