Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

Chapter Thirteen: This is How I Disappear

by ZombieSlayer13x 1 review

Guess who finally appears in this. This is like a.....well idk what this is. Just read?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-10-12 - Updated: 2013-07-03 - 1576 words - Complete

*A/N: I'm not dead! Sorry for the long waits! I have a day off since the 10th and 11th graders have PSAT testing! GO FRESHMAN! Even though I have tons of homework and studying, I’m going to try to bang out another chapter.


Chapter Thirteen: This is How I Disappear

Screaming Revolver woke up to a white, windowless room. She must have blacked out on the drive to wherever this place was. She rubbed her eyes, ran a hand through her long red hair, and sat up. She surveyed her surroundings more carefully. The room was all white. From its walls to it’s too clean tile floors.

Revolver looked down at herself. Her normal clothes were removed. In their place was a plain white shirt and matching pants. Her feet were bare. She felt a strange weight on her left ear. She tentatively lifted a hand to her ear. There was a tag on it.

She pulled it out of her ear and looked at it.

‘Subject 210’ it said. Revolver threw it across the room.

She then proceeded to gag. The room strongly smelt of bleach, which only meant one thing; blood was shed in this room. She was lying on a cold, metal cot. Of course, the sheets were white. There were no windows. The only other piece of furniture in her room was a too shiny toilet. In the corner was a big stainless steel door with a small window on it.

Revolver hesitantly placed her feet on the floor. She slowly pushed herself off the bed and made her way over to the window. She peered through it. She was shocked to see a face looking right back at her.

Startled, Revolver let out a frightened noise and stepped backwards. She slipped on the shiny floor and fell to the ground. The person on the other side of the door opened it and walked in. Revolver scrambled to her feet and backed against the wall.

The man turned around and locked the door.

He was probably in his mid-forties. He was holding a clipboard and writing something on it with a black pen. He had greying black hair that was slicked back and piercing blue eyes that were sheltered behind thick rimmed glasses. He was wearing black slacks, a black tie, a crisp, neatly ironed oxford, and lab coat. On the lapel Revolver could see a BL/ind workers ID.

She hissed. ‘So that’s where I am’, she thought.

As the man walked over to her his shoes squeaked with each step he took. He stood in front of her, cleared his throat, and then pushed up his glasses. “Jinx Stryker, otherwise known as Screaming Revolver?” he asked, looking at her expectantly.

“What’s it to ya?” She shot back.

The man wrote something on the clip board. “I see you took your tag off,” he said, staring at the neglected tag on the floor.

“Of course I did, I’m not some lab rat,” Revolver spat back.

“Hmmm...” the man said while writing on the clipboard, “Subject seems to be showing signs of emotions. This one is very different from the others. It seems the serum did not work, again.”

“What serum?” Revolver asked.

The man made a tsking noise, used his keycard to open the door, and left. Revolver ran towards the door and tried the handle. It was locked of course. You needed a key card to open it. She pounded on it with her fists and screamed.

“LET ME OUTTA HERE YOU GODDAMN BASTARDS!” After a few minutes of screaming, she stopped and slumped down in front of the door.

She put her head in her hands and sighed. That’s when she noticed something peculiar on her arm. She looked closer, and gagged once again. There, in the crook of her elbow, was a needle mark. It looked remotely fresh and still had some blood oozing out of it.

Revolver had a deathly fear of shots. “What did you inject me with……” she said quietly.


The next few weeks went by without incident. The whole time Revolver just sat on her cot and planned her escape. She had their routines down.

Every two hours a nurse walked down her hall, peeking into each “patient's” room. Revolver wondered how many other people were in here with her.

Revolver stole a watch from one of the nurses. One day she “attacked” the nurse, and when everyone was too confused by the chaos, Revolver snagged the nurse's watch and hid it. She earned herself a swollen lip and some bruises, but it was worth it.

The nurse (a different one) brought her food at approximately eight in the morning, lunch around one-ish, then dinner at six. The only way out of this room was to get a key card and Revolver knew just how to get one.


Some more weeks flew by. Revolver had been in BL/ind’s clutches for about two or more months. She waited patiently until the right moment to make her great escape.

Every month they had someone come in and give her a special shot. She had let them every time, even though it took all her willpower not to break their necks, but this time would be different.

She sat on her cot and waited. Around four o’clock a timid nurse walked in. Revolver smirked; this would be a piece of cake. As the nurse approached Revolver with the needle, she held out her arm throwing the nurse an angelic smile. Even though Revolver was pushing 20 years of age, she could pass for much younger.

The woman held Revolvers arm up, so Revolver in return grabbed hers and pulled. The nurse’s face lit up with a startled expression. Revolver grabbed the needle from the woman and pinned her to the bed. She injected the stunned nurse with the serum and then slammed her head against the bed post, knocking her out cold.

“Sweet dreams,” Revolver said as she took her ID card. She then proceeded to switch outfits with the nurse. She tied her hair up and used the nurse’s hat to cover it.

Revolver laid the nurse on her bed and then pulled the blankets up over her head. That would buy her enough time to escape before being discovered. As she exited the room she shook her head. Why was BL/ind being this stupid?

Revolver reached another door at the end of the hallway and swiped the card, praying it opened. Once it did she stepped through to the other side. It was so different to be on the other side of the cell for once. She kept her head down low and worked her way towards what she was hoping to be the entrance.

She passed a lab on her way. She stopped and walked back to it. They scientists inside were working on a serum. The same she had been injected with?

Revolver wanted answers, but she knew that now wasn’t the time. She had to get out of there. Finding answers was for another day. Now, she needed to get her hands on a weapon.


She wandered around BL/ind for a while trying to find a weapons storage or something to the effect, but to no avail, so she opted for another approach. She wandered into a lone corridor and waited.

Eventually a lone drac on patrol came by. Revolver shrunk back into the shadows and waited until it walked past her. Once it did she stealthily crept from her hiding place and sprung. She tackled the drac then proceeded to snap its neck. It was all over before it even started.

Revolver waited a minute; not even daring to breathe crouched over the dead dracs body, waiting to see if any guards came. When she felt it was safe she stood up, smoothed down her uniform, then grabbed the dracs gun.

She started walking away, and then suddenly she heard it. It started out slow and soft, and then it steadily became louder and more urgent. It was a beeping. And it was coming from the dead drac. Revolver turned around to see a little light flashing from the dracs belt. She cursed and ran full speed towards the main lobby.

Once she was there she stashed the ray gun and attempted to blend in with everyone else. Just as she finished fixing herself up, a squad of dracs came running from the elevator to the corridor she was just in. As she pushed past the crowd towards the exit no one stopped her. No one even looked at her.

Once she reached the door she walked outside, only to be blinded by the sunlight gleaming off of the white buildings. She looked around. Her eye was drawn to a giant electronic billboard a few blocks away. She saw Battery City ads flashing across the screen.

She pushed her hat on tighter and kept her head down. In the heart of Battery City, that’s what you had to do.

“Today I am dirty I want to be pretty. Tomorrow, I know I'm just dirt.”

Fear the nobodies. Wanna be Somebodies. We're dead; we know just who we are.

We are the nobodies. Wanna be Somebodies. We're dead; and know just who we are.”
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