Categories > TV > WWE > I've Been Jerispammed
A/N: So I was a little hesitant about writing one for CM Punk but I figured that it'd be fun to come off as snarky and well Punkers is one of my faves so I decided to give it a shot. There's hints at a Punk/Wade relationship, I found a video on YouTube about this pairing and it was simply too cute! I couldn't pass up the chance to hint at these two, hopefully I'll be able to write something a little more serious for them. Also the line about The Rock, that's based off more of what Punk has said on Twitter, I actually don't mind The Rock. Also if you have a Twitter account and are not already currently following Punk you should cuz that man is hilarious!
CM Punk
Name: Phil Brooks, CM Punk, your straightedge savior, second city saint, Mr. Money in the Bank…not to toot my own horn
Sex: Male
Home: Chicago, Illinois best city in the world!
Height: 6' 1"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
What is your favorite TV show? Whatever's on at 2 in the morning
What's on your mouse pad? None of your business!
Favorite Magazine? I don't waste my time on magazines…I read comics
Favorite smell: The mix of tanner, sweat, and cologne that Wade has after a match
Worst feeling in the world: Having to drop Wade off that steel cage/seeing John dump 23 steel chairs on MY baby!
Best feeling in the world: Beating that ass kisser Cena and walking out with the belt
Things to do on the weekend: Bike, Workout, Karaoke, Crash Indy wrestling events, Not sleep
Favorite soundtrack: Let's Go ~ Rancid
What's the first thought you had this morning? Real villains don't sleep…
Do you get motion sickness? I'm not going to answer that you ass!
Roller coasters; deadly or exciting: I'm busy I don't have time for juvenile things like roller coasters
Pen or pencil? Pen
How many rings before you answer the phone? I'm not called, I call people
Favorite food? Chicago deep dish
Do you get along with your parents? This question isn't even worth my time
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? I am the ideal role model, of course not!
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Wade is more of a Vanilla guy, but I make the rules ;D
Crutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits
Do you like to drive? I usually don't have a choice since I don't sleep much
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Blasphemous
If you could have any pet what would it be? A Wallaby
If you could be any type of animal what would it be? A Wolverine
Thunderstorms, cool or scary? Cool, nothing like standing out on the balcony with Wade watching the storm brew
If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be? Rorschach
Favorite alcoholic drink: I'm straightedge you twat! …I drink Pepsi
What is your Zodiac sign? I don't waste time on stupid stuff like that
If you could have any job what would it be? I do what I love, but commentating wasn't so bad
If you could have a tattoo what/where would it be? Are you blind? I have tattoos already! Though I wouldn't mind adding one to represent my Brit
Have you ever been in love? Yes, though sometimes it seems like lust
Describe your dream wedding: Who said I was settling down?
What is on your walls in your room? I prefer not having distractions
Is the glass half empty or half full? Half empty
Righty, Lefty, Ambidextrous? Righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? No I have them on opposite keys…dumbass
If you could be one gardening tool what would it be? Why the hell did I open this email?
What is your favorite number? 13
Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Zack you had better make me Broski of the week for this treacherous email!...thanks for the tribute song from the Zack Pack, that's nice right?
Of all the people you send this to who is least likely to respond? That shitty actor "Dwayne" he's probably off prancing in a tutu collecting teeth…though he might respond…VIA SATELITE
CM Punk
Name: Phil Brooks, CM Punk, your straightedge savior, second city saint, Mr. Money in the Bank…not to toot my own horn
Sex: Male
Home: Chicago, Illinois best city in the world!
Height: 6' 1"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
What is your favorite TV show? Whatever's on at 2 in the morning
What's on your mouse pad? None of your business!
Favorite Magazine? I don't waste my time on magazines…I read comics
Favorite smell: The mix of tanner, sweat, and cologne that Wade has after a match
Worst feeling in the world: Having to drop Wade off that steel cage/seeing John dump 23 steel chairs on MY baby!
Best feeling in the world: Beating that ass kisser Cena and walking out with the belt
Things to do on the weekend: Bike, Workout, Karaoke, Crash Indy wrestling events, Not sleep
Favorite soundtrack: Let's Go ~ Rancid
What's the first thought you had this morning? Real villains don't sleep…
Do you get motion sickness? I'm not going to answer that you ass!
Roller coasters; deadly or exciting: I'm busy I don't have time for juvenile things like roller coasters
Pen or pencil? Pen
How many rings before you answer the phone? I'm not called, I call people
Favorite food? Chicago deep dish
Do you get along with your parents? This question isn't even worth my time
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? I am the ideal role model, of course not!
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Wade is more of a Vanilla guy, but I make the rules ;D
Crutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits
Do you like to drive? I usually don't have a choice since I don't sleep much
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Blasphemous
If you could have any pet what would it be? A Wallaby
If you could be any type of animal what would it be? A Wolverine
Thunderstorms, cool or scary? Cool, nothing like standing out on the balcony with Wade watching the storm brew
If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be? Rorschach
Favorite alcoholic drink: I'm straightedge you twat! …I drink Pepsi
What is your Zodiac sign? I don't waste time on stupid stuff like that
If you could have any job what would it be? I do what I love, but commentating wasn't so bad
If you could have a tattoo what/where would it be? Are you blind? I have tattoos already! Though I wouldn't mind adding one to represent my Brit
Have you ever been in love? Yes, though sometimes it seems like lust
Describe your dream wedding: Who said I was settling down?
What is on your walls in your room? I prefer not having distractions
Is the glass half empty or half full? Half empty
Righty, Lefty, Ambidextrous? Righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? No I have them on opposite keys…dumbass
If you could be one gardening tool what would it be? Why the hell did I open this email?
What is your favorite number? 13
Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Zack you had better make me Broski of the week for this treacherous email!...thanks for the tribute song from the Zack Pack, that's nice right?
Of all the people you send this to who is least likely to respond? That shitty actor "Dwayne" he's probably off prancing in a tutu collecting teeth…though he might respond…VIA SATELITE
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