Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here


by killjoy_lockandload 0 reviews

Gerard's thoughts on the whole situation. Title is Green Day

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] - Published: 2011-11-13 - Updated: 2011-11-14 - 443 words - Complete

Sorry this is late, I've been busy and I was going to update earlier but I went to go see Jack and Jill which was really fucking funny and all of you should go see it. Okay, enjoy! :)

Gerard’s POV
That had to be the second hardest thing Frank has ever said to me.
I mean I realize I have to move on but I will never stop loving that boy.
Which will just screw up my life more.
What if I did go out with Hazel?
Does Hazel even like me?
What if she likes Ray or Mikey…or better yet, what if she likes Frank?
I threw out the drawing I was working on along with my thoughts.
I picked up the coffee that Frank left for me and walked upstairs.
Mikey and Ray were sitting and trying to get a hold of their thoughts until they noticed me.
"Gee you want to talk?"
"I-I don’t know Mikes. I don’t really know what to say at all."
"Everything’s going to be alright, Gerard. Don’t let another terror bring you down. Okay?"
Right I forgot, they don’t know what happened.
"So why did Frank come marching down the stairs and leave so quick?"
Shit, my brother catches on fast.
"Gerard, don’t bother lying or saying you don’t know. So just come out and say it alright?"
Fuck. He is good.
"Fine, the terror was about Frank, our relationship and how we both fell and me at the hospital it was all fucking crazy. Then Hazel..I like her and I’m afraid of that. I know she won’t hurt me but goddamn this all fucking complicated."
"Gee, I think you just want to hold on the bit of Frank that you have. You don’t want to lose him and I’m sure to shit he doesn’t want to lose you."
"Oh yeah? Then why did he tell me to move on from him."
"Because he loves you so much that he wants you to be happy."
I didn’t think of it like that. I’m glad these guys were understanding through all this.
"Thanks guys, um I’m going to take a walk, clear my head. I’ll see you both later."
"See ya Gee."
I’m going to find Frank. I think I know where he is. Three possible spots. The park, Sam Ash, or Hazel’s house.
He wouldn’t want to go home while being like that. I have to find him and I need to talk to him. God only knows how he’ll respond.
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