Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

Chapter Sixteen: Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

by ZombieSlayer13x 4 reviews

Another new chap! Yay!!! Two in one day :X

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-11-23 - Updated: 2011-11-24 - 1577 words - Complete

*A/N: Here’s the chapter you’ve probably been waiting for. DOES CIG LIVE? OR DIE?

ALSO! I’ve really started to like auditions, if you’re ever having any, COUNT ME IN! Just tell me about it, or send a link over ; )

Chapter Sixteen: Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back

-Battery City, Downtown, 7:31 am-

Cigarette Kiss closed his eyes and said his prayers, awaiting the impact. Maybe it would be over quickly, but S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/s were designed to capture, not kill.

It seemed like an eternity, was he already dead?

Cigarette Kiss opened his eyes just in time to see the dagger go flying off the roof. Something hit it. Frantically Cigarette Kiss looked around, he was greeted by the sight of Elder running at full speed towards the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/.

“Elder no!” Cigarette Kiss cried.

Elder tackled it to the ground and ripped its metallic arms off, one by one. Cigarette Kiss got up and rushed over to him, “Elder, stop! It’s dead, it’s dead! Stop!”

Still Elder kept pulling the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ apart, piece by piece. Cigarette Kiss grabbed Elder’s shoulder, his head snapped up and he looked at Cigarette Kiss. His eyes had madness in them.

“Stop,” Cigarette Kiss pleaded with him. Elder slowly stood up and turned to face him, “How’d you find me?”

Elder pulled a notepad and pen out of his back pocket: I saw you up here from my sector. Elder pointed at the rooftop of a factory building a few blocks down. Cigarette Kiss nodded at him. Then he collapsed on the rooftop, feeling extremely relieved.


-Battery City, Downtown, 8:09 am-

After Cigarette Kiss and Elder took some time to recover, Cig turned his walkie talkie back on:

static “DAMN YOU CIG PICK UP!” A very irritated Toxic screamed through the walkie.

“Yes, dear?” Cigarette Kiss replied, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“Oh thank static god! I thought the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ killed you or something.”

“Awwww, were you actually worried about me?” Cigarette Kiss cockily remarked into the walkie. He heard her scoff.

“In your dreams pretty boy.”

Cigarette Kiss chuckled.

“Listen, I found Screaming Revolver. She’s right here with me. Cyanide’s here too. He’s unconscious.”

“What?” Cigarette Kiss asked in disbelief, “What the hell is going on?!”

static “Well, you see, she thought we were here to take her back to Better Living Industries. She pushed Corpse off the roof,” Cigarette Kiss took a sharp inhale, “but she’s fine. She sent that S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ after you, and Cyanide chased her into an alley so she knocked him out with a bat...” Toxic took a deep breath and awaited his response.


“Where are you all now?” he finally said.

“We’re still here. Corpse went over to get Sunny.”

“Where exactly is here?”

“My sector. We’re in a back alley. I think it’s off of 4th street. I need help carrying Cy back to HQ.”

“Kay. We’ll be there in ten.”

“We?” Toxic asked in a puzzled voice.

“Yeah, me and Elder. He helped me static get rid of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/.”

“Right. See you in ten. Please hurry. I don’t know how hurt he is.”

With that Cigarette Kiss attached the walkie onto his belt. Then Elder and he made their descent. Once they reached the alley way they ran over to Toxic’s sector, hoping Cy was alright.


-Battery City, south side, 8:15 am-

After Corpse regained her composure she sprinted over to the south side of Battery City to get Sunny. Once she found her on the rooftops she quickly filled her in.

“Holy CRAP! I missed all that?!?” she exclaimed when Corpse had finished talking.

Corpse shrugged, “Yeah, I guess it was a pretty eventful day.”

Corpse helped Sunny pack up all her equipment and then they were off. By now almost all the residents of Battery City were out and about, so they had to be careful.

“Sorry ma’am!” Corpse heard Sunny say behind her. She stopped in mid run and turned around. It seemed Sunny’s bag had hit an elderly woman accidentally. Corpse rolled her eyes.

“You better watch where you’re going young lady! That bag could seriously hurt someone!” The woman squinted through her glasses and gave Sunny a good hard look, “Say, shouldn’t you be in school?”

“Uh, yeah about that...” Sunny stammered, “Well, gotta go!” With that Sunny bolted past the old woman and kept running.

“HEY!” the old woman shouted after her. Seeing that it was of no use, she sighed and kept walking. Corpse, who was observing this scenario play out from afar chuckled and ran after Sunny.

After that they stuck to the back alleys.


-Battery City, somewhere in the middle, 8:30 am-

The team was finally all back together. Cigarette Kiss and Elder were supporting Cyanide between them, Sunny was keeping watch over Screaming Revolver, and Corpse and Toxic were in the middle of an intense discussion.

“It’s only been, what, two hours?! In a span of two measly hours the wolves descended upon us!” Corpse whispered loudly, wildly gesturing with her hands.

“Actually, it was only one wolf,” Toxic said, giving Revolver a glance out of the corner of her eye.

“I don’t care! This girl could’ve ruined the whole team!” Corpse pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath, “You know what, forget it. Let’s just go back to HQ and sort everything out there.”

“Agreed,” Toxic said as they made their way back to the rest of the team.


-Battery City, underground HQ, 8:58-

After a very long, awkward walk back to Headquarters, the team finally made it. When they all stumbled in the door Apocalyto’s eye’s widened.

“What happened to you?!” she gasped

“Her,” the six of them said simultaneously, nodding in Revolvers direction.

“My God!”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” said Cyanide as he groaned. He had regained consciousness a half an hour ago, but the room was still spinning.

When Apocalyto saw his face she gasped, “I’ll get you some ice for your lip and nose!” with that she ran into the kitchen while Elder and Cigarette Kiss laid him down on the couch.

“Listen, I am really sorry about all this,” Revolver said.

“Oh it’s fine. Totally fine...” said Corpse through gritted teeth.

“I’ll help you,” Revolver said as she hesitantly sat down on a nearby chair.

“Gee, thanks,” Sunny said sarcastically. Revolver shot her a look.

“Children, children,” said Apocalyto as she entered the room, “Let’s behave. If you want to play together you have to learn to be nice.”

They all mumbled.

“So, what do you guys need my expertise for?” Revolver asked.

“You were a patient in that hospital. They kidnapped you. There’s a reason why they wanted you,” Corpse said.

“Yeah, why is that?” Sunny asked.

“I have information,” Revolver said, lifting her head up to look at all of them, “I used to work for them. I only recently became a killjoy. Before that I worked in a Better Living Lab. They said I was special. I was smarter than half the adults I worked with. I was also one of the handfuls of people that could keep their dark secrets."

"Everything was going well. I was actually...content...with my life. Then they went and did a very naughty thing,” at this she made a tsking sound, “They killed my family. They said it was for insurance reasons. So I had nowhere to run. They wanted me to work for them until the day I died. Too bad for them, I’m not a lab dog. I tried multiple times to escape, each time they found me though. They’d give me shots, tons and tons of shots,” she shuddered, “I hate the things. They’d drug me, sedate me, anything to keep me from running."

"One day, I was in the lab helping a scientist with a new formula. Now, I don’t know much about chemicals and shit, but I do know what you shouldn’t mix together. When the poor guys back was turned I mixed grabbed some hydrogen peroxide and mixed it with sulfuric acid. Then I left the lab before the chemical reaction could complete itself."

While everyone was in a panic over the explosion, I quietly slipped away. After that I escaped the city. Apocalyto here helped me get out,” everyone turned to look at her in amazement.

“So THAT’S why you were so eager to send us out there, risking our necks to get this girl,” Cigarette Kiss said while stabbing a finger at Apocalyto.

“I told you she’d come in handy,” was her reply.

“You could have warned us how...prepared...she is,” Cyanide said from the couch.

Apocalyto shrugged, “It didn’t seem relevant at the time.”

They all stared at her.

“So!” Apocalyto said in a cheery voice, “Who wants breakfast?”

*A/N: OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS! Your awesome reviews make my day :X You keep me motivated to finish this story

Thanks so much!

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