Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here


by killjoy_lockandload 0 reviews

Hazel bring's Frank mood up a little and something unexpected happens. Title is The Cab. p.s I can't believe it was a little over 3 years ago I saw them live ugh.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-11-16 - Updated: 2011-11-17 - 410 words - Complete

I feel bad I keep leaving you all hanging, ugh. I need to focus on this. Are you all still liking it? Anyways, enjoy :)

Frank’s POV
I was laying across Hazel’s bed. She found these really good cookies. Apparently her and James used to eat them.
"You know? These are so fucking good."
"I know right. They make you feel better huh?"
"They actually do, I am feeling a little better."
"That means I have to act out movies for you to get you laughing."
"Yay! Do it, do it, doo itt!"
"Okay chill."
She acted out movies from, you guessed it, Wizard of Oz to Uptown Girls. By the time she was done I had fallen off the bed and rolled along her floor until I hit her desk.
"Frank you okay?"
"Aside from the bump I should be getting. I feel great!"
"Good, need help?"
She helped me off the floor.
I made her laugh as much as I did by trying to imitate her, she didn’t fall off the bed like me but I ended up falling on the bed next to her.
"Oh Frankie, you are so fucking funny."
"As you are Hazel."
"Fancy talk now sir Frank?"
"Affirmative Madame Hazel."
"Ew Madame, it sounds old and gross."
"It sounds fancy!"
"Not at all!"
"Yes it totally does."
"That’s it!"
She pinned me down by laying on top of me so I couldn’t move.
"I can’t get up!"
"I think that’s the point of a ‘pin’"
"Holy shit!"
We laughed like there was no tomorrow. We calmed our laughter and ended up staring straight into each other’s eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her. I pulled back and realized what I did.
"Oh Hazel, I didn’t-"
She kissed me this time, she grabbed the back of my head and I deepened the kiss. She ran her tongue along my lips, I opened them and I let her tongue explore the entrance to my mouth. I crashed our tongues together.
We made out for a while longer until she broke the kiss.
We just laid there smiling at each other in utter happiness until I thought of something. Or someone better yet, Gerard. He’s going to be devastated if he finds out. But I guess if he doesn’t know now, it can’t hurt.
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