Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personal Stories:)

“You’ll be okay babysitting Avan and Bandit tonight, right?” Lyn-z asked, grabbing her handbag off the kitchen unit.
Gerard rolled his eyes and smiled at his wife “Ave doesn’t need babysitting. She’s fourteen. And I can handle Bandit.”
Lyn-z just looked at him. Gerard sighed “I’ll be fine, trust me.”
“Okay.” Lyn-z fussed, walking over to her husband and kissing him quickly on the cheek “I’m going to be late.”
“Well hurry up then, Alicia’s probably waiting.” Gerard chuckled.
Lyn-z kissed his cheek again then said “I wanna go say goodbye to Bandit one more time…”
“You’ve already said goodbye three times.” Gerard reminded her “She’ll be fine, just trust me.”
Lyn-z simply nodded then ran out of the house. Gerard smiled. He loved his wife but she didn’t half fuss sometimes.
Gerard walked into the living room. Avan was sitting cross-legged on the floor opposite Bandit, who was scribbling on a piece of paper. Gerard sat down next to them “So what do you two girls feel like doing tonight? It’s not often I get to spend the night alone with both my beautiful daughters.”
Technically, Avan wasn’t Gerard’s daughter. Gerard and Lyn-z had adopted her a few months ago…

”Gerard, I don’t see why we’re adopting a child.” Lyn-z moaned as they walked up to the orphanage “I mean we already have Bandit… We could just have another child if you want Bandit to have a sister so badly.”
“No, I want Bandit to have an older sister.” Gerard explained “You keep saying that we need a babysitter. If Bandit had an older sister then we wouldn’t have to go out to find a babysitter.”
“Gerard, you can’t adopt a child just to be Bandit’s babysitter.”
“It’s not like that!” They both stopped outside the door. Gerard ran his fingers through his bright red hair “We have a huge house, a lovely daughter and heaps of money. We’ve been so lucky. Don’t you think we should share our good fortune with someone not so fortunate?”
Lyn-z sighed. What was she supposed to say to that? Other than “Okay, I understand.”
“Good.” Gerard smiled “Let’s go inside. If it helps, you can pick whichever one you want.”
“You say that like their puppies.” Lyn-z tried to look disgusted but she couldn’t help snorting with laughter.
Gerard took her hand and the two of them walked into the orphanage. The first thing they laid their eyes on was a small girl getting the shit beaten out of her. She wasn’t bad looking; she was slender with black hair and dyed blue bangs.
Suddenly some high-heels clicked down the stairs and into the hall. The boy, who had been beating up the small girl, got up and ran away in case he got in trouble. But the woman who ran the orphanage barely looked at the girl bleeding on the floor “Hello my name is Miss.Hibbs but all the kids call me Tess.” She explained “Are you and Mr and Mrs Way?”
Gerard nodded but Lyn-z was too stunned to do anything other than ask “You are aware that there’s a child bleeding over there, right?”
“Oh that’s just Avan Frain.” Tess said, like that somehow made sense.
Gerard narrowed his eyes at her “How does that get rid of the fact that she just got the shit kicked outta here?”
Tess glared at him “I’d thank you not to use that kind of language around here please. And Avan always gets beat up. She’s used to it by now. Aren’t you dear?”
Avan groaned and sat up slowly, feeling her head where the boy had kicked her. She ignored Tess and started limping away.
Lyn-z looked at Gerard and Gerard looked at Lyn-z. Neither of them had to discuss it. They both knew they wanted to adopt Avan.

Avan looked down at the floor and didn’t say anything. Gerard knew by now that she did this when she was feeling nervous. He was aware that as a child she was abused so it was hard for her to warm up to people.
Bandit stood up and toddled over to Avan “Love you Ave!” Bandit giggled.
Avan smiled and pulled her onto her lap. Gerard grinned at the both of them. Bandit appeared to be the only one Avan truly trusted so far.
Gerard stood up “Do you wanna watch a movie?”
Avan looked up at her adopted father and nodded. Gerard strolled on over to the DVD rack and picked out a child friendly DVD for all three of them. He put it on and sat back on the sofa. Avan picked up Bandit, sat down next to him and placed Bandit on her lap.
Avan wasn’t paying attention to the movie. She just wanted to go upstairs. Her mind was screaming at her. She’d have to make an excuse soon.
Gerard wasn’t really paying attention to the movie either. He was busy thinking about the last time he’d had to babysit for Bandit and Avan.

”Na-night Bandit.” Gerard cooed in a sing-song voice “Sweet dreams.”
Bandit gurgled something unintelligible and in moment she was fast asleep. Gerard smiled down at his little girl for a few minutes longer before walking out and shutting the door quietly behind him.
He tip-toed down the stairs “Avan?” He called “Avan, where are you Sweetie?”
Avan appeared in the kitchen. Gerard smiled at her sweetly “What were you doing?” Avan just looked at him blankly and refused to tell. Gerard was about to ask her whether she wanted a hot chocolate when suddenly he noticed an angry red mark on her arm “Oh my god.” Gerard took her arm, pulled back her sleeve and saw a few angry red lines across the top of her wrist.
Gerard looked Avan in the eyes “How did you do this?” Avan started shaking “Ave, how did you do this?”
Avan remained silent but she shrugged her shoulders. Gerard took a deep breath “You didn’t do it deliberately, did you?”
Avan shook her head quickly. Gerard sighed “Promise me?” Avan nodded “Alright. Be more careful next time. Do you want a hot chocolate?”

Gerard was thinking about whether he made the right decision. Avan had clearly cut herself and he was worried about her. He hadn’t told Lyn-z because he knew what she was like.
Suddenly Avan handed Bandit to Gerard “I’m going upstairs.” She told him in a clear voice. It was one of the rare moments that she actually spoke “I’m feeling tired so I’ll probably go straight to bed.”
“Oh, okay. Want me to come and say goodnight to you in a minute?”
Avan shook her head “No, don’t, I don’t like you seeing me in my pyjamas.”
She got up off the sofa and practically ran upstairs. Gerard looked down at Bandit “Has she said anything to you?” Bandit hiccupped in response “I’ll take that as a no. But it’s still your bedtime.”
Bandit giggled and Gerard smiled at his little girl. He picked her up and carried her up to bed. It didn’t take him too long to put her to bed.
When he was about to walk downstairs, he heard a small whimper from the bathroom. Gerard took a deep breath. He was sure he knew what Avan was doing behind the bathroom door but he had to be sure.
Quietly, he crept over to the bathroom door and crouched down to listen. Avan cried out again but tried to keep it quiet. Gerard sighed and opened the bathroom door. Although he had been expecting it, he was still shocked at the sight he saw. Avan was standing over the sink with a knife pressed to her wrist.
Avan jumped when Gerard burst in, dropped the knife into the sink and burst into tears. Gerard ran to her “Oh my god, what are you doing you stupid girl?” He snapped, grabbing her other wrist and dragging her downstairs to the kitchen.
He started routing through the cupboard to find the first aid kit. Avan sat down on the table and asked timidly “Are you gonna put me up for adoption again now?”
“What are you on about?”
“That’s what my last family did.” Avan whispered “I can’t help it though Gerard, I feel like crap all the time. You saw what it was like in the orphanage. I feel worthless.”
“You’re not worthless.” Gerard told her, finally finding the first aid kit and looking at her wrist “You’re one of the most amazing girls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And I’ve met a lot of people.”
Avan smiled a small smile “So I’m staying here?”
“Of course you are.” Gerard promised “Now this’ll sting a little.”
Avan winced “It’s not that bad.” There was silence “I’m really sorry Gerard…”
Gerard sighed and sat down. Avan got up off the table and sat on his lap. “I guess this is kinda my fault too.” Gerard said, putting his arms round her. She leaned her head on his shoulder as he continued “I knew that those cuts were on purpose last month. I just wanted to believe that they weren’t. I should’ve spoken to you sooner and I’m sorry.”
Avan looked down and didn’t say anything. Gerard ran his fingers up and down her arm “Ave… Please promise me that you won’t do this anymore? It really upsets me.”
“I promise I won’t!” Avan promised “Gerard… Do you really think I’m stupid?”
“No! I only said that because I was scared!” Gerard told her “I didn’t mean it, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Avan yawned “I think I really am gonna go to bed now.”
“Mind if I come tuck you in?”
Avan smiled and took her adopted Dad’s hand. They walked up the stairs together.
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