Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip Into The Tragedy


by Burnie 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Mikey Way,Gerard Way,Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-11-14 - Updated: 2011-11-14 - 1565 words

It was chaos back at the diner. Rays were flying through the air, bright, coloured ones coming from killjoys and plain white ones coming from Draculoids.
I’ve never seen one during the day, at least when I could tell what it was. They looked like people, with a mask over their head that resembled the monster that they acted as. There were so many of them, I couldn’t count all of them.
Show Pony was human again, and joined Fun Ghoul, shooting down one out of the two that were after him. I took out my gun and held it steady in my hand. Some of the other killjoys were against the wall of the diner like I was, shooting where they could reach.
Jet Star was dealing with a couple Dracs at a time, with one shooting at him and two coming up behind him. The one shooting had a horrible shot. Jet shot it down quickly enough and turned to see the two behind him. I took my chance, coming more into the open and shot at the one closer to me.
I hit it, I actually hit it, and it fell. Dead. For some reason I didn’t feel any mercy for it. After Jet Star finished off the other one he looked over at me to see where the shot came from. He met my eyes and gestured over for me to join him.
“Glad you could join,” He said, “Nice shot,” I thanked him quickly, as his back was to mine. We guarded each other as we shot, as Party and Ghoul were currently doing. Pony and Sparx were around the entrance to the diner, protecting it from Dracs, while shooting at the ones who approached.
It was easy to tell that we were winning, and as I shot at as many as I could while getting the hang of shooting quite quickly, I kept glancing at Party, who was a natural.
He was very fast at shooting, and could move from one Drac to another in a matter of seconds. Then again, he wasn’t hitting as much as Fun Ghoul, who was a bit slower, but more exact.
There were only four Dracs left, which soon became three with help of Sparx’ hidden angle. Only a couple minutes later did the final Drac fall from getting hit by Sharp Shooter Fun Ghoul’s ray.
Once it fell, all guns were lowered and put away. Almost instantly, things were back to normal.
“C’mon, guys, get ‘em while they’re hot!” Fun Ghoul called to Party and Jet. Jet patted me on the shoulder before running off to a Drac, picking it up, and carrying it behind the diner, just as Party and Ghoul were doing too. Disgusting.
Though three Drac bodies were already taken away, they still littered the ground around the rest of us who fought them. I ignored them as I walked back into the diner, because frankly, I didn’t give a damn. They could rot out there as long as they want, I’m sure they’ll be put to use by the vampires.
Back in the diner, everyone was calm and getting back to normal. I guess that happens quite a bit, but at least no one got hurt. Show Pony was taking out a couple cans of Power Pup to celebrate the victory.
I’ve only ever eaten Power Pup once or twice, but that was because it was fucking disgusting. It actually was dog food, with pictures of dogs on the can hence the name Power ‘Pup’. I felt bad for the humans, and the fact that they had to eat that shit to live. I didn’t have to eat, it felt good to eat, but I can survive without dog food. Whatever dog would eat that must be pretty stupid. Or just a dog, all dogs are kind of clueless.
I stepped out on the porch at the front of the diner. It was a little bit away from the door, but for some reason the porch felt like the most comfortable spot out here. Definitely not the prettiest, what from all the dirty killjoys walking out here, but definitely one of the best, other than Shooting Hill.
The Drac bodies were almost gone now. It’s amazing how quick vampires can be when they’re hungry, but I doubt they drank it all; they probably saved the majority for later.
Speaking of which, Party, Ghoul, and Jet came around the corner, all looking happy and satisfied. I nodded at them as they joined me on the porch, Ghoul lighting a smoke and leaning back in one of the shitty chairs we had out here. I sat on the railing, looking out at nothing, which was easier now that I got a pair of sunglasses. We all just stood there, waiting for nothing, the silence far from awkward.
Pony popped out of the doorway, fighting helmet off and relaxed. “Hey,” He said to us, “Dr. D’s calling a meeting for us.”
Even in the middle of nowhere, meetings were unavoidable.
Ghoul sighed and put out the cigarette as all of us went into the diner. The celebration seemed to be over, at the most. Everyone who fought was now relaxing in booths.
The four of us went to the back of the diner, where there used to be what looked like a kitchen. It was big and roomy, but was being filled with many different objects of any variety. The Doctor was standing in the middle of the room, next to a table filled with boxes.
“We finished searching the car you came in,” The Doctor said. That was funny; I never knew they were searching the car. “It seemed that it once belonged to a different sort of zone runners, maybe lowers killjoys, or maybe people on the run from the city. Nevertheless, we found some pretty useful things that have officially been killjoy-ized.”
The first thing The Doctor pulled out of the box he tossed straight to me with such force, I was knocked backwards a step. I looked down to see that it was that old, ugly helmet, but it wasn’t so ugly anymore. It was freshly painted a bright yellow, with many different coloured stripes of red, blue, green, and black. It had a new, scratch-less visor as well, with big block letters that said ‘GOOD LUCK’.
I hope that wasn’t any sign. That might take some getting used to see through. But still, “Wow,”
“You would be amazed what we can do with a couple cans of spray paint,” The Doctor chuckled.
“And the last thing,” The Doctor said while digging through the box, “Here,” He handed over a small, yellow mask to Party. Party took it and looked at it. It had three blue circles, two on the cheek and one on the forehead, along with two diamonds going through each eye.
“Your identity is incredibly important. If BL/ind sees your face, they can generate a picture of you, clear as day, without even have seeing you closely. Their technology is incredible. It’s in the eyes; your eyes have to be covered. The holes in the mask will let you see, but they can’t see you clearly.”
That was all The Doctor wanted to give us. Apparently, Fun Ghoul and Jet Star already got stuff. Jet star got a helmet too; it looked like one an astronaut would wear. Fun Ghoul got a monster mask. That would be hot out in the desert, and hard to see out of. He likes it anyways.
I walked back out on the porch when we were all done in there. The others stayed in, having a conversation with Sparx and Cherri. I didn’t mind being out here on my own, though. It seemed that I was growing more and more independent.
I looked out at the never-ending desert noticing nothing much but sand and shrubs. I wonder how we even survive out here, even the vampires. If the enemies didn’t come around once in a while, then I guess they would be eating us, mainly the humans.
Then out in the sand, fairly close by, something moved. It happened so fast I almost didn’t see it, and as I was looking now I couldn’t see anything. I guess my eyes were playing tricks on me, the bastards. I was sure I saw something though. It was tiny, whatever it was.
Then I saw it again, the smallest brown mouse, definitely not native to the desert, was trying its best to hide itself in the sand, I could see it, though. I could sense it, too. I wonder how it got out here it’s not a desert mouse, it’s one of those small brown ones you see in pet stores, I think. It looks like you could keep it as a pet.
I looked at it closer, it wasn’t moving from its spot, it could have been staring right back at me, making sure I don’t come after it. But then I saw the most peculiar thing I’ve ever seen to this date, and I’ve seen many peculiar things out here.
The little brown mouse had big orange eyes.
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