Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The day my life changed forever.

Everybody says they're sorry..

by raezorrstorm 2 reviews

Another chapter :)Please review, I could do with a few pointer as it's not very good at the moment, sorry it's short, the next one will be longer-Nat xoxox

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-08 - Updated: 2011-11-08 - 436 words

We stood there for what seemed like forever. Neither us knew what to say. Gerard broke the spell between us.
'Uh, guys, when you two are done staring, I'd like to give a tour?...' He looked at me to see if that was what I wanted.

'Well we're not' Mikey replied.
Gerard looked weirded out.I would be to.
'It's you' Mikey whispered. All I could manage to do was nod. He was staring at me like some kind of science experiment.
'Dude, what the hell?' Gerard said.
'It's her Gee, the one who was attacked. It's HER.' Okay. now I really felt awkward. They were both staring at me like I was an alien now.
'Uh, I should go...' I broke out. My voice deciding to die on me.
'No. don't go! We only just met..' Mikey's face fell as he lifted his head up. 'We're sorry, we didn't mean to creep you out.'
I just stood there. Probably looked like an idiot but oh well.
'Do you want a drink or something?' he asked me.
'No, I'm good thanks'
'Yeah, sure.'
'Why don't you come to my room?' I was surpised by Gerard's question... I mean, we only just met, but then I figured that I still didn't want to go home. I followed him downstairs. His room was the basement? Cool, I thought to myself.
It was covered in posters of bands. He has a pretty decent music taste; Misfits, Iron Maiden ect... I sat down on the edge of his bed and looked around.
'Sorry it isn't much, but I like it.' I Gerard came and sat behing me.
'I'm sorry about the scene with Mikey, I honestly didn't know who you wwere.'
'S'okay, no harm done.'
'... and I'm sorry about what happened to you and you're sister, it must be horrible for you.
'Everyone says that they're sorry, but it didn't happen to them, so I don't get why..'
'Oh' was all he could come up with.
'I'm sorr...'
'Save it Gerard. I know you mean well.'
After that no-one said a word for about 10 minutes. Mikey came bursting into the room at that point. I was glad of something to break the silence.
'You guys wanna go grab a Starbucks?' he asked.
'Sure, why not, I could do with getting outta the house' his brother replied.
I nodded and followed them out of the basement and up the stairs. Maybe this would be the beginning of a great friendship. Who knows?
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