Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Perfectly Imperfect
Perfectly Imperfect
(#) asialovesrevenge 2012-01-02
Gerard! What the fuck! Let Mikey be happy! XD Again, reaaaaally awesome. I actually expected Gerard to react worse, I guess this wasn't so bad. I'm still mad at him for punching Pete, though xD Frank is amazing, I know he'll set things straight. :3 Moreeeeeeee :DAuthor's response
You expected Gerard to react worse? I dread to think what you expected... XD
Gerard deffinitely needs to just let Mikey be happy.
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) fearsgottahold 2012-01-02
amazing, as always. i still want to punch gerard. why cant you make him nice? i dont like mean Gerard:( still, this is an absolutely amazing fic, please update soon!Author's response
Thank you very much; I'm really, really glad that you like this fic!
With this it's not that Gerard isn't nice; it's just that he tries too hard and then gets wound up when he fails Mikey because he just really wants to be a good guardian. If that makes any sort of sense. :/
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) MCRmilify 2012-01-02
When I think of Gerard, I tend to let out a big disappointed sigh.
It frustrates me that he has the potential to be a wonderful brother, but he just can't seem to grasp how. It flits around in his brain, and just as he starts to get something right, he looses it and everything goes to shit.
I agree with Frank, I really hope Mikey goes and finds Pete.
I really loved this chapter, and thank you so much for the fast updates! I don't know how you write such quality chapters so quickly :]Author's response
I wanted to portray Gerard as exactly how you have just described him; he has the potential to be a great big brother yet he just can't get his around how because he doesn't know where he's going wrong.
Aw, thanks; I'm really pleased that you liked this chapter! My chapters aren't that great, but I write them in the evenings when I've got nothing else to do or after school (now that it's term time). The secret to fast updates is coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave such a nice review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) DisenchantedEnding 2012-01-02
I don't even know what to say. Gerard is such a bad person and he doesn't think.. he really needs to. I really fucking hate him. He's just so.. misunderstanding and dubious and.. oh no. I really hope Mikey goes and finds Pete and that Mikey gets better soon. I hate seeing him in such a state. :(
I'm furious with Gerard! No, I'm fuming. Flipping my shit. Losing the plot. It's like he doesn't even THINK about what he's saying. No, he DOESN'T think about what he's saying. I can't even try to comprehend his reasoning behind it; I don't care if he just cares about Mikey, he goes about everything in the wrong way. :(
Disappointed sigh
I really loved this chapter, and it's nice to see Frank's maturity and understanding toward Mikey and Mikey's feelings. He and Pete are the only people who understand the poor kid. :(
Frank and Pete'll set things straight soon enough, I bet. Thanks for updating and this is an amazing story. I love it :)Author's response
Gerard's lack of thought is deffinitely his downfall in this story, he needs to put some thought into what he says before he actually says it. It's nit souch that he's a bad person (in my opinion), more like he just really wants to look after Mikey and gets frustrated whenever he thinks that he's failed at that because he really does love his little brother.
Thank you very much; I'm sooooo pleased that you liked this chapter, I wasn't too sure about it so it's really nice to know that you thought that it was alright! Yeah, Frank and Pete are really the only people who get poor old Mikey in this.
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) KobraBlaze 2012-01-02
Gerard is really pushing it. He is being an asshole tO Mikey. This is a fantastic chapter. I like how Frank is always there to step in when things get bad but sometimes he doesn't help fast enough. He waits for something bad to happen. Poor Mikey can't even have a boyfriend because of Gerard. Sure, it's hard for Gerard but he must realise he's making it worse for Mikey. The story is really good and well thought out I think. I cant wait to see what happens next so update soon please! :)Author's response
Gerard is deffinitely pushing it with poor Mikey, he just doesn't know how to deal with some stuff. Yeah, Frank sometimes leaves it until it's too late to help, even though he is deffinitely the best thing to happen to Gerard and Mikey's failing brothership for a long time. Gerard just needs to realise that ehe really is just hurting Mikey even more.
Thank you very much; I'm so very pleased that you think that this story is alright! I'll try to update tonight (if my homework isn't too hard and time-consuming).
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) youcanstakemyheart 2012-01-02
Darn good chapter. I love this story like I love my dog. I kid you not. Gerard can be such an idiot. Please update soon-I need something to take my mind off of school!
OXOAuthor's response
Thank you very much; I'm really glad that you think this chapter is okay, I was worried that it sucked big-time. Yes, Gerard is deffo capable of being the world's biggest idiot.
I'll try to update tonight!
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to review; you've made me smile! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) GallonsOfBlood 2012-01-03
Thank god for Frank. Really. And I was so proud of Mikey when he was shouting at Gerard and this chapter really was amazing. You can just see how much Mikey cares about Pete, Gerard cares about Mikey, and Frank cares about them all.Author's response
Yes: thank God for Frank. :D
Thanks for tkaing the time to review; I'm really glad that you thought this chapter was alright! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) CatscanFlyy 2012-01-03
MIKEY RUN TO PETE, RUN TO HIM! Yeah, Gerard you're a douche. No sex from Frank. Who pleased me in this chapter slapping that bitch silly! Fantastic chapter, I'm loving all the drama update sooooooooooooon!Author's response
Thank you very much; I really glad that you think this chapter is alright and that you like the drama, I was worried that is was getting a bit samey/boring. I'm just proof-reading the next chapter so it should be up within the hour.
I'm happy that Frank pleased you; Gerard deffinitely needed a slap.
Thank you for taking the time to review! :)Perfectly Imperfect
(#) SyraStrange 2012-01-03
Bleh. Goddamnit, Gerard. Watch. Your. Fucking. Mouth. What the hell is he thinking? That's what I want to know. I thought we got over that, "He's just a kid!" phase of the story... Gerard, he's not. Not anymore. Thanks to a shirtless someone... But now it's all FUCKED UP. I don't care anymore, go screw over your relationship with Mikey, god knows he might even be better off with Pete. It's all on you. Ignorant bastard.
Sorry about that... Ranting induced by hatred towards ignorant people. Yup. c: Your story makes me have all these clashing emotions... It's really wonderful. Update soon! :DAuthor's response
Gerard does deffinitely need to watch his mouth and as for what he was thinking... I doubt that he even was. Gerard is just too stubborn/ignorant in this story to see that Mikey really isn't a kid anymore.
Thank you very much; I'm really pleased that you think this story is alright!
I'm just about to upload the next chapter.
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to review! :)
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