Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Watercolor Romance


by thekobrakid2019 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-14 - Updated: 2011-10-14 - 948 words

Pt. 3

Gerard wasn’t going to lie and say he understood the game. Because he didn’t. At all.

Ashly tried to explain the rules but gave up halfway through when Gerard wouldn’t stop staring at Frank. Danika stepped in, and though it was more painful, he still couldn’t wrap his mind around the game.

Mikey was catching on quite well though.

“He’s a natural!” Frank exclaimed with a clap of the hands. He wandered over to where Ray was attempting to help him at least be able to name the equipment. Gerard got something about a wicker or the mally or something to that effect.

“You’ll get it.” Frank assured him with a smile.


Come to find out, Ashly wasn’t any good at croquet either.

Though she did seem to enjoy it more than Gerard did.

And understand it a lot better.

Frank had decided that they should play a scrimmage match to initiate the newest players.

Gerard, Danika and Ray were put on a team together and Gerard was thankful because Ray was patient and Danika was almost as good as Frank.

“Go Mikey! Go!” Ashly cheered idly from the sidelines as she waited.

Gerard was trying to remember what it was he was going to have to do when it became his turn again. On his first try he’d managed to hit himself in the foot with the mallet and almost trip over his ball. He didn’t want to hear Frank laughing and telling him he was going to get better. He couldn’t take that again.

Ray was up now and Mikey and Ashly were high fiving and Gerard forgot about Frank for a moment when trying to figure out how his brother and Ashly got so chummy. He felt personally betrayed by this when he had made a pact to hate every change in his life. With the exception of Frank (whose eyes were really awesome under the glasses) and maybe croquet if it kept him out of gym class.


“Good game guys!” Frank congratulated them and patted his team on the back. “Better luck next time to Danika, Ray and Gerard. Maybe we’ll give you Mikey next time.”

Gerard resented Ray and Danika for the hopeful looks that flashed across their faces.

“Maybe.” Frank flashed them a grin before putting his sunglasses back on. “Gerard, want to help me put away the equipment?”

No, Gerard really didn’t want to help. He liked Frank’s face and all but he’d humiliated himself enough for the day thank you very much and he didn’t want it to continue.

“By ‘do you want to help’ I meant ‘get your ass over here and help me’.” Frank smirked stuffing the wickets into their case.

Gerard looked around for the others but saw them halfway across the field. He hoped that they would wait for him so he didn’t have to ride the late bus. That was even worse than the regular bus because it had all the jocks on it.

They had the equipment in the sports closet in no time. Mostly because Frank had done this a hundred times before and just needed Gerard there to hold the door for him so it didn’t lock.

“How do you like St. Andrews?” Frank asked as he emerged from the closet brushing dust off of himself.

“It’s okay.” Gerard didn’t have much to say about it really. He was mostly ignored in his classes which was more or less a plus.

“You going to join croquet for real?” Frank closed the door and made sure it locked.


“Good.” Frank grinned tucking the key in his pocket. “I was hoping you weren’t going to give up. We can’t all be naturals like me or your brother.”

Gerard laughed because he thought maybe it was a joke. He couldn’t tell really, maybe it was supposed to be inspirational. Whatever. Frank just kept smiling.


Turns out, they didn’t wait for Gerard.

“Come on,” Frank gestured over his shoulder. “I’ll give you a ride home. That’s kind of how we work. Ashly takes people home and then I take home the one who helps me. Ashly hasn’t helped since sophomore year.”

“Okay,” Gerard shrugged following Frank to an old beat up black car. It wasn’t much, but it had character. Gerard figured that was a good way to describe Frank.

“We’re in a band you know.” Frank told Gerard as they drove to Gerard’s house. “Well sort of. Ray and me and our friend Bob who goes to the public school down the road. Ray and I play guitar and Bob plays drums. So we’re not really a band.”

“Close enough.” Gerard added.

Frank smirked a little. “Maybe, but we need a bass player and a singer.”

“Mikey plays bass.”

Gerard thought that maybe this was the magic words from the way Frank’s face changed drastically. Suddenly he wasn’t calm and collected like he was at practice, now he was practically bouncing in his seat and he was talking a hundred miles per minute.

“Does he really? Do you think he’d want to join the band? Is that something he’d do? Has he ever been in a band before? What kind of bass does he play?” Frank kept going until they reached Gerard’s house and not a single question had been answered.

“Do you think he would want to?” Frank asked a bit more calm than he had been a few seconds ago.

“Why don’t you ask him?”
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