Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > "Bad Things Happen for a Reason" (I Hope)


by stargate-lover 0 reviews

Inora get the best present on her birthay.

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Ayame,Hatori,Kyo,Momiji,Shigure,Yuki - Warnings: [!!!] [X] - Published: 2011-10-26 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 2897 words - Complete

“Happy Birthday Inora!” Shigure, Tohru, Yuki and Kyo said together as she walked into the dining room.
“Guy’s, my birthday isn’t until tomorrow,” she said rolling her eyes.
“We know but you have plans tonight,” Tohru said sweetly.
“And seeing as your plans are with Ha’ri we also knew that you wouldn’t be home tonight, or probably tomorrow for that matter,” Shigure said with a knowing smile.
“Shut up,” Inora said turning red. She sat at the table with them wondering what they had in store for her. She should have realized that they were planning something but this was the first night in two weeks that she would see Hatori, she had been a little distracted. Neither one of them had stepped up yet and they were running out of time, it was now nearing the end of September. It was exactly one month from today that she would be leaving. She had decided that if he didn’t say anything tonight then she would.
“Plus I think you’d want to open my present before you see him,” Shigure said with a wink. She didn’t get to ask what he meant because two people burst into the room.
“Inora!” Momiji’s voice rang as he launched himself at her. She pulled the bunny into a tight hug before getting all of his clothes off of her.
“Wow, you really don’t care when you transform huh?” she asked him.
“Nope! I really don’t see what the big deal is,” he giggled.
“Inora!” the other person said in an overly dramatic voice. “It has been far too long since I’ve seen you! Here is your present.” Ayame was striking a pose while holding up a clothing bag.
“Brother, that had better not be what I think it is,” Yuki said in a dangerous tone.
“Relax Yuki, I know what it is,” she said getting up; Momiji went to the other room to change back. She unzipped the bag to see the gorgeous dress that she had worn on her first date with Hatori. She grabbed at the bottom of the dress to feel it, and she noticed something white behind it. She looked up at Ayame who winked at her; he leaned close to her ear so only she could hear him.
“I saw the look on your face when I mentioned the nurse’s uniform,” he whispered. She zipped the bag up and grabbed his chin; she stretched up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Aww, I wanna kiss, open mine next,” Shigure whined. She smiled at him and plopped down next to him as he handed her a gift bag. She opened it to find a beautiful bottle with a clear blue liquid in it. She unscrewed the lid to smell it, it smelled like the ocean.
“It smells amazing,” she said and leaned over to kiss his cheek as well. “I love it, thank you.”
“Oh you don’t even know yet,” she heard him mutter, she was about to ask what he meant when Momiji spoke up.
“Mine next, Mine next!” he was bouncing around in place. She unwrapped his present and stared at it for a few moments.
“Momiji,” she whispered.
“It’s a dream catcher,” he explained proudly to everyone. “In her country there were ‘Native Americans’ that made these to catch bad dreams while you slept!” He turned and whispered so only she could hear. “I heard you that night I slept at Ha’ri’s.”
“Thank you,” she said trying to keep back tears while giving him his kiss on the cheek. “Who’s next?” she asked once she had recovered.
“Mine!” Tohru said and handed it to her. “I thought this would remind you of everyone!” Inora opened the package to find a charm bracelet with figurines of all of the Chinese Zodiac.
“Oh Tohru,” Inora said and threw her arms around the girl. It actually felt nice to hug someone without having to worry. And just for the hell of it she planted a kiss on her cheek as well.
“Your fun to give present’s to,” Shigure said with a grin.
“Here,” Kyo said holding up a package and trying to look bored. “And I don’t need a kiss or anything.” She smiled and took the package from him. She was instantly curious because it was soft like clothing, clothes didn’t really seem like something Kyo would give as a present. She opened the paper and a lot of white cloth spilled out over her lap. There were white pants, white shirt, and even a white belt. It was a Karate uniform.
“Aww, Kyo!” she said and despite his attempts to shove her away she gave him a kiss as well.
“Yeah, you’re getting pretty good,” he said blushing as he wiped off his cheek. “I talked to my master and he said you could take classes from him, you know, until you leave.” She wasn’t stupid; she knew that everyone in that room was very much aware that there was a chance she wouldn’t leave. She also knew that everyone knew for a fact that she didn’t want to, and that it was all up to Hatori. Shigure seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“Inora you know none of us want you to leave right? I for one would be devastated to have you leave,” he said and everyone voiced their agreement.
“I know, but it’s still really nice to hear, thank you,” She said looking at all of them.
“Inora, here,” Yuki said holding out his gift. She unwrapped it to find a silver butterfly with red and purple stones. She must have been more obsessive over her favorite colors then she thought.
“Thank you Yuki,” she said after giving him his kiss.
“This is all stuff for you to wear! I think a fashion show is in order!” Ayame sang. Yuki blushed and looked like he was going to yell at his brother but Inora stood up and bounced over to Aya.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea!” she said just as loud and obnoxious as he had.
“This way!” he sang and pulled her down the hall to Shigure’s study. She changed into the red and purple dress Ayame gave her first, and he helped her put on all of the jewelry she just got. When she went back out she got a lot of ooh’s and ah’s from everyone except for Kyo. However, when she came back in the uniform he gave her he became interested.
“No, no,” he said shaking his head and standing up, he walked over to her and grabbed her belt. “Ya got this tied all wrong, ya gotta do it like this or else it will get in your way... or come undone.” He finished retying her belt and stepped back to examine the rest of the outfit.
“Wow, so picky,” she teased and ruffled his hair. He ducked away from her hand and slouched off to sulk in the corner. She rolled her eyes at him before going back to change again. She started giggling as she walked back to the dining room in her nurse’s uniform; they had no idea that she had gotten this as well. She stepped into the dining room to a lot of blank stares.
“So, what do you think?” She asked.
“I think it’s adorable!” Ayame gushed from behind her.
“Well of course you like it, you made it,” he said beaming at him. She looked around again, Shigure was zoning out, and she didn’t want to know what he was thinking. Yuki seemed to be warring with himself; she knew that if he complimented her he would also be complimenting his brother. Kyo was completely blank with his mouth hanging open slightly.
“It’s really cute!” Tohru finally said.
“You look adorable!” Momiji sang.
“Thank you guys! I don’t have time for the rest of you to make up your minds, I have to go,” he said and went to change for the last time. When she went to the front door she found Shigure standing there.
“You forgot something,” he said holding up the perfume. He sprayed some on her clothes then carefully lifted some of her hair and sprayed some in the middle of it. The scent washed all around her and she smiled.
“Thank you, but-” she was about to ask why when he cut her off.
“Just trust me,” he winked and walked back to join the others. She wondered for another second then just shrugged.
After sneaking into the estate, which was ridiculously easy for her now, she tiptoed into Hatori’s house. It was dark inside and she wondered if he was still working until she heard faint music from down the hall. She grinned as she found the sound was coming from his room. There was a soft glow coming from inside that she soon figured to be candles. As she stepped through the doorway she gasped, every surface of the room was covered in candles and Rose petals. Hatori was standing in a corner of the room dressed in her favorite, black slacks and a white button down shirt, that he had untucked and halfway unbuttoned.
“What do you think?” he asked quietly walking over to her.
“I think this is amazing,” she said slightly breathless. He bent down and kissed her sweetly then he froze. She could hear him take a deep breath through his nose and release it with a soft moan. He wove his hand into her hair and grabbed it tightly; he pulled on it so she had to turn her head to the side. He buried his face in her hair breathing deeply.
“Hatori… are you ok?” she asked slowly.
“You smell like…the ocean,” he whispered into her ear. She could feel his lips brush against her ear and his warm breath move her hair. Her knees felt week and a shiver rolled down her spine. Suddenly she remembered the perfume Shigure had taken great care to spray on her. She heard him take one more deep breath before he lost himself.
He pulled at her hair again to bring her lips back to his. His grip was tight on her hair but not painful, and it was turning her on like no other. Their breathing was uneven and coming in sharp bursts from the intensity of the kiss. They broke apart for a moment to catch their breath and Hatori must have caught the scent again. He pushed her down on the bed and quickly climbed over her. She was struck by how unlike himself he was being, not that she wasn’t enjoying it immensely. She ripped open his shirt as he fumbled with the button on her pants. He was finally able to open them and send them flying across the room before he started on her shirt. She laughed as he had problems with her bra, his hands were shaking, she unhooked it and that too went flying.
This wasn’t like last time; last time there was more touching and more kissing. This time there was more groping and, because they were breathing so hard, less kissing. That, however, meant that there was a lot more noise coming from the room. It was clear that he loved to hear his name moaned in his ear, and the same could defiantly be said for her.
The next morning she woke up and bolted upright.
“Whoa, what the hell was that?” she asked to no one. She looked around and saw Hatori in the same place he had collapsed to last night. That had been a sight, she remembered it vividly, his back had arched gracefully as he orgasmed then he simply collapsed on the bed next to her. She had forced herself to put a pillow between them before she passed out with him. She shook him awake, and he jerked upright just as she had done.
“Wha- what happened?” he muttered, she couldn’t help but giggle, his hair was all over the place from him sleeping on his face.
“Shigure,” she said. He looked at her like she was crazy for a second before she continued. “He gave me a perfume for my birthday that made me smell like the ocean.” He looked at her for another second before he chuckled and turned bright red.
“Oh that’s right, I remember now…” he looked at the floor. “Sorry that’s not what I meant to happen…”
“Are you serious? That was great!” she said beaming at him, and she fell back into her pillow. She couldn’t believe she was so exhausted still, and a growl came from her stomach. Hatori looked at his watch and laughed.
“We slept in quite a bit, I’ll go make us some breakfast,” he said climbing out of bed to get dressed. As he walked by her side of the bed to the door she reached out and caught his hand. She slid out of bed to stretch up and gave him a sweet kiss.
“I love you,” she whispered into his lips.
“I love you too,” she could feel him smile then he kissed her again. “And I have no idea what I would do without you.” She froze, was he going to finally ask her to stay? He kissed her one last time and turned to go get breakfast. She sat on the bed again, trying to hold back her feelings of disappointment. She had to remind herself that they still had a month left, so there was still time. She slowly got dressed and just as she was sliding her shirt back on she heard a crash from the kitchen. She sprinted down the hallway to find Hatori with a broken plate at his feet. He clutched onto the counter like his life depended on it, his expression was a mix of shock and pain.
“Hatori, what is it? What’s wrong?” she asked looking around the kitchen for the cause. He didn’t answer her, he just started crying. She ran to his side trying desperately to figure out what had happened. She rubbed his back soothingly and ran her fingers through his hair. Slowly he turned so he was facing her; he wound his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. As her body pressed against his she squeezed her eyes shut and prepared herself to catch him before he hit the ground.
The familiar ‘poof’ noise never came. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and heard his breathing start to slow. Then he began to laugh, he picked her up off of the ground and spun her in a few circles before setting her back on the ground. He kissed her happily at first and then warmer, she couldn’t believe how different his kisses were when she was being held to him like this.
“It’s gone,” he finally said. “The curse, it’s gone. I’m free.”
“Oh my God,” she whispered and mashed herself into his chest again. “Hatori that’s amazing!”
“Inora I should have asked you this months ago, will you stay in Japan with me?” he asked.
“Of course silly,” she said beaming. The rest of the afternoon the phone rang off the hook, all of the other Zodiac had been freed as well. Shigure had called first to thank her.
“You see Hatori and Kyo were first, you broke Hatori free and Tohru broke Kyo free. That weakened the curse so much that the whole thing fell apart soon after. Oh there together now by the way!” he explained cheerfully.
“Well it’s about time,” she muttered and he laughed. “Listen I have to go, Hatori just asked me to stay so I think some celebrating is in order.”
“I should say so,” he said knowingly. She was just about to hang up when she thought of something.
“Oh thank you for that perfume. Best. Present. Ever.” she said with a grin.
“Yes I thought you might like it, go have fun, I have something I need to take care of,” he said and hung up. She hung up the phone and started laughing.
“What’s so funny,” Hatori asked.
“I was just thinking about fate. You remember how I got here? The people I was supposed to stay with, their house burned down. I was forced to live in the woods by myself for three weeks and got seriously sick for my trouble. If that hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have met the Sohma’s, I wouldn’t have met you. And if all of that horrible stuff hadn’t happened with Kana you wouldn’t be with me…”
“I know exactly what you mean,” he said pulling her close to him and kissing her sweetly. “Bad things happen for a reason.”

(A/N): OMG wooooo! THEY’RE FREEEEE!!! Hope you like how I made that happen! OH and I just thought of the perfume thing last night, thought it was kinda funny. Sooo there is just an epilogue type thing coming up!
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