Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I`m trying to let you know...I just don`t know how

chapter six

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 3 reviews

My plan to get Frank and Gerard together would work…

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-23 - Updated: 2011-12-26 - 798 words

Frank`s pov
I was sat, slouching in the faux leather, charcoal coloured couch, a can of diet cherry coke in one hand, the grey television remote in the other. I was bored, miserable and lonely. Mikey was out somewhere with Ray, I had not been invited and Gerard, well I just was not in the mood to torture myself by looking at what I could not have, today. I take a small sip of the ice cool liquid and lazily flick through the channels, only really half paying attention anyway. I settle on some cheesy, feel romantic drama, leaning back and relaxing until I notice that the drop dead gorgeous male lead looked a little bit like Gerard. Glaring over at the wide screen I angrily switch the damn TV, no longer in the mood to sit and watch it.
There is a hesitant knock at the front door and a groan, getting to my feet reluctantly, wondering who it was, and thinking of a way to make “Fuck off” sound kind.
“Hey, what do you-Gee?” I feel my cheeks burn red and I stand there bare footed in my doorway, awkwardly shuffling my feet. There was no way in hell I was going to tell him to fuck off.
“Erm hey, Frank. I was just sitting at home bored and decide to come and see how you were. Mikey and Ray are busy and I was sick of being on my own.” My crimson haired, beautiful best friend and crush explains and I move out of the way to let him in, cursing my luck, not able to decide if it was good or bad.
“What were you doing today then, anything?” Gerard asks, accepting my offer of a drink, sitting down on the couch next to me, far too close and yet not nearly close enough for my liking.
“Erm, nothing much. Just watching TV.”
He gives me an odd look.
“Frank, the television is switched off. Unless you are a genius and managed to find a way to watch TV without it being switched on, I somehow don`t think you were watching it.”
I feel my cheeks redden even more in my pathetic embarrassment and stupidity. “There was nothing on so I switched it off.”
“There must have been something on, I doubt that all the channels would have just shown a blank screen.”
I narrow my eyes, not mad at him, though I could never be mad at him. He was too damn amazingly perfect and goo, and kind. “Nothing but shitty romantic films that make me wanna puke.”
It wasn`t a lie, the overly lovey-dovey characters played by mediocre actors and actresses were sickening, but I knew that if it was replaced by me and a certain hazel eyed red head, I would soon change my tune.
“Oh, got ya.” Gerard says. “They make me a little bit nauseas too, it is rather sickening, isn`t it? Way to make us single people feel even shittier, huh?” that was one think I could not understand. How was Gerard fucking Way, hottest, most talented and kind guy on earth, single?! He had plenty of girlfriends in his time, but since he broke it off with Lyn-z, his fiancé, he had not been on a single date. Not one. And it wasn`t because there was a lack of available, willing girls. They were practically lining up by the hundreds, only yo be politely turned down. I just didn’t` understand it.
“Do you wanna put a movie on, what about Nightmare Before Christmas?” Gerard asks, knowing that it was one of my favourite films of all time. I nod and get the DVD from under the glass coffee table, and put it on, for once not being able to fully concentrate on the film.
Bob`s pov
“Really?” Ray and Mikey ask me at the same time, unable to hide the excitement in their voices.
Grinning to myself I nod. “Yep.”
They both stare at me, eyes wide, in an anticipated silence, waiting for me to tell them what my brilliant (if I do say so myself) plan was.
“Well?!” Mikey asks, in an almost whining voice, desperate to know.
“Nope. You are both just going to have to wait and see.” I tell them, ignoring the hate filled glares my words earn me.
“please?” Ray asks in his rarely used pleading tone, giving me the puppy dog face he should have known would fail to work.
“Nope.” I shake my head and my already huge smile widens at their annoyance. They would just have to wait and see, but they had no reason to fear or to doubt me, my plan to get Frank and Gerard together would work…
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