Categories > Original > Romance > I Am Alive

Moving On

by depressedTeen 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-11-08 - Updated: 2011-11-08 - 757 words

I was about to jump and closed my eyes once again,then the shouting stopped and i opened my eyes to find that they was no longer there, yelling at me to get down. Looks like they didn't give a shit like everyone else. I closed my eyes for the last time and jumped off the building.But i didn't hit the ground. I did jump, but for some reason i'm not dead. I looked up to see one of the men holding my hand trying to pull me up. This was unexpected. I got pulled up to the top of the roof top and they all looked at me. I could see their faces more clearly now.

I sat on the floor and started crying, i didn't want to be saved. I wanted to be dead, that is why i jumped. God. They all walked up to me and started patting me on the shoulder. I looked up and they was standing right in front of me. They all looked in their 20's i think. The one with the beard that saved me knelt down and looked me in the eyes.

"Why?" he asked me. I rolled my eyes and stood up.
"Don't worry, but thanks i guess" i said and started to walk away. I could feel their eyes on my back and i turned around and looked at them.

"What?" i asked. The one with the curly hair walked up to me and said:
"You almost killed yourself and you don't even wanna tell us whats wrong?" he said. I'm not going to tell a stranger my life story. I shook my head and walked off. I felt a bit mean, but i'm not opening up to three random men.

I ran down the stairs and when i got to the bottom, i went and sat down on the same bench i was sat on before. I got out my art pad again and started to add finishing touches to my drawing i did like half an hour ago. I saw the three men run down the stairs and was heading in my direction. Oh my god, i wish they would just leave me alone. I carried on drawing when, they all came up behind me.

"You can trust us, we won't make a fool out of you" the one with the stubble said. I looked at him with a unconvincing look on my face. He sighed and they all sat down next to me on the bench.
"My name is Dru, this is Stefan and this is Ashley" the one with the beard said to me.
"Uhm okay.. I'm Bella nice to meet you i guess.." why was these strange people talking to me?

They all looked at my drawing and smiled.
"That's beautiful" Stefan said. I smiled at him and put it back away in my bag.
"What do you guys want? Thanks for saving my life and all.. Actually, no thanks. I was trying to die and you guys stopped me from justice" i said. They giggled.

"Why would you want to die though?" Dru said.
"Dru, that's personal" Ashley said. I nodded with agreement. These guys was really getting on my nerves. so i just blurted out:
"Bloody hell, you wanna know so badly you nosy dickheads?! Well, i get bullied, my dad died and my mum is depressed. I slit my wrists and get judged for it everyday. I cant go back home now and i ran away from school. Happy?!!" i shouted and their faces turned into frowns.

"I'm so sorry" Dru said.And the others nodded in agreement.
I picked up my bag and went to leave but then one of them grabbed my arm.
"Where are you gonna go if you can't go home?" Ashley said. I shrugged. Anywhere but here with you retards.
"You can come back with us if you want" said Stefan. no,No,NO,NO!
"No fucking way" i said and went to walk off again when Dru stopped me and took out his phone.
"If you want anywhere to go or want anyone to talk to just call this number" he said and wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at it in disgust and dropped it in my bag.

I slowly walked off having no idea where i was heading next. Home? NO. School? Definitely not. To the weird men's flat? No fucking way. I just had to get out off this place now.
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