Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The sharpest lives of the not okay Teenagers

Don't cry for me Jamia

by shannleighm 0 reviews

Jamia is sad :(

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-08 - Updated: 2012-01-08 - 491 words - Complete

Jamias POV
No, not again. I took him back- I didn't punish him- I.I. Abbi? Frank? Wha...huh? It was all too much for me to absorb. Cars have shock absorbers, people don't. I didn't run this time. I wanted this out now. If we were over and he wanted Abbi, that was that. I just couldn't keep running back and forth anymore. I can't deal with having him one second and having him kissing other girls the next. What if it wasn't just Abbi? What if there were other girls too? Did he like Lindsey? Did he find Christa attractive? What about Katlyn, did he prefer perfect Katlyn?

"Frank." I say stifling gasping sobs.
" Mia, it's not-"
"Oh, but it is." The blue haired bitch interferes. "You see, Mi Mi." She mocks. "Frankie Boy and I have something developing here. Something pretty special,i mean look at me. My body, my face. Look at him. We both like the same things. Tattoos. Piercings. Extreme hair colours. And then there's you. Miss won't go on a diet, clean cut nerd!" She almost yells.
"Who do you think you are? Because you're a boyfriend stealing slut who murdered my best friends baby, so don't stand there and slate me over nothing. My conscience is clear!" I lose it in that moment, everything spilling out onto the spawn of the devil that is blazing holes into my skin.
"I didn't mean to harm that baby." She mumbles after a few moments silence.
" I don't assume you did Abbigale." I say knowing she hated her full name. "But you did mean to take Frank from me, and if you shut up for more than thirty seconds we can settle this. Frank, who do you want?" I just about force out, my fear closing in on my chest and tightening around my wind pipe.


He gives Abbi this glance. The look he used to give me when our relationship first began, and that's when i knew. " Oh." I sigh. " Of course, you want her. Well, see you then Frank." I say leaving the room so they won't see my tears, desperately clinging to my dignity. Once outside i let the tears come slowly. Hot droplets pouring down my face as stifled sobs come out quietly accompanying them. It's then he comes running after me.

" Mia, i didn't mean it." He pleads trying to take my hands. I snap them away from his clutch.
" You still considered Frankie. You were about to say her name. So you like her huh? Fine take her and go."
"No, i, i - I don't know who i want okay?" He yells at me, making me cry harder.
"I'm not a prize." I say after a few uncomfortable, agonising minutes of pure quiet. "And clearly you were never mine, i never had you. You're welcome to eachother." I hiss, walking away as he continues to beckon me back.
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