Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Never Gonna Give You Up

by killjoy_lockandload 1 review

Hazel tells her story, Gerard has a secret and the title is Rick Astley. I seriously love that song. DON"T JUDGE ME! :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-10-30 - Updated: 2011-10-30 - 683 words - Complete

Wow, chapter 20. This actually quite exciting! I didn't think I would get this far. Thanks for still reading! I'm nowhere near done. So enjoy!

Gerard’s POV
I was so scared. It brought back memories of when I used to..never mind. Well it brought back memories. How she just broke down like that.
At least she cried herself to sleep. I wouldn’t want her to be awake still and have to try to explain herself.
I whispered to Frank
"She just went to you like that. It’s amazing."
"Well if you think about it, I went to her."
"But still she didn’t back away. If I tried that stunt, she’d probably move away."
"Dude, you have to remember, I’m the first one she met here."
"So where did Mikey and Ray go?"
"Mikey went home to do a project and Ray left with Mikey to help him."
"She’s waking up."
"Hey Hazel."
Hazel’s POV
I was up the whole time faced the other way. I was kind of confused to where I was then I remembered, I cried to Frank’s shoulder and fell asleep. I’m just listening to them. They both just make me feel so safe.
I turned over and Frank spoke.
'Hey Hazel'
"Hi Frank."
I didn’t look up. I was too embarrassed. Apparently Gerard read me on that. Damn he was good at reading people.
"Hazel it’s okay, we’re not judging you. Don’t be embarrassed, scared, ashamed or anything."
"Thanks but, I still am. Almost every thought of my father does that to me."
"I don’t want to set anything back but-"
"Why do I hate my father so much?"
"It’s fine I’ll tell you the story. When I was 10 my dad hit me all the time and I finally gained the courage to tell my mother what happened. Well one night he came into my room and yelled at me, saying why did I rat him out and saying I was a liar. He punched me whatever and he uhh.. H-he raped me. I’ve lived my aunt since about a month after that. My mother didn’t believe me, her mother didn’t believe me, but my aunt and her mother did. That’s when I started living with my aunt. I didn’t want to be around my father and my mother who didn’t believe me. My aunt would always say how my dad has been abusive for a long time and that’s how he was. Pretty much saying he was an asshole. So I grew up with my auntie B and my best friend James. I’ve known him since I was in 1st grade."
I looked up at them. Frank was nearly in tears and Gerard had the look of sorrow on his face.
Frank was the first one to say something.
"Hazel. I don’t even know what to say. I am so sorry, when you said that he raped you, I-it made me think of Josh. If I had the strength to get the other two off me, I could have helped you. I’m so sorry"
He then started crying.
"Frank, don’t cry. I could of stopped him, but I didn’t. That’s my fault."
I walked over to him and hugged him.
That’s when Gerard started talking.
"Hazel from now on, we’re here for you. We’ll do anything we can to keep you safe."
I walked over to him, gave him a hug.
"Thank you. Thank you both. You know when I first got here, I thought it would be jest like my old school, no one would like me, no one would notice me and I would just be that person to beat on. But you guys showed me differently. Thank you again and again and a thousand times more thank you."
"You’re welcome Hazel."
We all joined in a hug.
My first day here and already one of the most special.
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