Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

An Author's Note You'll Actually Want To Read

by ZombieSlayer13x 3 reviews

Hey, this is the last authors note until the end. This is a list of the remaining chapters and some more info.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Humor,Parody - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2011-11-24 - Updated: 2011-11-24 - 387 words - Complete

Hey guys, Alexandria here.

So...I told myself I wouldn’t do anymore of these kinds of author’s notes ‘till the end, but it seems our story is coming to a very RAPID end. I just thought I’d inform you of the remaining chapters. The title names aren’t rock solid yet, but I like them, so yeah.

It actually makes me sad. When I first started writing this story, heck, I didn’t have anything planned. I only posted auditions because I was bored. I never thought I’d get as much feedback as I did (and still am). I was only going to make a short two (extremely long) chapter fic. I never would’ve thought it’d get to be a full out novel!

I actually have no idea how this story is ending.

I have a lot of ideas scattered in my brain, if only they can all come together to for a clearer picture.

I want to thank all you guys; the people who ACTUALLY bother to read this (and my other stories), the raters (who use their points on my stories lol), the reviewers (who take time to say such sweet things :D), the people in my story who let me use their brilliant OC’s, everyone. I could NEVER have continued this story without you guys.


There were tons of times I’ve wanted to just call it quits because I didn’t think this was going anywhere, or I didn’t have time, but then I’d read a new review and my perspective would change on everything. I’d think, ‘you can’t quit now, people actually like this shit!’

So again, I want to thank all of you, this was a really fun ride. I think I’ll go on it again sometime ; )

Now, without further ado, my list of remaining chapters (don’t be surprised if I happen to add more or less):

Chapter Eighteen: House of Wolves

Chapter Nineteen: SING

Chapter Twenty: Dead!

Chapter Twenty-one: Goodnight Dr. Death

Epilogue: The Kids From Yesterday

I love you all, and thanks once again


P.s. I didn’t want to say this...but people WILL die. It’s a guarantee. I’m not naming names, just be aware, someone is going to die.
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