Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

Chapter Fourteen: Thank You for the Venom

by ZombieSlayer13x 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-11-22 - Updated: 2014-06-12 - 3494 words - Complete

*A/N: I’M SO SORRY I’VE BEEN NEGLECTING THIS STORY! I’m on Thanksgiving break now though so I actually have time to write. Then in two weeks I go on Christmas break! YAY! :D School has been INSANELY busy!!

Sorry for a lot of fillers. Oh yeah, this chapters probably going to start off really randomly.

Chapter Fourteen: Thank You for The Venom

-5:32 am, somewhere underground in the heart of Battery City-

Sunny lazily rolled over on her makeshift bed, her eyes still closed. She jolted awake when her arms and legs touched the bare, cold, floor of Apocalyto's safe house.

Sunny lifted her head and looked around. The rest of the team was still sleeping. She groaned then let her head fall back onto the floor. She was getting really sick of traveling from place to place.


Cyanide woke up to a quiet room. He rubbed the crust from his eyes and then sat up. He got to sleep on a dusty old yoga mat Apocalyto had laying around in her closet.

He surveyed the room, not really processing much for his lack of sleep had him hung-over. He saw Sunny moving in the far corner of the room, but dismissed it.

Ever so slowly, Cyanide got up. He sloppily put his boots on, and then headed for the door of the safe house, only to trip over Cigarette Kiss and fall back to the floor.

'I hate mornings,' he thought.


Cigarette Kiss was enjoying one of the best dreams ever, only to be interrupted by a kick to the ribs, then a heavy weight falling on him.

He jerked awake and instinctive lashed out at whatever fell on him. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a tangled mess of blue hair.

"Cy? What the hell man!?" Cigarette Kiss said irritably.

"Ugmph...." the mass of blue hair replied.


During all the commotion, Corpse had woken up as well. She was curled up in a cushioned chair in front of Apocalyto’s computer.

She rubbed her eyes and then ran a hand through her greasy, layered hair.

She looked over at Cyanide and Cigarette Kiss, then shook her head.

“Really guys?” She asked, curling back up in the chair.

They both shot her a look as Cyanide got back up.


Toxic was sleeping on the table across from Corpse and somehow managed to stay deep in her slumber throughout this whole ordeal.


Elder was nowhere in sight.

“Hey, where’s Elder?” Cigarette Kiss asked while stretching lazily.

Corpse uncurled from her chair and got up, “Outside,” was all she said before she roamed into the kitchen.

On her way over nudged Sunny, who sat up immediately. “What’s on the agenda today?” Sunny yawned.

“Dunno,” Corpse said from the kitchen.

As she returned to the main room, she had a glass of water in one hand, and The BC Times in the other. She put pulled a chair out, sat down, and then calmly pushed Toxic off the table. Toxic made squealed in shock. She landed on the cold floor with a thud.

“Ow,” Toxic said as she sat up rubbing her head.

Corpse looked down at her and shrugged.

“It’s a good thing I like you…….” Toxic said.

Corpse nodded, and then continued looking at the newspaper. Suddenly, her face lit up.

“Hey guys, look at this!!” She frantically pointed to an article on the front page:


Corpse started reading aloud, “Early yesterday morning one of Better Living Industries many hospitals located in the heart of Battery City had a break out. One of its most dangerous patients escaped during a standard drill. The only evidence that she had escaped was a dead drac found in one of the many corridors. Battery City occupants beware, for she is armed and very dangerous. Her name is Jinx Stryker, she is a former killjoy and goes by the name of Screaming Revolver."

Corpse paused and scanned the mug shot of the escapee.

The team had walked closer and looked at it from over her shoulder.

“She looks familiar, doesn’t she?” A voice called from the kitchen.

The team jumped.

“Sorry,” Apocalyto said as she stepped into the main room.

Cigarette Kiss clutched his chest dramatically, “You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“Too bad it was almost.” Toxic said sarcastically from the floor.

Cigarette Kiss rolled his eyes. He took off his coat and threw it on a nearby sofa.

“So, who is this girl?” he asked Apocalyto.

“A killjoy, just like you and I,” she told him.

“Why do they want her?” Toxic asked.


“Lemme guess,” Cigarette Kiss started, “we probably are going to have to go out and find her before we can do anything else.”

Apocalyto shrugged, “She’d come in handy.”

“Are you going to help us at all?” Sunny asked.

Apocalyto looked her straight in the eyes, “No.”


“So,” Cyanide started, “how do you wanna do this?” he asked while turning towards Corpse.

“Dunno,” she said as she shrugged.

“Well, sitting here isn’t going to get much accomplished.” Toxic chimed in.

“Grids,” Sunny suddenly said.

“Beg pardon?” said Toxic.

“Grids,” Sunny repeated, louder, “we all assign ourselves certain parts of Battery City. We can cover more area that way. We all can keep look out for her. I doubt she’s going to leave the city anytime soon. She has no food, no clothes, no shelter, and nowhere to go.”

Corpse thought about it for a minute.

“Okay,” she said after a while.

Cigarette Kiss cleared the kitchen table and unrolled their map of Battery City.

“There are six of us and hundreds of blocks to cover,” Cyanide said.

“Which means we’ll have to be extra careful when we set up posts, we have to watch everyone and everything carefully,” Corpse said.

“When do we start?” Toxic asked.



-Battery City, south side, 6:35am-

Sunny let out a loud yawn. They had all gotten up at the crack of dawn to report to their stations. Sunny had gotten lucky and score the sector closest to their base. She had to somehow cover 40 blocks without missing anything. It was times like this when she wondered if her ideas were good, or just stupid.

She had been watching the same houses and buildings for the past half hour. It’s not like they were going anywhere. Half of Battery City’s residents were still asleep, like Sunny wished she was. The sun was just beginning to rise over the hills in the distance. Sunny sighed, and then lifted the binoculars to her eyes, straining to see anything in the early dawn.

This was going to be a long day.


-Battery City, east side, 6:50 am-

Cyanide stretched lazily, and then took a big swig of his coffee. It was a little too black for him, but who was he to complain? Coffee was coffee.

He scanned the horizon line, great. He was unfortunate enough to get the sector facing the sun. He shook his head, his blue bangs falling gently in his face. He let out sigh and attempted to blow them out of the way.

He was overdue for a haircut. Cyanide checked his reflection on his sunglasses.

Very overdue.

Defeated, he put his sunglasses on and brushed his bangs away. He looked out onto the city once again. He had the best eyesight out of the whole team and didn’t need binoculars.

That was when he saw something. It was out of the corner of his eye, but still it was something. He walked over to the edge of the building, and then descended the metal ladder.


-Battery City, somewhere in the middle, 7:03 am-

Toxic was perched on top of an office building. She calmly surveyed her surroundings. All was calm. Below her some people would occasionally walk into the building she was currently perched on. The sound of car horns could be faintly made out in the distance.

She yawned. Toxic was not an early bird. She was amazed she hadn’t fallen asleep already. She was counting the buildings to keep herself occupied.

Just then, she caught sight of blue hair darting down an alley way a few blocks up. She picked up her binoculars to try and get a better view.

Yup, it was Cyanide. ‘Why is he here?’ she thought to herself. This was her sector. She took one more look through her binoculars, then swiftly descended to the ground and ran after him.


-Battery City, that awkward sector that overlaps a couple others, 7:22 am-

Cigarette Kiss was ready to die. Absolutely nothing was happening so far. He was lying on a park bench, sunglasses shielding his eyes. He grew tired of his spot on a rooftop so he decided to go stay on the ground. He had his BL/ind clothes on, so he doubted anyone would take notice of him.

Just as he was actually falling asleep, he felt a metal arm shake him.

“Ungah!” he exclaimed, opening his eyes, only to come face to face with a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/.

“Aw hell, not again…..” he muttered.

“Shouldn’t you be in school?” A robotized voice asked, pausing after each syllable.

“Um...” Cigarette Kiss’s head was on a swivel. He didn’t know what to do.

“ID please,” the robot asked.

“ see,” Cigarette Kiss started, letting out a little laugh before, without warning, he bolted from the bench and sprinted down the street.

“Stop, stop, stop, stop,” the robot repeated over and over again.

“No thanks!” Cigarette Kiss cockily responded to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/, it was only feet behind him.

Cigarette Kiss reached for his gun, only to find his holster empty. He cursed; he had left it back in Apocalyto’s safe house. The team thought it was safer that way.

Cigarette Kiss scoffed, yeah, real safe.


-Battery City, north side, 7:34 am-

Elder Soul sat in the shadows above a factory building. His sector was the farthest from base. He really doubted he’d spot this Screaming Revolver, anytime soon. His sector was mainly dominated by the dump, and factory buildings.

This was definitely the last place he’d go if he was on the run.

He got his binoculars out of his bag, and then looked towards the factories. He watched as the workers slaved over their machines.

The heavy clunks and thuds of the metal as chemicals and waste were filtered through it, the thick streams of smoke that polluted the air as they left the chimneys. Elder was disgusted. Battery City said they were making the world “a better place”. All they were doing was killing and polluting it.

He shook his head and turned away. He was going to ask for a new sector tomorrow.


-Battery City, west side, 7:50 am-

Corpse looked out onto the city. It was calm and peaceful. Few people were on the streets. The sun illuminated the city, giving it a wholesome glow. Corpse felt very relaxed. She was lying on roof, sprawled out on the ledge.

She decided to set up base on an abandoned five-story apartment building. She thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a small cat nap, so she closed her eyes, letting the sun’s rays warm her.

That’s when it hit her, literally. She felt small hands grasp her shoulder, then, before she could open her eyes, she was falling.

Falling to her doom four stories below.


-Battery City, somewhere in the middle, 8:03 am-

Cyanide made a sharp left down an alley way. He saw a glimpse of red flash down an alleyway a few blocks from him.

When he finally reached the alleyway he gasped, it lead to a dead end. He hesitantly crept forward, checking for any trap doors. Finding none he turned around, only to come face to face with a baseball bat.

He didn’t even feel it hit him, there was just black.


-Battery City, somewhere in the middle, 8:07 am-

Toxic had never run this fast in her life. She felt as if something was wrong. She saw Cyanide’s blue hair disappear into an alleyway.

“CY!” she screamed after him, still he kept running. She let out a frustrated sigh, and then picked up her pace.

Once she reached the alleyway she turned in, and then gasped. Cyanide was slumped over on the floor, a flow of blood streaming from his nose, above him stood a girl. She was frail looking and covered in tattoos. She had flaming red hair that was died a multitude of colors.

“What did you do to him?!” Toxic all but shrieked.

The girl slowly looked up at Toxic and cocked her head to the side. Her face was shadowed by her hair, making her look even wilder. She dropped the baseball bat, Toxic’s eyes followed it hypnotically has it clattered to the ground.

Ever so slowly she dragged her eyes back to the girl in front of her.

“You’re Screaming Revolver aren’t you?”

“Depends on who wants to know,” the girl replied, her voice cracking from lack of use. She had on a dirty nurses dress and tattered converse.

Toxic was surprised the girl had gotten this far looking the way she did. She had her nose pierced, the bridge of her nose, her septum, and her eyebrow. “My name is Toxic Bite, I’m not here to hurt you, or turn you in. Me and my friends are trying to help you, we’re killjoys too.”

The girl looked Toxic up and down, “You don’t look like a killjoy.”

Toxic let out a curt laugh, “Yeah we had to clean up a little….”

She ran a hand through her hair. She had temporarily dyed it all back to brown to avoid
suspicion. “How many others are with you?”

“Six,” Toxic replied.

The girl tilted her head to the other side, “What do you want from me?”

“We need your help to take down Better Living Industries.”

The girl snorted, “No chance.”

“Yes there is,” Toxic insisted, “There’s always a chance.”

The girl lightly kicked the unconscious Cyanide, “You a preacher or something?”

“No,” Toxic replied cockily, “I’m just saying the truth.”

“How do I know you aren’t lying?”

“Because I’m not!” Toxic said, getting frustrated, “The seven of us really need your help. Six of us have been scouring all of Battery City looking for you!”

The girls expression turned blank, “You wouldn’t happen to have an Asian girl in your group? Or a really hot tall guy with black hair?”

Toxic smiled, “Yeah, we do.”

“Oh,” was all the girl said.

“What?” Toxic asked, the color draining from her face.

She swiftly walked over to the girl, stepping over Cyanide. Screaming Revolver had a good six inches on Toxic, but that didn’t stop her from ramming Revolver into the cold, stone wall.

“What. Did. You. Do,” she asked calmly, her eyes boring into the latters.

Revolver smiled a strange kind of smile, “Well, your girl friend took a tumble off the roof,” Toxic grimaced, “and your handsome friend, “she grimaced even more, “is outrunning a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ right about now.”

Toxic was furious, she threw Revolver to the ground, “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!”

“I thought you were going to send me back there, I’m sorry,” Revolver looked up at Toxic, true regret showing on her face.

Toxic didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t save both while Cyanide was unconscious. She knew she had to get to Corpse somehow. There was a chance she survived the fall, or found a way to break it.

Toxic whipped out her walkie talkie and turned the station to Corpse’s. Before they left Apocalyto’s, they all assigned each other a station so they could stay in contact. She pressed the button then hesitated before talking into it, “Corpse?”

She waited. All she was met with was static, then after an agonizing minute of silence:

“Yeah?” A very pissed off Corpse responded, sounding winded.


-Battery City, west side, 7:51 am (yeah, we’re backtracking)-

Corpse found herself dangling off a very slim ledge. She knew a few of her nails had brutally broken off when she caught herself, she could feel the stickiness of the blood, but that was one of the last things on her mind at the moment.

She was currently hanging four stories above a very hard, unwelcoming, cement ground. She grunted, and then looked up above her. She could easily climb into the window above her and walk back up to the roof, but that was easier said than done.

The ledge she was hanging off of was only about two inches or so wide, and there were no foot holds below her. She was stuck and running out of energy. She couldn’t stay there forever. She would call out, but she didn’t want to compromise the team or end up in jail. She tried to walk up the side of the building, but her boots didn’t have enough traction. Each time she ended up sliding back down.

Corpse cursed herself for not having enough upper body strength to pull herself up. She looked down once more. People were starting to come out of their houses. She huffed, she had to make this quick. She finally decided to use her last resort, since she had run out of ideas. Corpse took a deep breath, and then attempted to once again climb the building. As she did, she attempted to pull her upper body up too.

She managed to get her elbows propped on the windowsill for leverage, thank God the window was removed already, or else she’d be in big trouble. She looked at her hands and sighed, some of her nails had broken off completely, the force of them coming in contact with the stone windowsill was too much.

She stayed that way for a little, grabbing the other side of the window for support, then tried to pull herself up, using the window frame as leverage. She succeeded in hitching one of her legs on the windowsill.

She used her last burst of energy to haul the other one up. As her legs hit the windowsill
she collapsed to the floor on the inside of the room and let out a sigh of relief.


-Battery City, somewhere in the middle, 8:08 am-

“Thank GOD!” Toxic all but screamed into the walkie, “I though she killed you!”

“You mean the little homicidal maniac? Yeah, me too,” Corpse replied, still sounding very annoyed.

“I’m sorry!” Revolver said to the walkie.

“Whatever!” was Corpse’s exasperated reply.

“Corpse, we got a problem.”

“Oh, static you don’t say!”

“Listen, Cy’s knocked out cold here and Cigarette Kiss has a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ after him.”



-Battery City, Downtown, 7:30 am-

Cigarette Kiss was surprised he had managed to outrun the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ for as long as he had been. He was seriously disadvantaged. He had nowhere to run to, and nowhere to hide. He didn’t know the city as well as the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ and Cigarette Kiss didn’t want to lead it back to their base.

Cigarette Kiss was currently hiding on the roof of an office building. He was curled up tightly in a ball, not even daring to breathe. He could hear the robot’s footsteps getting closer and closer. He looked around, trying to find some sort of weapon.

The sun was beating down on his back, making him feel extremely uncomfortable. He was wedged between to air conditioner looking things. Just then, he heard the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ retreating to the other side of the roof. He let out a sigh of relief and waited. It seemed like an eternity until:

“Cig?” a static voice called through his walkie.

Cigarette Kiss swore under his breath and quickly switched off his walkie talkie. He stayed still and flattened himself even more, if that was possible. He stayed silent, straining his ears to hear anything. He thought he was safe; he assumed the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ had left, so he hesitantly lifted his head up over the machine.

His face turned from a smile, to a look of pure terror, for hurtling at his head at an incredible speed was a very sharp, very shiny, dagger.

*A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!! R&R? Pwetty pwease? Thankies!

I’ll try to get a new chapter up soon :X

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