Categories > Original > Humor > A Zacky Movie

No, he is a good kid

by Brideofbillie 0 reviews

Zacky and Syn have a talk

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Parody - Published: 2006-06-11 - Updated: 2006-06-11 - 403 words

Cut to a child photography studio in a discount store. Zacky is attempting to make a child smile by squeaking a rubber duck and making baby sounds.

Come on, smile! Smiley wiley!

The child is on the verge of tears.

Aw, come on, Kimmie! Gimme a big...

With a strong squeeze, the squeaker on the rubber ducky pops out and Zacky swallows it. He squeaks when he tried to speak. The child likes it and breaks into a big smile. Zacky takes advantage of this to begin taking pictures and playing peekaboo with the child. Syn come up behind Zacky, slaps him on the back and knocks the squeaker out of Zacky's throat.

Stop goofing around! We got work to do!

Okay, Kimmie, back to mommy, now!

The child is reluctant to leave Zacky but finally waves bye-bye.

Oh, you have such a way with children!

Syn: (mocking)
You have such a way with children! Pleh!

Zacky approaches a little girl and her mother waiting for a picture.

Okay, now! Who's next over he...

Syn knocks Zacky out of the way.

Step aside, Zackyie. Let a pro show you how it's done. Okay! Who's next over here? Heh, heh! Oh, hello precious..

The little girl kicks Syn.

Doh!! Ow! You lucky woman! Come on here, honey! It's picture time!

The little girls giggles and hides.

Little Girl:

She's so cute!

Little Girl:

Syn finally catches her.

Gosh, Gee. You sure are good with kids!

Oh, yeah. Well, they love me.

Syn is holding the little girl by the collar. She attempts to hit him and fails.

Why, Sin, he's been begging me to take him on vacation this summer.

Really? Where are you going?

Syn velcros the little girl to the set floor.

Camping! Nothing like the great outdoors to strengthen the bond between a father and his son.

Oh, Max would never go for anything like that!

Zacky gives the little girl a stuffed Bambi.

I don't know, Zack. Something's wrong when a kid won't spend time with his parents. Why, for all you know he's running around with some gang and stealing stuff and causing riots...

Syn takes the stuffed Bambi from the little girl who cries.

No, Max is a good kid. He'd never get mixed up in something like that!
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