Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Celebrated Man Amongst The Gurneys

A Thing About Contrition (chapter 3)

by striketoincinerate 0 reviews

in which we see a less professional side of Dr Iero.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-09 - Updated: 2011-10-09 - 573 words - Complete

Frank's POV.

The hospital was busy today. Frank had to fight his way through the throng, something he was largely unaccustomed to. Being slightly on the short side probably didn't do him any favours. It took him longer than usual to reach Room 403, but oddly enough he hadn't heard his name being called over the tannoy this morning. He hadn't actually been given any inclination that he needed to tend to Gerard this morning at all, but he had grown so used to walking up the stairs to this door that his feet had taken him there automatically. Now that I'm here, Frank told himself, I might as well go in.
The first thing he noted when he entered the room was that it was freezing cold; the second, that there was one person more in the room than usual. The nurse turned to smile at Frank from the chair next to Gerard's bed. 'Is he alright?', Frank adressed quitely as he walked over towards her. 'He'll be fine.' The young nurse replied. 'He's asleep, but theres no sign of movement behind the eyelids, which is good news. He's not dreaming.' Frank nodded and felt himself almost smile as he looked down at his patient. His face was serene, his long eyelashes resting almost on his cheeks, and his dark lips slightly parted. His slim frame seemed to take up a worringly small amount of the bed, on which the sheets were tangled and crumpled. He wasn't dreaming now, but he most certainly had been during the night. Frank wondered if there had been anyone watching him during the night. He asked the nurse as much, and she looked at Frank with an unreadable expression on her face. 'No, Dr Iero, there wasn't. Should there have been?' Frank supposed not. There had been no sign of Gerard's terrors returning after starting him on the newest narcotics. But all the same- 'Thank you, Nurse. You can go now.' He hoped he hadn't sounded harsh as he watched the Nurse leave a bit faster than he deemed necessary. Then again, he didn't feel she should have been in here without seeing him first.
He sat down in the now unoccupied chair, rubbing his eyes. He hadn't slept well - but not as badly, he thought, as Gerard appeared to have done. He reached out to pull the covers over the sleeping man and noticed that his pale arm was sticking out from underneath the sheet slightly. Moving to tuck it back under, he caught sight of the angry, red scratches marring his white skin. His breath hitched in his throat - some of these were almost deep enough to have drawn blood. An unexplainable flicker of anger danced across Frank's brain. Anger at the nurse, for not noticing these sooner, or anger at himself not being there for Gerard he wasn't sure. He was always fiercely protective over his patients - no one could argue that - but this felt different. Frank felt a personal responsibility for Gerard's well being, and tucking the older man back into his blankets and smoothing his raven hair back from his clammy forehead, he decided that he would fix this, no matter what it took. Scribbling a note for the nurse and leaving it on the bedside cabient, he left the room, making a mental note to keep a better reign on his emotions.
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