Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Mortuus Magica


by wiwuno 1 review

Broom lessons

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-10-20 - Updated: 2011-10-20 - 2662 words

Mortuus Magica


AN: Good news is I'm not dead. Sorry to all you readers out there who were waiting so long. I had to slow down a bit and get my plans in order. But I m back. I'm not promising to resume my previous pace but I will continue to update ASAP.

Disclaimer: “Jeeves!” “Yes sir?” “Do I own Harry Potter and Bleach yet?” “No sir.” “Curses.”

Today was the day. Today they had their first broom riding lesson and Sam was excited.

“Hurry up guys. Were gonna be late.” The bubbly girl called to her friends restraining herself from running to the court yard.

“Were not gonna be late Sam we've got fifteen minutes. Calm down what are you scarred the brooms are gonna fly away.?” Ron asked. Snorting at his own cleverness.

“Yes their flying brooms that's what they do.” Sam replied quickening her pace even more causing her friends to have to hurry to keep up.

“At this rate all we need is to teach her how to walk on air and she could out run the school brooms.” Alex remarked more to himself.

Finally reaching the courtyard where class was being held the students lined up next to their brooms facing the Slytherin's they were sharing class with that day. Madam Hooch the resident broom instructor stood between the two lines pacing down the path between the students giving the traditional broomstick safety speech. Finally she stopped at the head of the lines and finished her speech.

“Now I want each of you to hold your hands over your brooms and say up. Be clear and decisive now or you wont get any response.”

“UP!” was the call from the collective students most barely managing to move their brooms. Harry had barely finished the word and his broom was rushing into his had fast enough to nearly knock him over. Sam's broom on the other had looked to be slowly edging away from her. Finally everyone had their brooms in hand and were ready to begin.

“OK well start with a simple lift off. Push away from the ground lightly, allow your self to hover for a moment, and then slowly ease your self down.” Madam Hooch instructed. With a gentle push the students lifted off the ground and floated for a bit getting used to the feel of floating on brooms.

“AHHHH!” Sam called freaking out. The feel of floating in the air on a stick was suddenly less exciting when she realized there wasn't any spell sticking her to the broom. Easing up next to frightened Preteen Madam hooch had everyone ease to the ground. Unfortunately when Neville gave his broom the command to ease down it immediately did the opposite. Moving higher into the air Neville was trying to regain control of his now bucking broom. Before anyone could move to help him the broom gave one strong lurch and flipped Neville off the broom and sent him careening towards the ground. Neville contacted the hard unforgiving ground with a sickening crunch and a harsh scream of pain causing most of the non-Slytherin students to cringe in sympathy. Harry was the first one moving. He was at Neville's side in a matter of seconds preparing to use a basic overall healing spell when he felt a hand pull him away.

“Oh for heavens sake give the boy some room. Let me see now.” The flying instructor said before giving Neville a once over. “There we go just a broken wrist. Don't worry son you'll be up and falling of brooms again by the end of the day. Now I'm going to be taking Neville here up to the Infirmary. I want you all to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground. Any showing off will result in a week of detention and your flying privileges suspended.” She finished giving a stern look at the Gryfinndors who were already grumbling about their flying class being interrupted.

A quick levitation spell and Madam Hooch was gone. Not even a minute later the voice of Draco Malfoy broke out through the group.

“Look what I found. Longbottom must have dropped his rememberall. Maybe if he'd payed more attention to it he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse.” The rich boy said getting a round of cheers and laughter from the surrounding Slytherin's and a few of the less kind Gryfinndors. Pushing his way to the front of the crowd and lunging at the orb in Malfoy's had Ron started demanding aggressively.

“Give it back Malfoy that's Neville's not yours.” Ron struggled against Goyle who was holding the Red head away from his 'boss'.

“Why should I Weasly finders keepers and all that.” Malfoy said through a sneer holding the small ball away from the struggling Ron.

“Oh come on Malfoy.” Alex interjected from the side. “Why would a rich boy like you want Neville's used rememberall anyway? Cant you just buy a brand new one?” He continued prodding at Draco's wealthy arrogance in order to convince him that giving up the rememberall would be a good idea.

“That's is true. Why would I want to keep something that Longbottom touched.” Draco agreed mounting his broom. He continued his thought while kicking off from the ground. “I'll even put it somewhere safe for the little squib. Like say the roof of the school.” He finished before turning towards the castle. Harry was the quickest and was soon up following after Malfoy who had by now noticed his pursuer and began trying to shake him off. He began darting around the court yard making sudden sharp turns near obstacles and weaving around the local foliage. Harry stayed close to Malfoy the whole time. The wind rushing past his face and through his hair gave him a strange comforting feeling. The jerks and turns causing his blood to heat up and rush through his veins pumping adrenaline to every inch of his body. The rush of flying was beginning to take over. Suddenly stopping and turning around Malfoy sneered at Harry and declared loudly.

“Fine if you want it so bad...” He threw the ball with all his might. “Then go get it.” Darting past the cackling blond towards the direction the ball was thrown in. Harry's eyes darted around searching for the small object as he cursed his poor vision. Soon he locked on to the ball and began a slow incline to intercept the orb before it hit the ground. Drawing closer and closer Harry pressed himself closer to the handle trying to coax every bit of speed he could out of the old school brooms. Watching in apprehension as the ball grew closer to the ground with each passing second Harry pushed harder and harder forcing out all the speed he could. Finally just as the ball was passing the first floor window he managed to snatch it out of the air and stop it from shattering on the ground. He took a moment to celebrate his small victory before he was called out of his internal joy to the sound of.

“Mr. Potter. In my office. Now.” The sight of an apparently Enraged Professor McGonagall would haunt his nightmares for years to come.


Being led down the hallway by his displeased head of house was no how Harry had planed his day. He grew even more confused when she stopped at the DADA classroom and called a boy named Oliver Wood before continuing on to her office.


“How the bloody hell do you do it Harry?” Ron asked for the twentieth time. “You break the rules, get caught by the strictest teacher in the school, and hauled into her office. But instead of getting punished she makes you the new team seeker.” The ginger raved on, his ramblings being ignored. “And you don't even like Quidditch. It's so unfair.” He kept on now mostly just to hear himself talk.

“Well it's not like I had much of a choice Ron. She basically told me I had to either join the Quidditch team or serve a months detention with Snape.” Harry defended himself from his friends whining. “But theirs more important things to talk about here. Has anyone found out about the stone Snape was talking about on Halloween?”

“I've nearly turned the library upside down and I probably found it already but there's probably a million famous stones.” Hermione responded downtrodden.

“My best guess. Its in that corridor were not supposed to go to. Only place I can think of in the whole school. Much less on the third floor.” Alex suggested shrugging halfheartedly.

“So if we want to find out anything we need to go there eh. This has bad idea written all over it.” Harry agreed uncertainly when Sam who had been unusually quiet piped up.

“What about Hagrid?” At her friends confused looks she elaborated. “I met him a few days after school started. I was down at the holding pins looking at the magical creatures he takes care of and we hit it off talking about them all. He's pretty nice but not that bright. If he knows anything we can probably trick him into telling us. Or at least letting out another clue or two.” Sam completed her brilliant plan.

“Wow sneaky, underhanded, and exploitative. Are you sure you shouldn't have been in Slytherin.” Alex joked.

“I'm way to pretty to be in Slytherin. There's not a single attractive girl in that house.” Sam countered.

“What about Daphne Greengrass. She's pretty cute.” Harry remarked offhandedly getting an odd displeased look from Sam before she continued turning away from Harry.

“The exception that proves the rule.” She replied before quickening her pace and walking off in a huff. Turning to his only other female friend he asked Hermione.

“What did I do?” The dumbfounded look on his face only grew deeper when Hermione's gaze sharpened slightly.

“Humph. You boys just don't understand at all do you.” She huffed before storming off as well leaving a thoroughly confused Harry to be laughed at by his friends.


“Ass hole.” Sam growled out another non magical curse before sending another more magical one at the training dummy she in the abandoned practice room the group of friends had found. Following up with a long string of curses, jinxes, hexes, and other assorted unpleasant spells before she broke down and simply went for hitting the dummy again and again. Hermione was off to the side reading from a stack of books to her left. Looking up to her more aggressive friend she decided to try and calm Sam down once again.

“You know he didn't mean anything by it right Sam. After you left he didn't even know what he said to set you off.” The bushy haired girl stated in a placating manner. Sam stood back and gave the dummy a sharp kick in the stomach before huffing and turning away to face her friend.

“Yeah I know Hermione. But did he have to say it like that. He could have just said she wasn't ugly he didn't have to call her cute, and did it have to be Greengrass. I wouldn't have cared so much if it was someone we knew. Like you if he called you cute I wouldn't have thought twice about it.” Sam grumbled taking a seat beside her friend before snatching the book out of her hands and giving it a look over while listening to Hermione's slightly bashful reply.

“Oh I doubt Harry would call me pretty or cute. I'm fairly plain myself especially compared to you.” Hermione speech slowly decreased to a mutter as she went on before Sam turned to her with a big smile and a playful glint in her eye. Apparently her cathartic therapy method had worked. Grabbing Hermione's hand Sam stated positively.

“Don't be silly Hermione. Your real pretty. Just pull you face out from behind a book once in a while, give your hair a brush and you'd be turning heads in no time. At least when the boys start growing up you will. Come on I have an idea.” Sam said pulling Hermione along behind her.

“Where are we going?” The bookworm asked with a hint of concern.

“I'm giving you a make over. In a few hours you'll be the prettiest eleven year old bookworm in all of Scotland.” Replied Sam her grin growing wider as she dragged the somewhat unwilling girl along behind her.


A now much happier Sam burst into the first year boys dorm in Gryfinndor tower with a very attention getting move. Throwing the door open swiftly making quite a bit of noise and drawing the looks of the boys in the room.

“Attention first year boys of Gryfinndor!” Sam stated loudly in an announcer type voice. “Introducing the new and improved Hermione Granger!” She finished stepping aside and gesturing towards the door. In steeped a much different Hermione. Her nearly unmanageable hair had been brushed out fiercely by Sam and the other first year girls she had gotten to help and placed in a messy but attractive bun on the top of her head allowing a few waves to fall down her back and over her shoulders. A faint bit of make up was used to coverup the few natural imperfections on her still young skin as well as accentuate her natural features. Her regular non school cloths consisting of primarily comfortable fitting pants and t-shirts had been replaced with a nice Skirt and Blouse combination. Hermione herself was mulling about nervously chewing on her bottom lip.

Alex was the first to respond with a short wolf whistle while Harry gave her a once over and spoke up.

“Wow Hermione. You look nice.” He said earning a blush and appreciative smile from the girl. Ron just stared unthinkingly.


Breakfast the next morning was fairly uneventful for the most part. Hermione took to keeping the up do Sam had created for her, but it was mail time that was truly interesting. Along with the regular deliveries of family mail and the occasional fan letter that the Hogwarts screening elves had deemed acceptable there were a pair of owls swooping down with a rather long package between them. Dropping it in front of Harry and friends Ron immediately latched onto the package tearing away the paper while Alex picks up the card.

“Its addressed to you Harry. Says not to open it till you've gotten to the dorms.” Alex reads out before everyone turns to a blushing Ron Holding a broomstick in his hands.

“Um oops.” Ron says shrugging his shoulders meekly. Suddenly a student further down the table takes notice of the object in Ron's hand and yells out.

“Is that a Nimbus Two-thousand!” Sam promptly delivers a resounding slap to the back of Ron's head.


Finally reaching the dorms after taking several back routes and back turns to avoid to many curious students the gang eventually made it to the relative calm of the dorm and settled down around Harry's bed to look over the new Broom. It was slightly longer than average and much better looking than the school brooms. The head (Or is it tail?) was meticulously well kept each individual twig shaped uniformly. A clean polished handle extended right out from the brush head. A pair of silver foot rests stuck out from the sides of the base. All in all it definitely looked professional and useless for sweeping.

AN: That seems as good a place as any to stop. Its a lot harder than I thought to find a place to end on. I'm sure several of you are looking forward to the reveal of Harry's Zanpakuto's true for. The problem is first year doesn't present a lot of combat/action scenes. Well I'm going to bed now I'll see you all later. Sayonara
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