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When You're Gone

by killjoy_lockandload 0 reviews

James POV I felt like I needed to pull him back into the story and 'Auntie B' mentions something that James loves but will Hazel? The title is Avril Lavigne

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-10-25 - Updated: 2011-10-25 - 368 words - Complete

James’s POV
I miss her so much. It’s crazy. I still go over Nay’s house to check up on everything and to make sure she’s not lonely or anything.
I still go down in Hazel’s room. I sit in the chair she left where her bed was and a little table with a book on it.
She cut out half the book to make a little storage unit and in there contained a letter she left for me.
"James, I love you so much. I already miss you and your sitting like 2 inches away from me. Probably reading this as I write it. I just want to tell you I’ll be wearing your bracelet every single day. I will also be updating you with my new party life every day, ha! Sarcasm. Like I party. Ever. I’ll be lucky if I even make a friend. I don’t even know what to say. I never actually thought I’d have to write something like this. Well, technically I didn’t have to more of a need to. Did that make sense? Probably not. I love you soooooooooo much James, talk to you soon. Love Hazel."
I wiped a falling tear. I’ve read this over 6 times and it still makes me tear up. I need to talk to her. Tell her about shit. I’m getting bullied more than ever. We balanced each other out and now she’s gone. I hope she met someone nice or made a friend. I don’t want her to be alone. I just hope she doesn’t forget me. Or worse, replace me. She’s told me before, I can’t be replaced. I wish I could run. Run away from here to New Jersey and we could protect each other and watch Wizard of Oz with cookies and coffee.
I need to talk to her really soon.
"Yeah, Nay?"
"Want to go up and see Hazel this weekend?"
"Of course!"
"I knew you’d be excited."
"Thanks Nay."
"Anytime, Jay."
This weekend is still far away, but I miss her, so it’s worth it. She’s going to be so excited!
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