Categories > Anime/Manga > Love Mode > She doesnt love me anyway!

first day at the flat!

by georgiaabingdon 0 reviews

its el first day at the flat!

Category: Love Mode - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-10-28 - Updated: 2011-10-28 - 1415 words - Complete

El woke up to the smell of bacon she headed down the stairs to be greeted by stef.
"Morning El"stef said with a smile
"Morning Stefan"she didnt smile at him with her mouth she smiled with her eyes,
"stefan!,i dont know what to do i have no clothes"el said as she put her hands over her face and sighed
"dont worry il ask rosie and shauna for you!"
"no dont il go home and get some i dont want them wasting there clothes on me"el replied
stef placed the bacon sandwich in front of her then pored her a drink out vodka and coke seen as
she was pretty stressed out stef had the same.
"thanks were ash and dru?"she asked
"still in bed the lazy fucks"they both began to laugh
el finally smiled he loved it it sent him crazy!
"il be getting from under your feet today"el said as she ripped some of the bacon and placed it in her mouth
"what do you mean?"stef asked confused
"i mean im going to go home so you can act like you never met me and none of this happened and then you can go back to your normal life"
"i dont want to go back to my shitty life it was fucking shit,how do i know you wont slit your wrists again and what if someone doesnt find you?!..stay?"
"fine i wont go,i need to go home today and get clothes"she said with the same sad expression on her face.
stef had noticed that the expression on her face never really changed,
"il be back in an hour ok!"el said stef nodded she put her plate and mug in to the sink then walked out the kitchen she ran up stairs el grabbed her bag and put her shoes on then ran down stairs the clock said eleven am she ran out the door and down the street stef sighed when he heard the door shut he walked in the living room and slammed his body on to the sofa
(back to El)
Els house was an hour away from the boys flat,she was already on the first bus it pulled up to the bus station el slowly walked off the bus and she sat on a bench waiting for the 43 bus to pull up after five minuets it did she showed the bus driver her pass and walked up the stairs the sat in the middle only two other people were on the bus one in front of her and the other behind
"el?"a voice said from behind her
she turned around to see beth her bestfriend she walked over to where el was sat and she sat on the seat next to her
"beth,ive missed you so much"she yelled tears flooded down her face
"el,ive missed you to your my best friend and i love you so much"beth threw her arms around el they just hugged for a while.
"your going home arnt you!"she said
ell nodded
"want me to come with you so she cant hurt you?"beth asked
"no your ok but thanks"elle said then she shook her head then added "il just bare the pain,this is my stop i better go"
they said there goodbyes and then she headed off the bus,
it was a five minuet walk from the bus stop el made it in to a ten minuet walk,so she could prepare her for what would lie ahead.
when she got in her house she ran into her room leaving the door open she walked over to her bed and found a suitcase and bag on her bed she was in her own little world thinking about what she was going to do then BANG she snapped out of it to find he mum blocking the exit,el jumped back in shock.
"what do you want slut?"he mum yelled with a smirk on her face
she began to walk closer to el
"T-to get my things"el stuttered
her mother began to laugh she could smell the alcohol in her breath followed by the stench of sick,el grabbed her bag and suitcase she tried to make a run for it but her mum grabbed her by her haid and dragged her across the room and on to the landing.
"in the hospital"her voice became hoarse,
"aww slit your self that bad did you,ha,well what a shame nothing happened to you"
el shook her mums hand from her hair it took two tries but she did it
"just fuck off yeah mam!"she shouted then ran down the stairs she opened the door then shouted
"your a terrible mum you only care about your self and the alcohol your out doing professional business my arse your out on the pull arnt you"el slammed the door and ran down the street her mum had re-opened the door and was shouting things like 'whore' 'slut' 'slag' and things like that el wanted to turn around but she kept on running she ran back to the flat it took at least an hour for her to get back when she opened the door she saw ash putting his vans shoes on
"going any where nice?"she asked
"just to meet rosie then were going to the cinema"ash smiled
she did a small smile back
"dont find me rude but may i have a shower?"el asked
"ha,i dont find you rude el but yeah you no where everything right!"
el nodded
she ran up the stairs dragging her bags with her she threw the on the spare bed she wondered why stef hadnt heard her seen as she was making alot of noise when she walked past his room he had his headset on and was on his xbox el started to run the shower she walked back in to the spare room grabbed her plain shirt and some flower trousers she placed them in a pile on her bed she walked out of the spare bedroom and in to the shower she got undressed and dumped her clothes in the corner shut the door she got in to the warm shower and began to wash her hair
she whispered the words to wonderwall by oasis her nan always used to sing this when el was upset,she washed the shampoo out of her hair then grabbed the conditioner as she did the bathroom door opened
"ARGHHH"el yelled as she fell back and hit her head on the wall
"shit el i didnt realise"stef yelled as he pulled his ear phones from his ears
el moved her hand and felt behind her head she looked at it her head was bleeding
"fuck"she shouted
"shit dude do you need help?"stef asked he tightly placed his hand over his face
"um yeah my heads bleeding and my back hurts like crazy"
stef still had his hand over his face he placed one on the floor and felt around for her towel he found it the felt for the bath he threw el the towel she rapped it around her self
"can i come in now"stef asked
he helped her out the bath and got drenched seen as the shower was still on
stefan walked back in to the bath room put one arm around he back and the other around her legs he pulled her out the bath he ran with her in his arms and el began to laugh so did stefan they were laughing at how bad they both looked stefs fro had gone all flat and els hair was curly and bits were sticking up all over she smiled her real smile it sent stefan crazy!.
'her smiles beautiful'stef thought to him self
"what are you so happy about?"el asked
"having you here with me"he answered
el started to blush
el started to forget about the things her mother had said there heads began to move closer and closer she felt someone rap there hands around her waist it was stefan she rapped her hands around his neck finally...
there lips met.
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