Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When The Mute Man Speaks

When Pigs Fly

by mcr-paramore-bvb 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2012-01-15 - Updated: 2012-01-15 - 886 words

Frank's POV

New school, new year, new Frank. I meant it this time. I'm gonna change. I can't be the bitchy little gay emo boy in the corner anymore. It's who I am, so I should just embrace it. Right?

I went downstairs to have breakfast with my mom, and adoptive brother, Bob. We're in the same grade. Cool, right? "Hey Frankie. Come have some spelt bread." Bob made a face behind our mom's back. I laughed. "Hey, boys. Come on. It can't be that bad!" She bit into Bob's toast. And spit it in the sink. "Yuck. Okay, not buying that again." She rinsed her mouth out with water.

"So, can I have some cereal or something?" Bob whined. "Bob. Get your ass up and get your own damn cereal. Oh, and while you're up can you make me some please?" My mom shook her head and laughed. "I'm gonna be late boys. I love you!"

When she was gone, Bob said "Frankie, you ready?" I shook my head. "Good. Me either."

At school
I walked cautiously with Bob to the door of the main office. I glanced at him, and he gave me a weak, shaky smile. "C'mon Franks, it can't be that bad." I glared at him. "Then why aren't you opening the door?" He flicked me off. "Whatever." He retorted, and opened the door.

There was a very very VERY ugly lady at the receptionist desk. I mean, if she walked past a flock of birds, they would all die. Literally. I almost threw up. Luckily, Bobbert noticed my discomfort and said, "I'm Bob Bryar-Iero, and this is Frank." The ugly lady just nodded, and said, "Here are your schedules, boys. Mikey will show you around." Bob nodded, and thanked her.

We followed that Mikey kid out the door, before me and Bob busted out laughing. "What's so funny?" Mikey said. "That lady was so ugly, I almost threw up!" I exclaimed. Mikey laughed. "Yeah, Mrs. Webster is a real looker, huh?" He said sarcastically. "MRS?" Bob shouted. "Oh my god. He must be blind!" Mikey nodded. "Well let me show you around!"

Mikey was slightly taller than me, but shorter than Bob. He had mousy brown hair, with a streak of blonde on the side, like someone tried dying his hair and missed. He was skinny, like, REALLY skinny. He was sort of anxious, like a rabbit ready to take off at the slightest noise. He dressed in a Smashing Pumpkins jacket and a blue shirt. He had on black skinnies, and had red eyeliner, similar to mine.

He showed us the courtyard, where I immediatly noticed the cliques. You had your jocks, your preps, your nerds, your band geeks, your loners, pot-heads, emo's, gays, rebels, gangsters, skaters, wannabes, every type imaginable. Bob made a shocked noise, and I saw his face mimicked what I was feeling.

"Yeah, it's intimidating. Sorry. Anyways, this is the courtyard. Oh! I'm Mikey, what's your names?" I smiled. I really like this guy, he's cool. "I'm Frank, this is my brother, Bob." Bob waved. "Cool. Okay, well... Let me show you your classes."

We opened the door to the building. I noticed a dark vampire-type sitting on the windowsill. He was tall, pale, and skinny. He had dark black eyeliner rimming his eyes. He had on an Anthrax tee, with black skinnies, and black hightop Converse on. He was hands down the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. I smiled at him, but he looked away.

I started to feel troubled. Why did he look away? Was he straight? I was interrupted by my thoughts when Mikey smiled and waved at him. "Gee! Where's Skeye?" The guy, Gee, shrugged and started kicking his feet like an impatient child. "Did she skip?" Gee nodded. "Damn. Did she text you where she was going?" Gee shook his head.

"Oh. Gee, this is Frank and Bob. Frank, Bob, this is my brother, Gerard." I smiled again. This time, Gerard gave me a shy, half smile back, and waved. "Gee, Frankie has all your classes!" Gerard smiled bigger this time. He gave me a thumbs up. "Um... yeah." I rocked back and forth on my feet nervously.

"What's wrong with him? Is he deaf?" Bob said. Typical Bob. Can't keep his fucking mouth shut. I punched him on the shoulder, hard. I glanced apologetically at Gerard. He just looked at his shoes as he swung them back and forth.

"Sorry, Bob just can't keep his fucking mouth shut." I apologized to Gerard and Mikey. "It's okay. No, Bob. He's not deaf. He's mute." Bob stared. "Don't mute people only exist in the Bible?" Bob stared wide-eyed at me. I shook my head. Bob started poking Gerard's face. "Are you real?" All of a sudden, I heard a laugh. The most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. "Gee! YOU LAUGHED!!!" Mikey yelled. Gerard nodded and shrugged. Mikey's face visibly fell.

"Bob, Gerard's too cute to not exist!" I smacked my brother in the head. Gerard blushed. "Anyways, we must get going!" Mikey said. "Bob, we have the same classes, too!" Mikey started jumping up and down. "Well, I'll just stick with Gerard, and Bob you go with Mikey?" My brother nodded.

I was beginning to look forward to school here.
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