Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

Away with the Boys in the Band

by MCRmy_Chick 0 reviews

Frank is worried. Can a phone call from Mikey fix that?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-11-28 - Updated: 2011-11-28 - 1135 words

AN: Another chapter. Why? Because I'm mad at my boyfriend and this calms me down. I'm still looking for entries for that contest, ya know. Review with a link if you'd like to enter.

When the movie finished and they left the theatre, Frank felt like he was trapped in some unpleasant dream. The only reason he didn't run screaming for the Subaru was Gerard's arm wrapped firmly around his waist.

Ray and Bob chattered happily behind them, talking about the movies they'd just seen and about Steven King being a genius. However, every now and then Ray would talk about Frank and Gerard.

"I mean, it was crazy!" said Ray, eyes bright. "I heard this moaning noise and I'm like, 'Hey, Bob! I think someone's losing their virginity back there!' So I turn around, and it's you, Gee!" He doubled over with laughter.

Frank felt his face burning and quickly buried his face in Gerard's shirt.

"And then," Ray continued, either oblivious or uncaring about Frank's discomfort. "When the clown ate that kid's arm, they were going at it again! Right next to us! What a night, eh, Bob?"

Bob didn't respond, and Frank guessed that he was shrugging. He lifted his face from Gerard's shoulder to see Bob giving him a sympathetic look.

"Come on, Ray," said Bob, putting a hand on his friend's bushy hair. "Leave them alone. I'll drop you off at your house." He ruffled Ray's hair and faced Gerard. "Ray tells me you've been  writing songs." When Gee nodded, Bob smiled. "If you need a drummer, I'm your man."

As the two men walked through the dark parking lot to Bob's car, Frank reached for Gee's hand.

"Maybe it wasn't the best idea to make-out next to them," Frank mused. 

Gee grinned, his white teeth flashing in the darkness. "Couldn't be helped. I saw the way you were looking at me. Horror movies turn you on, don't they?"

Frank punched his arm lightly. "So about this band idea," he said, changing the subject. "Are you really gonna go through with it?"

Gerard paused. "Yeah," he said eventually. "Yeah, I am. You and Ray can play guitar, Bob can be on drums, and Mikey can play bass."

Frank had heard about Gerard's younger brother, but had never met him. He suddenly became nervous. Ray and Bob didn't care about Gerard's sexual preferences, but there was no way of knowing how Mikey would take it.

"What if he doesn't like me?"

Gerard blinked down at his boyfriend. After a while, his smile returned. "Fogetabouddit!" he said in a ridiculous Jersey accent. "He'll love you! In fact..."

The older man bent down a little and kissed Frank. As Gee's tongue ran along his bottom lip, Frank forgot how to worry. Or, you know, breathe. Their tongues met, and both men found themselves clutching at eachother's hair like they'd never touch it again. After a few frenzied seconds, Frank pulled away to gasp for air.

"What... was that... for?" he panted, his hands still hidden in Gee's hair.

Gerard smiled hugely, breathing heavily. "That was just so you don't forget."

"Forget what?"

And then Gee's lips were at Frank's throat, kissing and tugging at the soft skin. 

"Just so you don't forget that you're mine," Gerard hissed, his hot breath making Frank shiver.

"Message recei- ah!" Frank gasped as Gerard's mouth traveled to his collar bone. "I think we'd better go now," he said, looking around hastily. As sexy as Gee was, Frank didn't feel like stripping his clothes off in public.

Gerard kissed Frank's neck one last time and pulled back. The couple walked briskly to their car, each one as urgent as the other to get home.


Monday morning was incredibly hard for Gerard to greet, especially with Frank laying on him. He wanted so badly to drift back to sleep, but this was the last week of classes. Gerard Way wouldn't sleep properly for a while.

As gently as he could, Gee rolled Frank off of him and got out of bed. Frank grunted a bit and was soon snoring lightly, one arm flung over his head and his hair covering his eyes. Gerard smiled; it would take a tornado to wake Frank up on a Monday.

Gee made his way to his dresser with the grace of a newborn horse, tripping over air in his tired state. Dressing was a challenge, but after a while he managed to zip up his hoodie without snagging his lip. After kissing a still unconscious Frank on the forehead, Gerard padded into the kitchen to enjoy a breakfast of Lucky Charms and orange juice.

He was brushing his teeth in the bathroom when the phone rang. Spitting out the toothpaste in his mouth and tossing his toothbrush in the cup on the sink, he dashed into the kitchen and picked up his cordless.


"So we've been busy, haven't we, Gerard?"

"Who is this?" Gerard glanced at the caller ID before remembering that he didn't have one.

There was a sound like someone choking and then laughter from the other end.

"Geez! Wake up, Gee! It's Mikey!"

Gerard's eyes widened. "Oh," he said stupidly. "It's Monday. And early."

"Right." Gerard could almost hear Mikey's eyes rolling. "So Ray called me yesterday."

'Damn it, Ray!' Gerard thought, smashing his face into his palm. Out loud he said: "About that..."

"Say no more!" Mikey commanded. "I'm happy for ya Gee, honestly. I thought you were gonna end up a lonely hermit in that apartment of yours. What I'm really calling about is the band."

"Oh!" exclaimed Gerard, relieved. "The band. Right. You in?"

"Hell yeah!" came the reply. "I'll come down sometime tomorrow, if you want. We can get Ray and Bob over for a meeting of sorts."

Gee laughed. "Indeed!"

The brothers spent another few minutes discussing band names before hanging up. Once Gee had put the phone back in its cradle, he scribbled a note to Frank and walked out the front door feeling ten pounds lighter.

'I have a guy that loves me, friends that accept me, and a brother that couldn't care less,' he thought as he unlocked his car. 'Gerard Way, you are one lucky bastard.'

Two hours later however, Gerard was thinking the complete opposite as the weight of college work threatened to squash him like a very unlucky bug.


Frank Iero stumbled his way into the kitchen at around 12:00. As he went to open the fridge, he noticed a Star Wars sticky-note on the fridge door. It was adressed to him.

       Mikey doesn't care about us being together. He's actually pretty happy about it. So start practicing your guitar, 'cause we're gonna be in a band! 
                     Love you!

:::::::::: Demolition Lovers ::::::::::
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