Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Perfectly Imperfect
Like Two Puzzle Pieces
14 reviews"With a home like this it’s no wonder that he’s so shy." Read, review, rate and feel my love! :P
Perfectly Imperfect
(#) youcanstakemyheart 2011-12-30
okay, once again this is incredibly sadorable. I still love it though :) i also want to compliment you on your f*ing incredible writing skills. You really manage to suck the reader into the story; I forget that I'm sitting in my room. My guess is that just as they're about to kiss, Gerard comes yeah. Please update soon.
OXOAuthor's response
It's official; sadorable is now my new favorite word! :D
Ahem... Anyway...
Thank you very much for being so kind about my writing; it really does mean a hell of a lot to me!
Your guess is pretty close to what I've got planned... I could tell you more, but where's the fun in that?
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave such a nice review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) fearsgottahold 2011-12-31
Once again, you've made a perfect chapter:) I love it, I really, really do. Its AMAZING. I don't know what else to say really apart from update soon! Everything in this chapter is just so well written and brilliant.Author's response
Aww, thank you so soooo SOOOOOOO very much; you really are ridiculously kind to say such nice things about my writing! I'm so pleased that you think it went alright, I don't usually write really romantic scenes (if this could be classed as one) and I usually suck at it so it's really reassuring to know that you think this went alright!
I'll try to update tonight seeing as I've been banned from going out to a NYE party by my family... :(
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave such a nice review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) GallonsOfBlood 2011-12-31
This chapter was brilliant too. What really interested me about this is that it's more personal about Mikey. I never realised before, but we didn't know anything about his room, or his parents. And I think you captured his room perfectly, I can imagine the photos on the wall being something really important to Mikey, and he's never outright said anything about his parents so I love how he chose Pete to trust and tell. I also really liked how he didn't stutter with Pete, so we knew he'd chosen to trust Pete but Pete didn't know yet.
More amazing writing!Author's response
Thank you very much, I'm soooo pleased that you think this chapter was alright; I wasn't sure if it was any good because I'm crap at writing romantic (if you'd call it that) chapters so it's really encouraging to hear that you liked this chapter.
I never really gave his room much thought before, so it was new territory for this story. I'm relieved tha you think I did it alright, I wasn't sure if it fitted the story or not.
Thank you sooooooo much for taking the time to reiew! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) PatbtrthnPete 2012-01-05
First, you have an amazing gift with words.
But I'm crying :')Author's response
Aww, thank you so very much! But please don't cry! :)
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