Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip Into The Tragedy


by Burnie 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Mikey Way,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-12-06 - Updated: 2011-12-06 - 615 words

Party and I went to the small storage room, where he wanted to tell me something. It must have been important; I could see it in his eyes. He ignored the chairs that were there and looked out the small, dusty window in the room.
“Lately I’ve been doing some thinking…” He started, still looking out the window. I didn’t say anything, but waited for him to continue.
“I’ve been wondering whether we are on the right side or not.” He sighed. I looked at the back of his head like he was crazy. He turned around, looking back at me with a very serious expression.
“What makes you think so?” I asked.
“I was going along with what they were doing, but, they just killed those guys like they were nothing! They were people, and we killed them, and everything is fine?”
“And I know I have to kill people to survive, but what about you? You didn’t have to kill them but you did. And we don’t even know who the enemy is so they might be nice after all.”
“Yeah, but-“
“Maybe we are the bad guys! We’re fighting against an entire city so that would make us the lower.”
“I guess-“
“And who knows? Maybe they’ll be kind to us and accept us and let us relax and live normal lives. I can tell that this isn’t normal-“
He stopped talking at my outburst. It was about time.
“You do realize that if it wasn’t for these people, we would be dead.”
“But we don’t die-“
“Something would have killed us, it’s obvious. But these people have been kind to us and took us in, so how could you even think about leaving?”
He sighed frustrated.
“We can’t just leave.”
“I know we can’t just leave!” He said exasperatedly, “I just… don’t know what to think of these people!”
“Give it time, Party.” I said calmly, “You’ll come to a conclusion soon enough.”
He sat down in one of the chairs with a sour, frustrated and confused look on his face. I got the feeling that the conversation was over, so I turned to leave.
“What about the mouse?”
I turned back around. “What about it?”
“Well, if it was a shape-shifter, than he killed his own kind, doesn’t that-“
I walked out of the room. I trusted these guys, and if Party didn’t, then that was his problem, he’ll have to deal with that himself.
Nobody was talking in the dining area. It was a bit of an awkward silence. I stood around for a little before deciding to go outside to the porch. I guess today was now a lazy day.
I don’t know how long I sat there on the porch until Sparx came around the corner. He looked worn out, which was strange for any kind of vampire. He looked at me without saying anything, then slipped a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket and relaxed. I acknowledged his presence, but said nothing.
He left not long after. I think that was the longest we were ever in the same room for, even if we are outside. He’s possibly one of the most strange and interesting person I’ve ever seen.
My mind was still on Party. I wish I could understand what was going on with him right now. Was he feeling guilty of something? Or was he just frustrated? I didn’t know.
I just hoped everything would turn out alright.
Kind of a filler. The next chapter will be longer.
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