Categories > Original > Drama > The bonfire night disaster!


by TMBAREEPIC 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-05 - Updated: 2011-11-05 - 417 words

Gen ran out of the bedroom,quick enough to see Ashley leave the house and his sister chased him shouting "ASHLEY COME BACK,DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM!" Gen slipped her shoes on and ran out after them.Kirsty woke up rather scared to find Gen and Ashley gone and the door wide open,so she woke Dru up,he noticed that she was crying straight away and hugged her tightly,he whispered what's up in her ear.She replied saying the flat door is wide open and Ashley and Gen are one and i don't know what to do i'm scared,i heard Ashley shouting earlier but,fell back to sleep"Dru let go and said "i heard him shouting to,something about killing someone?"Kirsty nodded and at the same time the both whisper shouted FUCK!Then ran out of the door in search of their friends.Stefan had woken up to get a drink and went to check on Kirsty and Dru,they weren't there,so he went to tell Ashley and Gen,who also weren't there,so he started to panic and woke up Jennifer.Jennifer told Stefan to fuck off and fell back to sleep.She loves her sleep so he left her a note saying 'Hey Jennifer,if i'm not in when you wake up,i've gone to find the others,lots of love,Stef x' Stefan ran out and went the opposite way that Dru and Kirsty had went in about half an hour before.Dru and Kirsty had seen Gen sat crying on a wall,they stopped and asked her what was up her reply was "Ashley has gone to fight Alice's Boyfriend because he has been abusing her,and i can't find him"It was only a matter of time before Drus phone rang it was Stefan asking were he was Dru said "outside of the pizza shop,come here and meet us"So he did and they all set off in a little group to find Ashley and Alice.They had been walking around for two hours trying to find him,when they bumped into Alice crying,all she did was pointed forwards,Stefan picked her up,because she looked hurt,Dru ran over to were he saw Ashley being lifted into an ambulance,a boy running away and Jamie sat in the back of the ambulance with him,the ambulance doors shut and off the ambulance went,is Jamie going to tell him in the hospital?
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